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1、20182019学年上学期五年级英语期末检测试卷( 分钟 满分100分)题号一二二四五六七总分得分、将下列字母重新组合成单词,并把汉语意思填在括号里。(10分)l.plheulf () 2.Mnoady ()3.aslad () 4.panlt ()5.froset ()1.科目: 2.动词:3 .食物:三、判断每组单词中划线部分读音是否相同,相同填T,不同填F。(10分)( )1.wait _rain_() 2.yellow_ cow _()3.boy shy _() 4.wash watch()5. bottle old _四、单项选择(30分)、根据图片,从方框中选出相应选项填在括号里,

2、并分类。(20分)( )1.Is she shy? - A.Yes,she is. B.Yes,he is.C.Yes,she isn t D.No,she is.()2.What s your art teacher like? -He s .A.Mr Li B.funny C.like D.fresh()3.Sarah can cook and wash clothes.She .A.helpful B.polite C.clever D.old()4. I tall and thin.?A.is B. am C.are D.be()5. I have 3.A.plant B.a plan

3、t C.plants D. a plants()6. There 2 photos.)A.mathsB.humburgerC.dance(D.EnglishE.cookF.saladG.sandwichH.musicI.ice cream(J.swimA.is B. am C.are D.be)7. I can play ping-pong.A.the B. a C.some D. 不填)8. -I can speak English.A.What are you?B.What can you do?4. some I d tea like (.)C.Can you speak English

4、? D.What do you do?()9. is a cat under the tree.A. There B.It C.Where D.This()10. He happy.A.is B.are C.am D.have()11.Ice cream is A.hot B.sweet C.fresh D.cake()12. What do you on Sundays? -Watch TV.A.have B.do C.can D.go()13. What can John?A.does B.is C.are D.do()14. He can swim.Iswim,too.A.can t B

5、.can C.do D.am()15.-The pen is beside your book.A.Where is the pen? B.Where is the book?C. What is the pen? D. What is the book?五、连词成句。(10分)1. is Miss Li kind (.)5.is There clock a(.)2. often I read books Sundays on(.)六、为句子找答案。(10分)()1.Can you dance?A.Mr Jones.()2.Who s your music teacher? B.Yes,the

6、re is.()3.Is there a river?C.Sandwich.()4.What would you like to eat? D.No.I can t.()5.What s he like?E.He s strong.七、阅读短文,判断下列语句的正误,正确的打,错误的打“x”。(10分)Hello! My name is Mike.I m strong.I m very fuuny. I like English very much.Miss Liu is my new English teacher.She is kind and beautiful.My favourite

7、day is Tuesday .We have English on that day.I can speak English and sing English songs.()1.Mike is funny.()2. Mike likes Chinese very much()3. Miss Liu is kind( )4. Mike s favourite day is Friday( )5. Mike has English on Tuesday .3. have I a new teacher(.)答案2014 2015学年上学期五年级英语期末检测试卷(二)一、1. helpful 有用的 2.Mnoday 星期一 3. salad 沙拉4 .plant 植物 5.forest 森林二、J B EFCHGDIA1.科目:ADH 2.动词:CEJ3.食物:BFGI三、TFFTF四、ABABC CDBAA BBDBA五、连词成句。(10分)1. Miss Li is kind .2. I often read books on Sundays .3. I have a new teacher.4. I d like some tea .5. There is a clock.六、DABCE七、VxVxV



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