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1、双鸭山市五年级下学期英语期末水平测试试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选择填空。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) We fly kitesspring. A . inB . atC . on2. (2分) My brother is listening _ the radio. A . toB . ofC . for3. (2分) Will it snow in Changchun?No,_. A . it willB . its willC . it wont4. (2分) You can cross t

2、he street when the light is. A . redB . greenC . yellow5. (2分) The snake can use _body to dance . A . itsB . itC . its6. (2分) My mother looks very young _ pretty. A . butB . orC . and7. (2分) It is going to be _. A . sunB . sunnyC . snow8. (2分) What is Peter doing ? He _ a bike . A . is ridingB . rid

3、ingC . rides9. (2分) Its _old bear. A . aB . anC . the10. (2分) Are you from Jilin,? A . toB . tooC . and二、 选词填空:从方框中选择合适的答语填空,使对话完整。 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分) Do you like to watch TV? 三、 补全对话:将对应句子的编号填写到横线上,使对话完整。 (共1题;共3分)12. (3分) 根据图片内容选择合适的选项补全对话。A. Its on the wall.B. Whats in your bedroom,Jim?C. Its on t

4、he table.Amy:_Jim:There is a bed and a table.Amy:Do you have a picture in your bedroom?Jim:Yes. _ I have a computer,too.Amy:Where is it?Jim:_Amy:Your room is really nice!Jim:Thanks.四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)13. (10分) 阅读短文,判断正误。 My name is Linda. I live in the city. My grandparents dont live with us. They l

5、ive in the countryside. But I always go to see them with my parents at the weekend. We went to see them yesterday. Dad helped Grandfather clean the garden. He cut the grass and planted some flowers too. Mum helped Grandmother clean the rooms. She washed the clothes too. I helped my grandparents pick

6、 apples. We picked a lot of apples and went back home with a big basket of apples. Today Mum is going to make apple pies for me and my grandparents. So I will go to my grandparents home again today!(1) Lindas grandparents live with her. (2) Linda went to see her grandparents yesterday (3) Lindas dad

7、 helped Grandpa pick apples in the garden. (4) Lindas mother washed clothes for her grandparents. (5) Linda is going to visit her grandparents again tomorrow. 14. (10分) 短文阅读。Im Lucy. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. My birthday is on January 1st. Its New Years Day,too. My f

8、amily and I will have a big dinner on that day. I have a little brother. He is four years old. His birthday is in winter. Its very cold but we can make a snowman. My mothers birthday is in March. My fathers birthday is in March,too. We can plant trees and fly kites.(1) There are _ people in this fam

9、ily. A . fiveB . fourC . three(2) Lucys birthday is on _. A . January 1stB . June 2ndC . Childrens Day(3) Lucys brothers birthday is in _. A . winterB . summerC . spring(4) There are _ birthdays in March. A . threeB . twoC . four(5) They can _ in March. A . play in the snowB . fly kites and go swimm

10、ingC . fly kites and plant trees15. (10分) 根据短文,判断下列内容是否符合短文内容。Tom is on the bus. He is looking out the window of the bus. There is a baby and her mother sitting behind Tom. The baby is crying. She is loud. There is a man and his son sitting in front of Tom. They are talking. Tom is going to see his

11、grandmother and grandfather. He loves them very much.(1) Tom is on the train. (2) Tom is going to visit his grandma and grandpa. (3) There is a boy and his father sitting behind Tom. (4) The baby is crying and she is very loud. (5) Tom loves his father and his mother very much. 五、 用所给词的适当形式填空 (共5题;共

12、8分)16. (1分) There is going to_(be) a sports meeting this week. 17. (2分) I_(be) tired. I_(go) to bed early tonight. 18. (1分) My classroom is on _(one) floor. 19. (2分) What can you _ (do)?I can _ (fly) a plane.20. (2分) Its _ (Kally) ball._ (She) ball is nice.六、 连词成句。注意标点符合和大小写。 (共5题;共13分)21. (5分) a ,I

13、 ,girl ,am (.)(连词成句) 22. (1分) his family what does do like to (?)_23. (1分) home,I,at,reading,like()_24. (1分) are / the / what / doing / children (?)_25. (5分) to again see Nice you (.)七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分) (2016高邮模拟) 根据提示,以“My dream”为题写一篇小短文。内容提示:1)What is my dream? 2)Why do I have this dream?3)

14、How to make my dream come true?要求:1)不少于5句话;2)条理清楚,语句通顺,拼写正确,书写规范;3)不得出现真实的人名或校名等信息;4)作文内容占4分,书写工整占1分。My dreamEveryone has a dream. I want to be 第 1 页 共 1 页参考答案一、 选择填空。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 选词填空:从方框中选择合适的答语填空,使对话完整。 (共1题;共5分)11-1、三、 补全对话:将对应句子的编号填写到横线上,使对话完整。 (共1题;共3分)12-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、1


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