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1、2.英语阅读解题过程关键点词汇与指代1 .理解生词/不熟悉的词汇阅读理解的效果,很大程度上取决于学生的词汇量及对生词的推测能力。在阅读过程中,有些生词不重要,不懂也不影响对文章或句段的理解,文章通常也不会给出意义注释, 我们完全可以将其忽略,不受干扰。有些生词,虽然没有给出注释,但完全可以根据词缀分析及上下文线索推断和猜测出其意义。常用的推测方法有:句子或文字线索分析、意义代人分析、结合常识判断等。写作时,作者对生词或不熟悉的词汇通常都会给出进一步的解释与 说明,常用的手段有:定义法、例证法、解释法(破折号、括号、同位语或同位语从句、定语从句、附加说明等)、同义替换法、反义说明法、比较或对比法

2、、因果推断法、比喻修辞 法等。请大家试着阅读以下文段,并推测出所有画线的生词的大概含义。注意,你并不需要 知道各个词的确切意思,只要能大概了解整段话的意思就可以了。别忘了好好总结一下,你是用什么样的方法来推断的。Shortly before an earthquake animals are known to go berserk : dogs bark and howl , cats run into the streets , and mice run around in circles!This has often been noted by farmers and other coun

3、try people in earthquake-prone zones. Some people , too , areaffected with complaints of headache , nausea , and generalirritabiliyt. Apparently , before an earthquake , electricity is released by the earthand this accounts for the pre-quake jitters that are experienced by animals and people alike .

4、该文段共77词,写的是在地震发生前人和动物的异常现象。这个背景知识大家都很 熟悉,所以虽然文段中包含了6个生词,但只要结合常识和上下文线索,不难获得对文段的整体理解。go berserk 的意思大约是 go crazy ; howl和bark并列,应该也是表示吠或嗥 叫的意思;earthquake-prone zones,根据地理常识,不难猜出是指“地震活跃带;nausea和general irritability 与headache并列,都是指人产生的不舒服的症状;而最后的 jitters很明显是和第一句的go berserk呼应的。这样仔细思考下来,文章的意思就很清楚了。在阅读过程中,有些

5、句子往往是由大家都认识的单词所组成的,有些同学会掉以轻心,没有仔细思考,于是读完文章,或者没有完全读懂,或者产生了误解。提醒大家:在阅读时, 一定不能望文生义,要结合文章的结构和上下文的语气及用词好好理解。请再来读一篇小短文,测试一下,你读懂了吗?你能一一说出你推断的依据吗?A recent poll on the subject of fear asked people to respond to a list of eight commonphobias . The list included speed, heights , lifts , crowds, flying , confin

6、ed spaces , open spaces, and the dark . It excluded things like snakes and spiders that are inherently dangerous . The poll revealed that many more womenthan men admitted experiencing fear . Before you immediately jump to the conclusion that men are braver than women, you should be warned that one e

7、xplanation for the figures may be that men are less inclined than womento owning up to fear . The poll also indicatedthatfear tends to increase with age and decrease with educational level.请对画线生词进行猜测,并判断第六题的四句陈述是否符合文章内容。(1)poll : (2)phobia : (3)exclude : (4)inherently : (5)own up to fear : A.fight a

8、gainst fear B.admit fear C.experience fear D.feelfear(6)Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false:A . Speed, heights , crowds are not inherently dangerous .B . The poll finds out that men are braver than women.C . A person tends to fear more when he grows older.D . A person tend

9、s to fear less when he is less educated.核对一下答案,如果你有任何疑惑,请再次仔细阅读文章,找出你判断的依据,假如 还想不明白,就去请教你的同学或老师吧。答案是:(1)study , survey ; (2)fear ; (3)oppositeto include ; (4)(This is not an important word in the passage); (5)B ; (6)TfTF 。猜词的各种方法和手段大家在阅读时一定都用到过,这里就不一一赘述。说到底,我 们还是得通过平常的阅读养成猜词的习惯,这样,慢慢地,我们就可以把这些实用的方法融

10、为自己信手拈来的阅读技巧了。让我们来做做下面的练习吧。提醒大家,有些词实际上并不重要,是命题人故意设置的阅读障碍,遇到这样的词就大胆地跳过去吧!2 .根据语境选择正确的词和短语(Identifying words and phrases appropriate to thecontext)在阅读理解中碰到生词时,其实可以将其设想为一个填空的练习,然后努力地从语境 当中找寻线索进行推测。这个过程,就是我们通常所说的完形填空。完形填空通常考查语篇的意义、语法结构、固定短语、搭配用法及动词短语等几个方面。下面,我们通过练习再感受一下如何根据语境选择正确的词和短语。记住,在做完形 填空的时候,别忘了用

11、上猜词的技巧。3 .辨别主题词的重现及转换(Repetition and transition of key vocabulary)有的时候,一篇文章从始至终都是围绕同一个主题词展开的。但有的时候,一篇文章可能会出现多个主题词。段落的展开有时是从一个主题词过渡到另一个主题词;有时则是几个主题词交替出现。我们在阅读的时候, 要注意培养自己的语篇意识及关联意识。既要学会对同一主题词不同重现方式的辨认,增强对同一话题的相关词汇的敏感意识,也要注意对不断变换的主题词的识别。下面,让我们分别来感受一下。首先,请一起来回顾 2007年广东省高考的完形填空题,注意,关注文章中主题词反 复重现时的不同方式将会

12、对你解题很有帮助。Wouldnt it be great if we didnt have to remember passwords(密码)ever again?If we could just sit in front of our computers and be logged in(登录)?Cravementions how NECSoft BiodeLogon system uses face recognition technology to log you on to Windows, rather than using a (2). All you need is a webc

13、amand your prettyface to (3) yourPC. Nomore (4) confusing passwords to remember or change everyfew months .After doing a little research , I found this type of (5) already available to consumers via a relatively (6) application called FaceCode. The (7) requiresthe use of a webcam to recognize and lo

14、g PC users into their systems. You can addas many(8) as you want , provided they each have a Windows account . If the system (9)to recognize your (10) a hot-key combination,you can recall the Windows user name and password by usingA.automatically B.personallyC.correctly D.occasionally(2)A.faceB.pass

15、wordC.software D.systemA.accessB.connectC.recognize D.remember(4)A.simpleB.complicatedC.special D.usefulA.computer B.technologyC.password D.application(6)A.independent B.infrequentC.inexpensive D.instantA.account B.consumerC.designer D.software(8)A.usersB.passwordsC.systems D.computers(9)A.beginsB.triesC.failsD.stops(10)A. account B分析文章主题词的重现,.nameC用不同付方表小如下:.password D.faceWouldnt it be great if we didnt have to remember passwords( 密码)ever again?If we could just sit in front of our compu


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