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1、 八年级上期英语第一次月知识检测试题(时量70分钟,总分100分,其中卷面5分)、听力测试(20分)(1)听句子,找出与句子内容对应的图片,将序号填在横线上。(10分)A B C D E1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._(2)听对话,找出能回答该问题的准确答案。(10分)( )6. A. Once a week . B. Every day . C. Twice a week . ( )7. A. Surf the Internet . B. Exercise . C. Go to the movies . ( )8. A. Happy Camp . B. Animal World . C

2、. Travel the World . ( )9. A.Have a fever. B. Have a toothache . C. Have a stomachache. ( )10.A. Drink hot tea with honey . B. See a dentist . C. Lie down and rest .单项选择. (15分)( )1_do you surf the Internet? Once a week.AHow BHow old CHow often ( )2Most students in my class _exercise every day. A doe

3、s B do C is doing ( )3_ homework, most students do it every day.AWith BFor C. As for( )4His mother wants him _ good food.Aeat Bto eat Ceating ( )5He tries _ English. And he practises _ English every day.Alearning, speaking Bto learn, speaking Clearning, to speak( )6Can you help me _ up the waste thi

4、ngs?Acleaning Bwith clean C to clean ( ) 7. Whats the matter _ you?My back hurts.A. with B. for C. at ( ) 8. You should _ more water when you have a fever.A. drink B. drinking C. drinked ( ) 9. Hes ill. He must go to _ a doctor in the hospital. A. look B. watch C. see ( ) 10. How are you? -Im feelin

5、g _.A. good B. well C. better ( ) 11. _ did the headache start ? - About two hours ago.A. When B. What C. where ( ) 12. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should; should B. shouldnt; shouldnt C. should; shouldnt ( ) 13. Its _ to eat mooncakes on Zhong Qiu

6、jie in China.A. tradition B. traditional C. awful ( ) 14. You are always angry, maybe you have_ “yang”.A. too B. too many C. too much( ) 15. David _ a stomachache. So he _ eat anything 24 hours.A. has, should B. have, shouldnt C. has, shouldnt. 选择准确的介词补全句子。(5分)for , after , on , from , from 1What do

7、 you usually do _ weekends?2Milk is good _ our health.3I come home _ school at 4 :30 p. m. 4Her mother is ill so she has to look _her.5Chinese names are different _ English names. 对于下列疾病或不适提出合理的建议,用括号里的各建议填空:(10分)A. have a rest B. see a dentist; C. listen to music; D. drink some water; E. drink hot

8、tea with honey1. sore throat _2. stressed out _3. thirsty _ 4. toothache _ 5. tired _ . 完形填空。(10分) Sports and games are good 1 our health. They can 2 us strong, stop us from getting 3 fat and keep 4 and happy. Especially(特别是) , they can help the people who work with their brains (大脑) 5 of the day to

9、 study better, for sports and games let people 6 their body. They make our life richer and more colorful . If we 7 have a srong body , we can 8 do things well . So persons of all ages enjoy 9 and taking part in 10 kinds of sports - track and field (田径) , swimming , skateboarding and ball games . ( )

10、1. A. at B. for C. to ( )2. A. take B. find C. keep( )3. A. too B. a lot of C. pretty ( )4. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy( )5. A. all B.some C. most ( )6.A. exercise B. to exercise C. exercising ( )7. A. arent B. dont C. doesnt ( )8. A. always B. hardly C. usually ( )9. A. seeing B. watching C.

11、looking ( )10. A. difference B. different C. difficult.阅读理解.(20分)( A ).Fruit is good for people. Many people eat some fruit every day. Mr and Mrs Green like fruit very much and every Monday Mrs Green goes to buy some fruit in the shop near her house. The man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy all kinds of fruit there, apples, pears, oranges and bananas. In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is not the same, sometimes high, sometimes low. Mrs Green wants to buy cheap fruit. But Mr Green likes bananas o



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