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1、宁波市效实中学Unit 5 Lesson 36 No Matter What课堂练习课前预习快乐体验In every beginning think of the end.未做一事,先思其果。一、你能写出下列与friend有关的单词或短语的汉语意思吗?1.close friend_2.boyfriend_3.pen friend_4.e-friend_5.make friends with_6.girlfriend_7.friendly_8.friendship_二、试着将下列短语英汉互译。1.再过十年_ 2.无论什么_3.确切地_ 4.in the future_5.talk about_

2、6.be like_7.in twenty more years_8.介于两者之间_三、仔细阅读课本P45的诗歌并用心去体味其中的意境,然后根据原文默写填空。 In thirty 1 years, my friend, where will I 2 ? 3 , 4 ,somewhere between?No matter 5 I become,I know 6 7 :Youll be my 8 ,If Im rich 9 Im poor.1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9._课堂练习高效提升The mountain in labour.雷声大雨点小。四

3、、考考你的记忆力,根据句意及首字母补全在本课中出现的单词。1.A few years later, she becomes very r_.2.He often helps the p_.3.I think he knows for s_.4.No m_ what you say,I wont go.5.Theyll visit the Great Wall i_ its fine.6.The book must be s_ in your room.7.She is sitting b_ Li Hua and me.8.In twenty m_ years,hell be a doctor.

4、9.Is your friend a boy o_ a girl?10.Lucy and Jack are good f_.五、慧眼识珠,单项填空。 1._ does your father work?-In a hospital.A.How B.What C.Where D.Who 2.-When did it start?-About three hours _.A.after B.much C.about D.many 3.How _ hours do you sleep every night?A.after B.much C.about D.many 4.Whats the matt

5、er _ Sally?A.to B.with C.for D.at 5.How about _ with us to the museum?A.come B.comes C.came D.coming 6.Most students ride _ bikes to school.A.they B.their C.theirs D.them7.Lin Feis home is about 10 kilometres _ school.A.in B.of C.from D.for8.They are going to playing football _ .A.yesterday B.tomorr

6、ow C.last week D.everyday9.-I think your pen is in your pencil-box.A.Its so B.So is it C.So it is D.It so is 10.-Do you think uncooked fish is popular in Japan? -_. A.Yes,I think so B.Yes,I dont C.No,I think so D.No,it is六、想一想,该用括号内单词的什么形式填充下列各句? 1.What _ I _(be) in twenty more years? 2.That young m

7、an _ (become) a driver in 1990.3.Why not _ (make) friends with us? 4.Its twelve oclock.The boys _ (have) lunch. 5.The teacher ask us _ (not talk)in class. 6.Ill go shopping with you if I _ (be) free tomorrow.7._ (not turn) off the radio.8.There _ (be) a sports meeting next moon. 9.The new teacher is

8、 very _ (friend) to us.10.I would love_ (talk)about the future with you.七、这些句式你掌握了吗?按要求改写下列句子。 1.I will be in Canada this time next year.(就画线部分提问) _ _ you _ this time next year? 2.She usually leaves home at half past six. (改为一般疑问句) _ she usually _ home at half past six? 3.My father often goes to wor

9、k by bus.( 就画线部分提问) _ _your often go to work? 4.Mr Green usually takes aboat to Hong Kong . (改为同义句) Mr Green usually goes to Hong Kong_ _. 5.Can I help you? (改为同义句) _ can I do _ you? 6.Mr Green usually takes a train to his home.( 改为同义句) Mr Green usually _ home _ train. 7.His grandma has a job. ( 改为否

10、定句) His grandma _ _ a job. 8.My sister looks after Rose at home.(用now改写句子) My sister _ _ after Rose at home now. 9.His uncle works in a hospital. ( 就画线部分提问) _ _ his uncle work? 10.Her boyfriend is 26. ( 就画线部分提问)_ _ is her boyfriend?课后巩固知能升级The half shows what the whole means.管中窥豹,可见一斑。八、情景交际。 A根据对话内

11、容,选择适当的句子补全对话。A.Her head hurts and she doesnt want to eat.B.Will you go?C.Isnt she feeling well?D.Im sorry to hear that.E.Why?A:We are going to play football. 1 B:Im sorry I cant.A: 2 B:I have to see Xiao Fang in the hospital.A:Whats wrong with her? 3 B: 4 A: 5 Tell her to have a good rest.B:I will.

12、1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ B根据对话内容,在下面横线上写出对话中所缺的单词。A:Doctor,Im not feeling well.B:Whats 6 7 ,madam?A:I often feel 8 when I do the cooking.B:Oh,Im afraid you eat too much and didnt 9 enough exercise.A:But how can I get 10 ,doctor?B:If you want to get thinner,you have to eat less food.6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._九、

13、小医生,下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1.He went to bed after he finishing his homework._2.Well go for a picnic if it will be fine tomorrow. _3.She arrived at Beijing the day before yesterday._4.They took the ill man to the hospital._5.After a long walk he was tired, so he stopped having a rest._十、完形填空。 Jane is a nice girl and likes small animals.On 1 way back from school every afternoon.She always stops 2 the animals in the pet


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