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1、关于体内外寄生虫病的防治介绍进入夏季后,是寄生虫病发病的高峰期。所以在这里简单得介绍一下寄生虫病的危害及防治步骤:【体内寄生虫病】 一.病因:野外或家养的龟在进食时,将食物中或粪便中的寄生虫体、卵食入体内。一般会寄生在肠道、呼吸道、胃部、肺部、肝脏等器官。其虫种有:蛔虫、绦虫、球虫、线虫、锥虫、毛滴虫、吊钟虫、血簇虫、棘头虫等。 二.症状及危害:病龟的食欲不振、厌食,体质下降并消瘦,并伴有腹泻、下痢或便秘、呕吐、粪便中有寄生虫及虫卵等症状。寄生虫对龟的危害表现在:夺取营养物质;破坏消化和排泄系统;吸取血液;虫体的毒素对龟体的毒害性;虫体的机械性对体内的损伤和阻塞;引入其它病原体等。这些危害作用

2、的综合,可引起龟体生长发育受阻,机体抵抗力下降,并易引发其他疾病,严重者停食甚至死亡。 三.防治:首先,喂食之前应检查食物中是否存有寄生虫或虫卵,并仔细清理干净。严禁投喂腐烂变质的食物,这点对偶尔可喂肉食的陆龟尤为重要!对新购的垫材要予以检查及消毒。其次,对新购的龟种最好进行驱虫并观察粪便中是否有虫。特别是野生个体较多的龟种,如凹甲、靴脚、缅陆、印陆、四爪、黄腿等。对新购的龟(特别是野生龟)用药可选择爬虫专用驱虫药或肠虫清进行针管灌服,药量可根据龟的体重50毫克/千克或腹甲长度6-10cm,1/10-1/8片;10cm-20cm,1/8-1/6片;20cm-30cm以上,1/6-1/4片而定。

3、每三个月一次为一个疗程。对于已发现寄生虫的龟应立即驱虫,并及时清理粪便。使用药物及药量同上。也可以使用:甲苯达唑(安乐士),剂量每千克体重20-25毫克;噻苯达唑,剂量每千克体重50-100毫克;硫苯咪唑,剂量每千克体重50-100毫克。每两周一次为一个疗程。 灌服的方法:找个很小的容器把药片溶在温水里,再找个口服液用的吸管,吸一些(药量根据龟的大小自己掌握),用舌头顶住吸管一头,将另一头插入龟嘴内的舌头后方(将龟竖立),避免药液流入气管。送开舌头药液自然就会流进去,或者轻轻的吹进去。这种方法无论是给龟用药或是补充各种营养品,都比药浴和将药或营养物质抹在食物上实用。但唯一的缺点就是不容易翘开它

4、的嘴巴。为了爱龟的健康,耐心点吧。 切记:以上驱虫均须在龟有食欲的情况下进行(除因此病已经无法进食的情况下),期间要保持温湿度的恒定。药量宁少勿多!服药后补充综合维生素及含高纤维的食物,以便增进肠道蠕动排除寄生虫。据说南瓜籽有驱虫的功效,也不妨一试。蛔虫图鉴:感谢龟友“生涯现役”提供的原创图片,转载以上内容均请注明网站名称和作者!【体外寄生虫病】 一、病因:龟在野外活动中感染到的寄生虫。种类有扁虱、蚤、蜱、螨等。人工饲养的龟发病率很低。 二、症状:龟体消瘦,部分个体停食,病龟体表用放大镜可以看到寄生虫。 三、防治方法:发现龟的体表(通常存在于四肢腋下或尾部)有寄生虫后,立即用风油精滴于虫体十五

5、分钟左右后用镊子拔除。再使用碘酊消毒患处后,涂抹金霉素或百多邦软膏,防止细菌感染。每天一次,持续一周左右。 扁虱图鉴:理解和应对“鼻水综合症Understanding and Coping with Runny Nose Syndrome (RNS) M.Corton 理解和应对“鼻水综合症” RNS is not a disease, but rather a term used to describe a bacterial/fungal/viral infection with one or more of a wide variety of organisms. It can occu

