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1、原创性声明本人重声明:所提交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下,独立进行研究取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的容外,论文中不含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得聊城大学或其他教育机构的学位证书而使用过的材料。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人承担本声明的相应责任。学位论文作者签名:日期指 导 教 师 签 名:日期 / ABSTRACTThe Good Earth is the masterpiece of Pearl S. Buck, which mainly tells the relationship between Wang Lung and th

2、e earth. O-lanthe first wife of Wang Lung, used to be a slave in the house of Hwang. A woman of few words, she is simple minded but nonetheless is valuable to Wang Lung for the skills she acquired previously. She is hardworking and self-sacrificing. Many of her rights are deprived by the society, bu

3、t she faces them in her own way and she achieves her final victory to be the biggest winner. By depicting O-lans survival philosophy in The Good Earth,Pearl Buck explored the living condition of Chinese lower class women in 1930s, and prayedtheir good qualities of being strong heart.Key Words:surviv

4、al philosophy; Pearl S. Buck;the Good Earth摘 要是赛珍珠的代表作,主要讲述了王龙一家和土地的紧密关系。阿兰,王龙的正妻,曾经是黄家大院的一个厨房丫头。她沉默寡言,思想单纯。但她之前所练就的本领和技能为王龙创造了极大的价值。她辛勤劳作,她自我牺牲。她所生活的社会剥夺了她许多许多的权利,但她不气馁,她用自己的方式去争取,最后成为最大的赢家。赛珍珠通过在中描写19世纪30年代的中国下层妇女的生存状况,来阐述阿兰的生存哲学;而她的生存哲学来源于她那颗作为女人的强大心。关键词:生存哲学;赛珍珠;CONTENTS1. Introduction11.1The in

5、troduction of The Good Earth and Pearl S. Buck11.2 Literary review22. O-lan surviving by her influence in the family32.1 O-lans role in the family42.2 O-lan potential power in the family53.O-lan surviving by submitting to the patriarchal society63.1 O-lans submissively accepting arranged marriage63.

6、2 O-lan carrying out the female infanticide73.3 O-lan resolutely bonding feet for her daughter84. O-lan surviving by her wisdom and strongness94.1 O-lan wisdom hiding behind her dumbness94.2 O-1ans diligence and strongness115. Conclusion13Bibliography15Acknowledgments16O-lans Survival Philosophy in

7、the Good Earth 专业:英语 指导1. Introduction1.1The introduction ofThe Good Earth and Pearl S. BuckPearl S. Buck, 1892-1973, also known by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu, was an American author. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1938.And she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938 for Literature for h

8、er rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical .However,Pearl and her works were neglected and misunderstood by most of reviewers from home and abroad for a very long timeNowadays,the cultural intact has become an inevitable trend of the world cultural developm

9、entIt is in the particular cultural context that we have rediscovered Pearl Buck who devoted her entire life to the Sino-American cultural communication and who held the ideal of All under heaven are one.When we come to give a new assessment of Pearl Buck and her worksWe are sure to discover the uni

10、que and conspicuous significance Pearl Buck and her works demonstratedIn The Good Earth,Pearl Buck employed O-lan,who tasted the bitterness resulted from the tedious doctrines of Confucianism,to fight against the suppressing and outdated norms and morality;she employed Wang Lung,a hard-working Chine

11、se farmer,with the high qualities of diligence,persistence,simplicity and kindness,to demonstrates the merits of ConfucianismWhat should be emphasized is that she pointed out weakness and strength of a culture not to prove the inevitability of cultural conflicts and clashes,but to present the cultur

12、al.The paper decides to conduct a survey concerning Pearl Bucks viewpoints on O-lan inThe Good Earth, to discover how Pearl Buck interpreted women survival philosophy in a scientific way.1.2 Literary reviewReviewing the past sixty years of studies on Pearl S. Buck and her works, we find that they in

13、volve negation and confirmation,extremity and fairness. We can put them roughly into three phasesIn the first phase,mainly in 1930s and 1940s in China, the studies began with first voices of criticizing for the colonialism and the imperialism which would probably be present in her works. Among the c

14、ritiques, Hu Feng,who criticized the defects of Pearl SBucks works, suggested that the author had not revealed the imperialistic aggression on the Chinese in her representative works, The Good Earth. It was not unique, but had its counterpart with the view from Zhu Xiuxia whose critique had become m

15、ore direct and incisiveShe orientated The GoodEarth as a book merely for those so-called higher foreign white-skinned ladies and gentlemen to enjoy their own arrogance,and concluded in her article that Pearl SBuck was rightly a mouthpiece of imperialistic rulers so as to anesthetize Chinese people with her tricky skills in writing off the cruel fact of the imperialistic aggression on China and its peopleThe first touch on the studies of Pearl SBucks works had inevitably affected the keynote of the following researchIn the second phase, during 50s and 60s, the research had to extremes o



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