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1、Report and Technical Writing-Resume Definition A resume is a short written account of ones education and previous job that one sends to an employer when looking for a job. It is an important tool careering as it helps make an initial impression on the potential employer It is a brief summary of ones

2、 life history or the main events of his/her life, and it gives a brief, factual summary of your qualification beginning with the writers birth and followed by a list of his/her education background, work experience, professional accomplishments and hobbies, while a resume cover letter explains your

3、qualification to show well you can fit in the position.II. Types (or formats) of resumeYour resume format could make a considerable difference to the information that a reader derives. Keep in mindl There is no correct or standard resume formatl Your resume format should be appropriate to your posit

4、ionl Your chosen resume format must not be seen as a method of concealing informationl You must follow a consistent format in all sections of your resumeThe following resume types (formats) are provided for the writer to choose1. Basic format(基本型): It contains the most basic information such as educ

5、ation experience as well as general personal information. It is the ideal format chosen by students who has had no work experience2. Chronological format(经历型): It is arranged in the order of time. More appropriately it is arranged in the reverse time order as you list the most recent education attai

6、nment and work experience first. This format is by far the most popular kind of format. Aspiring business majors looking for a job should use this format, unless they have worked in a wide variety of functional areas.3. Functional format(功能型): It is based on certain particular skills for a prospecti

7、ve job. It presents a good perspective on what you can do rather than on when you did it. Business students wanting to show highly diverse work experience should choose this format.4. Combination format(混合型): Purely functional resume is not popular anymore. Many people prefer to use a combination of

8、 functional and chronological formats instead.5. Targeted format(目标型): If you have a fairly single-tracked career so far and intend to remain on the same track, you can use this format. This means you can use language and key words that are local to your industry. A targeted format could be in the c

9、hronological format or in the functional format or a combination. Each format has various advantages and disadvantages, depending on the different background and purpose of the applicant. Applicants can add or delete some sections on the basis of the one of the above formats to design a very individ

10、ual and special resume.III. Tips for writing a good resume Most employers are busy people who normally just glance at a resume for only 10 to 20 seconds. They have got no time to read your resume. In other words, your resume is scanned, not read. So ones resume must sufficiently catch their attentio

11、n to pass the 10 to 20 second evaluation test. A resume must follow four basic principles for effectiveness1. Catch the readers (employers) attention2. Persuade the reader of your benefits or value3. Convince the reader with evidence4. Move the reader to acquire the productTo follow these principles

12、, a good resume should be effective in three aspects:1) Content (内容) a. Clearly communicate your competence in relation to the employers needs The information offered in the resume should be closely related to the objective. Try to convince the employer that you are the right person for the job and

13、you can solve their problems b. Make statements with facts and figuresApplicants should keep in mind that facts and figures are more convincing than lots of statements of accomplishments. Try not to make statements you cant document.c. Avoid exaggerationThe Chinese way of modesty will not be necessa

14、ry, but honesty and integrity will still be adhered to. Exaggeration on a resume cannot be a lifelong tactic in job hunting. Be honest. That is the best policy.d. Exclude the irrelevant data and negative informationAll the information offered by a resume should be related to the work objective and c

15、ommunicate a positive image of the applicant. 2) Language (语言) a. Easy to understand Language should be direct, concise, and expressive. Do not use lengthy sentences and wordy descriptions. Jargons should be avoided. Phrases and incomplete sentences are preferable to long complex sentences.b. Keep c

16、onsistentDo not change verb tense. Try to use the same kind of phrases and structures.c. Positively toned rather than negatively tonedInstead of saying “never failed”, say “always did well”, or “always managed to”. d. Do not refer to oneself as “I”Too many “Is” will leave an impression of being ego-centered. In todays business world, the quality of team workmanship is very much valued



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