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1、2021 年成人高考专升本英语基础习题 (7)20_年成人高考即将开始,在这里为考生们整理了20_年成人高考专升本英语基础习题,希望能帮到大家,想了解更多考试资讯,请关注的及时更新 哦。20_年成人高考专升本英语基础习题(7)1.“ How often do you take the medicine ?”four hours 。”A.For B.Any C.Every D.Each答案 C2.Is this bike yours?No, its A.Bob B.Bobs C.Bobs D.Bobs答案 C3.“ Is there good on TV this evening?“ Sorry

2、 , nothing good. ”A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything肯定句中用 something ,否定句和疑问句中用 anything 。答案 C4.You have a good suggestion , but its not as practical as A.he B.him C.his D.her答案 C5.A chemist prepares his e_periments carefully before trying to carryin his lab 。A.it out B.out it C.them out D

3、.out themcarry out 实施 宾格放在词组中间,名词放在词组后面。如, carry out his e_periments答案 C6.Nowadays seems to enjoy looking at fat girls.That is why many panies have developed special foods to help people to slim( 苗条 ) 。A.everyone B.anybody C.somebody D.no oneenjoy doing sth 。anybody 在疑问句和否定句中指没有人,在肯定句中指任何人。答案 D7.You

4、 have to hurry up if you want to buy eggs because theres hardlyleft 。A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything hardly 否定词,几乎不的意思。答案 A8.He felt bad because he had drunk too the night before 。A.many B.much C.few D.little本题主要考查可数名词和不可数名词。drink too much 喝多了too much e 太多的酒答案 B9.She promised her paren

5、ts to write while she was away 。A.other day B.another day C.every other day D.any other dayevery other 每隔答案 C10.It was terrible.One passenger was killed , and was badly hurt 。A.the others B.rest C.the rest D.the otherhe others 后面谓语动词接复数。答案 D11.Some people hope to be more successful while simply want

6、 to feel more fortable 。A.the others B.others C.the other D.anothersome othersfortable 舒适的答案 B12.please haveIf anyone hens to call while I am out of the officeleave a message for me 。A.he B.him C.they D.themhave sb.do sth.让某人做某事答案 B13.The first thing that my brother and did in the early morning was

7、to go out to see the pony。A.I B.me C.mine D.mypony 小马主语 first thing ,谓语动词 was to go out to see ,宾语 the pony 。答案 A14.“ Id like some more bananas 。”“ Im sorry , there is left 。”A.no B.some C.few D.none答案 D15.There are two dows in this bedroom.of them face south , overlooking a beautiful parkA.Both B.O

8、ne C.The two D. Either either 开头谓语动词要接单数, both 谓语动词用复数。答案 A 16.The jacket doesnt fit Terry , as he has huge body and the jacket is small 。A.such a; such B.such a; soC.so ; so D.so ; such asuch 修饰名词, so 修饰形容词。so huge the body答案 B 17.“Why are you smiling? ”“Oh, Ive just thought of 。”A.funny something

9、B. something funny C.nothing funny D. funny anything 形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词的后面。不定代词: something , anything , somebody, anybody, nothing , nobody。答案 B 18.Young babies can use hand equally well 。A.either B.each C.both D.every强调两者之中任何一个答案 A19.road out of town is good , but this one is better than the other A.Both B.All C.None D.Neither答案 D 20.“ I felt a bit hungry 。”“Why dont you have bread?”A.any B.some C.little D.a piece习语 Why dont you have some答案 B



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