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1、外研版三起点小学英语五年级上册期末精品试题小学五年级英语说明:此试卷共有10个大题,其中前4个大题为听力部分,后6个大题为笔试部分。听力部分I听录音,选择你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A. catch B. cheese C. control( ) 2. A. argue B. every C. angry( ) 3. A. take B. stay C. tell( ) 4. A. write B. right C. rice( ) 5. A. hour B. ours C. ourII. 听录音,给下列图片标号。 III听录音,判断句子与所听内容是(Y)否(N)相符。( ) 1. Mike

2、 came back last Monday.( ) 2. Anna likes cheese very much.( ) 3. Jack visited Beijing last summer.( ) 4. Linda goes to school at 7:00.( ) 5. Neil cant watch TV now.IV听一段对话录音,给下面5小题选择正确的答案。( ) 1. What time do you get up? A. At six oclock. B. At seven oclock.( ) 2. Do you go to school by bus? A. Yes,

3、I do. B. No, I dont.( ) 3. What did you do after school yesterday? A. read a book B. watch TV( ) 4. When did you do your homework yesterday? A. At half past five B. At half past four( ) 5. What do you do at the weekend? A. play basketball B. play football笔试部分 V. 判断单词画线部分的发音是(Y)否(N)相同。( ) 1. house he

4、ad( ) 2. shoe fish( ) 3. thismother( ) 4. zoo nose( ) 5. mum jumpVI. 看图,根据首字母完成单词。( ) 1. You can c _ the ball well.( ) 2. This man is b _. He can t see.( ) 3. Do you s _ in the playground?( ) 4. I helped my grandfather on the farm all day. I feel very t _.( ) 5. You should h _ my hand.VII. 连词成句。(标点符

5、号已给出,注意首字母可要大些哦!)1. is man the blind(.)_2. can well he play football(?) _3. go did Lingling where yesterday (?) _4. the what is matter (?) _5. should fruit you eat(.)_ VIII. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Can you _ ( run) fast?2. Yesterday I _ ( go ) to Sams school.3. Are you _ ( feel) sad?4. You should _ ( look) ,

6、 then cross the road.5. - Whose pencil is this? - Its _ (my).IX. 为问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. How do you feel?( ) 2. Can I help you?( ) 3. Are you bored?( ) 4. Is this his T-shirt?( ) 5. How many eggs do you want?( ) 6. How much rice do you want?( ) 7. What time do you get up?( ) 8. Can you sing?( ) 9. Do you

7、go to school by bus?( ) 10. Where did Lingling go yesterday?A. No. Its mine.B. One kilo, please.C. Im tired.D. Six, please.E. At seven oclock.F. Yes, please. I cant do it.G. No. I sing badly!H. No, Im not.I. He went to Amys school.J. Yes, I do.X. 阅读短文,回答问题。(简单回答即可,注意首字母要大写哦。) In England there were t

8、wo brothers. They had a very big clock like the one in the picture. One brother died ( 死 ) and the other brother died. Then the clock stopped. Another man wrote a song about that clock. He called it a grandfather clock. Now everyone calls them grandfather clocks.1. Did the brothers live in China?_.2. How many brothers were there?_.3. What happened to the brothers?_.4. What happened to the clock?_.5. What is the name of this clock?_.


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