6、r in any species, but seems to be prevalent in Geochelone Pardalis, the Leopard tortoise. It can occur at any time of the year, can be fairly difficult to spot in the early stages, and has a nasty habit of recurring. Any animal that has been infected can, and often does, become a carrier. He may not

7、 display any symptoms, but can infect any tortoise that comes into contact with him. Leopard tortoises are the worst affected, perhaps because of their size, nutritional state and a general inability to cope with our humidity and dampness. Those that recover often relapse, especially if treatment is

8、 stopped because he seems much better now. RNS不是一种疾病,更准确的解释是“细菌、真菌、病毒引起的感染”。它可能在任何种类的龟中发生,但是在豹龟中更为普遍和流行。RNS在一年的任何时候都可能发生,很难治疗并且容易复发。任何被感染的动物,都很容易会转化为肺炎。它可能没有任何症状,并且可能感染任何种类的和它接触的动物。豹龟最容易收到感染。可能与他们的大小,营养结构,和我们提供的过高的湿度有关。当症状消失而停止治疗时,症状很容易复发。 RNS is more common in large and mixed collections, and can s

9、pread alarmingly quickly if prompt action is not taken. Never ignore a runny nose in the hope that it will clear when the weather improves. If no treatment is obtained, RNS can develop into chronic or acute pneumonia which can be extremely difficult to cure. Quite often stomatitis accompanies RNS wh

10、ich can complicate matters even further. Obviously you have no control over airborne germs, however, you can control other factors that may predispose your tortoise to infection: RNS在大规模的混养中很常见,如果没有及时的治疗,它能以惊人的速度传播。永远不要忽略任何流鼻涕的龟,不要认为它可以随着天气变化而该善。如果没有得到正确的治疗,RNS很可能发展成慢性或急性肺炎,那是非常难治愈的。急性口腔炎经常伴随RNS发生,使

11、治疗变得很复杂。你不能控制空气中的细菌,但你可以控制其他因素,预防你的龟被感染。 There are several factors that can increase the chances of your tortoise getting RNS - dusty conditions, foreign bodies lodging in the nostrils, inappropriate humidity or temperature, lack of sunlight and the accompanying dampness, confinement in damp grassed

12、 areas with no access to sand, overcrowding, malnutrition, stress, and a deficiency of vitamin A. 有些因素会增加患RNS的几率:充满灰尘的环境,鼻孔处的外来寄生物,不合适的温度或湿度,缺乏日晒和相应的潮气, 关在潮湿的草丛里,不能接触到沙地,过渡拥挤的环境,营养失调,过分紧张,缺乏维生素A。 Prevention: (预防) Ensure that your animal has a healthy diet rich in vitamin A - foods that are high in t

13、his vitamin include dandelion, all the pumpkin/butternut family and carrots. If you are unable to supply the food he needs, a good supplement containing this vitamin will be needed. A slow conversion to a natural diet will go a long way in keeping your tortoise healthy. Tortoises love junk food in t

14、he same way that humans are addicted to hamburgers and hot-dogs. In supplying him with a pile of readily accessible kitchen food you are doing a lot of harm. 确认你的动物摄取足够的维生素A。含丰富维生素A的植物有:蒲公英,南瓜、白胡桃类植物。如果你不能提供他们需要的食物,需要好好补充含有这些维生素的添加剂。慢慢转化成自然饮食,有助于你的龟龟长期保持健康。龟龟和人类钟爱汉堡和热狗一样,钟爱垃圾食品。长期提供你在厨房加工过的食物,对龟龟来说是

15、有损害的。 Think about it for a moment, in the wild he has to sometimes walk several miles in a day to obtain all the food he needs, but the food he does get is geared to supplying his system with all it needs. When he has this pile of easy food put in front of him, naturally he will eat it. But, he will

16、 lack the exercise he used to get searching for food and his metabolism will slow down. Nutrients (the few that there are in theusual kitchen food) will be poorly utilized, and will not supply all the minerals and vitamins he needs to stay healthy. Malnutrition is insidious, you cannot easily detect it from the outside, it doe



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