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1、What Body Language Can Tell You That Words Cannot什么是肢体语言能告诉你而语言不能的Interview With David Givens, AnthropologistBy David GivensQ. Mr. Givens, why is it important for people to understand body language-that is, communication by means of movements and gestures? 吉文斯先生,为什么对人们来说理解用动作和姿势来沟通的体态语言是重要的?A. The b

2、est salespeople, the best teachers, the best business managers have an innate ability to read body language and put it to profitable use. They adapt their presentation to the messages they pick up.A.最好的推销员,最好的老师和最好的商务经理都有读体态语言的本能,而且应此受益匪浅。他们根据获得的信息来调节他们的演讲。 For example, the most successful trial law

3、yers are those who can look at a jury and a judge and pick up little cues that tip off what people are thinking. An observant lawyer may notice that the judge is compressing his lips into a thin line as the lawyer is speaking. This is a common sign people use when they disagree or are becoming annoy

4、ed. A smart lawyer will quickly try a new approach. 例如,最成功的出庭律师就是这样一个人。他们只要扫视一下陪审团和法官,就能看出暴露这些人思想的微妙的情绪变化。一个善于观察的律师,在他说话的同时,可能会注意到法官正在把他的嘴唇越闭越紧,这是人们意见不一致,或是很恼火的时候的共同信号,聪明的律师这时候会迅速地试试新方法。 Such signals are used constantly, even though people generally dont realize they are communicating through their

5、movements, posture and mannerisms. 这些信号常常被运用,即使人们通常都不能意识到他们是通过动作,姿势和言谈举止来交流的。Q. What kinds of information is nonverbal language likely to reveal? 什么样的信息可能通过非言语语言显示出来?A. Very often it signals a persons true feelings, which may be contrary to what is actually being spoken. For example, a person may hu

6、nch the shoulders, angle the head to one side and compress the lips. Thats a good indication that he or she is uncertain about an idea or perhaps disagrees with it, even without saying so in words. 常常它能传达人们的真实想法,这种想法很可能与人们实际表述的相反。例如,一个人也许会耸着肩,把头偏向一侧,紧闭双唇,即使不用语言这已是一个很好的暗示,表明他不确定或是不同意某个主意。Q. Would you

7、 give some examples of the most common indicators of approval and disapproval? 你能举一些最常见的关于赞成与反对的信号的例子吗?A. When people show rapport with each other, they swivel their upper bodies toward each other and align their shoulders in parallel. They face each other squarely, they lean slightly toward each ot

8、her, and there is more eye contact. If they disagree, they unwittingly or unconsciously turn their bodies away from each other. Such signs are unmistakable forms of body language. 当人们表示出相互相处融洽时,会把上身转向对方使自己的肩膀与对方平齐,使脸正对着对方,身体微微倾向对方,并且会有更多的目光接触。如果人们相互意见不一,他们会不经意或无意识地将身体转离对方,这些都是体态语言显而易见的传达方式。Q. Do peo

9、ple more often than not try to exhibit dominant behavior in the presence of others? 在其他人面前,人们会经常设法表现出统治性的行为吗?A. Some people do, but many also assume a submissive stance. The head, arms, legs and feet tell the true intent. When the boss pats an employee on the back, the employees toes will invariably

10、 pigeon-toe inward-a classic sign of submission-and the boss will toe out, a sign of dominance. 有些人会这样,但是很多人也会表现出谦恭的姿态。头,手臂,腿和脚都会述说人们真正的意图。当上司拍员工的后背时,员工的脚趾总是向内收的,这是一个典型的顺从的标志,而上司的脚趾是外伸的,这是一个典型的统治性地位的标志。 By contrast, people in submissive roles will tend to crouch slightly and display self-protective

11、stances. They may fold their arms or hug themselves, cross their legs or reach up and touch their throats. People with a more dominant attitude will use more-expansive gestures, spreading the arms and legs, creating an air of openness. 相比之下,处于顺从地位中的人们倾向于微微屈膝,表现出自我保护的姿态。他们会交叉双臂或者拥抱自己,交叉双腿或者伸手触摸自己的喉咙。

12、处于统治性姿态的人们会使用更畅谈的姿势,展开手臂和腿,创造一种开放的氛围。Q. What are some other universal nonverbal signals? 还有一些其他的非语言性的信号吗?A. One is an automatic raising of the eyebrows that a person does when he or she meets someone else. It takes place very quickly at the instant when recognition takes place, and it is a natural a

13、nd universal form of greeting.一个例子是当人们遇见其他人的时候会无意识的提起眉毛。这种行为发生得很快,当你一认出对方它就发生了,它是一种普遍的打招呼的方式 Another obvious cue is known as the hand behind head, which signals uncertainty or stress. When someone is disturbed or startled by something, the first reaction is to reach up and touch the back of the head

14、. It is a totally unconscious reflex. 另一个明显的暗示被称为“手放头后”,它传达了人们没把握或紧张的状态。当某人被某事打扰或是惊吓到的时候,第一个反应就是伸出手放到脑后,这是个完全无意识的反应。About 125 nonverbal signals of this type have been cataloged as recognizable.大概有125种这之类的非语言信号已经被编录为可识别的信号。Q. Where do we get mannerisms such as these? Are they learned as a part of our

15、 culture? 我们从哪里学到像这样的举止的呢?我们是把它当成文化知识的一部分来学习的吗?A. No, they are almost entirely inborn. Nonverbal behavior occurs naturally, without being taught, and even shows up in newborn infants and in lower animals. It is firmly grounded in evolutionary development. Its something that Mother Nature provides to

16、 help us get along with each other.不是的,它们基本上是我们与生俱来的。非语言行为是自然产生的,无论是对于新生的婴儿还是低等动物,这种行为都不需要被教导或是示范。在人类的进化发展的过程中,它已经被牢牢地打好基础。这是自然力量给予我们互相融洽相处的帮助。Nonverbal communication is also what we call culture-free: it applies worldwide. People can go anywhere and understand these signals, even if they dont know the spoken language.非语言交流也是我们所说的非文化限制或影响的交流:它适用于全世界。人们去到任何地方都能明白这种信号即使它们不懂那儿的语言。Q. Is c


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