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1、五年级英语上册单词拼写提高班日常训练北师大版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据汉语提示,写出正确的英语单词形式。(1)This bag is _. (重的)(2)But its very _ .(美味的)(3)I _ (原以为,认为)it was a joke.(4)The teacher asked us to sit in a _(圈)(5)His shoes are _(破了),he wants new ones.(6)Its a very old _(地方).2. 单词拼写。1My mother will go to Shandong by t_.2I will get to the USA

2、 by p_.3Shanghai is far from here. Lets go by s_.4I will go to school on f_with my sister.5I will see a_at the Star Cinema on October_.3. 根据图片提示补全下列单词中所缺的字母。(1)swm (2)ck(3)sng (4)dr(5)dce (6)ie crm4. 根据所给意思写出相应的单词,开头字母已给出。(1)My computer teacher is very k_(和蔼).(2)B_(牛肉)is my favourite food.(3)What do

3、 you have on Wednesdays?We have Chinese, math, English and a_(美术).(4)Oh, the grapes are s_(酸的).(5)We have Chinese on M_(星期一).5. 看图,写短语。1. 2. 3. _speak_4. 5. _6. 单词拼写。1We will h_a good time in the zoo.2That evening we will c_under the stars.3Whats the weather like in spring?It is w_.4I often p_flower

4、s in spring.7. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意字母大小写的规范要求。(1)A:_doyoueatdinner?B:Iusuallyeatdinnerat7:20.(2)A:_seasondoyoulikebest?B:Ilikefallbest.(3)A:doyoulikewinter?B:BecauseIcansleepalongtime.(4)A:_isshedoing?B:Sheisjumping.(5)A:theboycountinginsects?B:No,heisnt.(6)A:youlikeswimming?

5、B:Yes,Ido.(7)A:Grandma,areyou_noodles?B:Yes,Iam.Wellhavenoodlesfordinner.(8)A:Areyou_tomusic?B:No,IamlisteningtoEnglishstories.(9)A:Aretheyplayingchess?B:No,they.(10)A:youfortellingmeaboutyourday.B:Yourewelcome.8. 写出下列动词的过去式。1.finish_ 2.run_3.drop_ 4.meet_5.wait_9. 根据首字母提示填空。I have a neighbour. His

6、n_is James. He is seven y_old. He has a b_head and looks very l_. He likes p_basketball very much. Today he is play skateboard w_his elder brother(哥哥). He is far b_. Just when his elder brother is near the final(最终的)place, he shouts suddenly(突然地).And he falls down to the ground(地面). His elder brothe

7、r hurries(迅速) back to h_him. Oh, he p_his elder brother down, then he quickly(迅速地)arrives the final place. W_a cunning(狡猾的)boy!10. 按要求写单词。1. I will(缩写)_ 2. plant trees(中文)_3. do(第三人称单数)_ 4. photo(同义词)_5. love(形容词)_11. 默写单词。1.赛跑_ 2.第一_3.第二_ 4.第三_5.喝_ 6.好_7.忙的_ 8.自豪的_9.跌倒_ 10.草_12. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Istha

8、tbag_(your)?2.WhoseTshirt_(be)this?3.Itisnthis.Itis_(my).4._(his)areontheline.5.Thatis_(her)mother.13. 请根据句子的意思,写出所缺的单词。(第一个字母已给出)(1)MyEnglishteacherisverya_.Shecanplaymanygames.Itsfunny.(2)Hersisterisam_teacher,shecansingverywell.(3)Herbrotherisntshort,heist_.(4)MissZhangisana_teacher,shecanpaint.(

9、5)TodayisS_.TomorrowisSunday.14. 根据句子的意思,完成下列单词。(1)Whendoyouplayspts?(2)Ilikespringbest,Icanflyks.(3)ItsSunday,everybodyisbusy.MyMomisckgdinner,MyDadisansweringtheph.Mybrotherisdrawingptures.Iamdoingthedies.(4)Whatistherabbitdoing?Itsjing.15. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Youshouldlook,then_(cross)theroad.2.Icant_(swim).3.YesterdayIjumpedonthewallandI_(bump)myhead.4.Dont_(talk)inthelibrary.5.Mymotheralways_(say),“Youshouldnteatinclass.”页码 / 总页数


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