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1、武汉理工大学硕士学位论文利用游污泥集料制备高速公路声屏障降噪材料的研究姓名:郭凯申请学位级别:硕士专业:材料学导教师:胡曙光20100501AbstractReducing the influence of traffic noise on daily life has been the main goal in construction and design of highway. Highway that has been built and is building has begun to use sound barricade as a method of reducing traff

2、ic noise. However,the materials are bad to environment,cost much and have low durability.This article is based on programs for science and technology development of transport department in Hubei province research on using silt sludge aggregates to produce sound barricade in speedway. Investigate the

3、 Composition of sludge,the producing technique and performance of aggregate was studied,raise the idea of using baking sludge light aggregate to produce soimd-barricading.Throiigh research on mechanism of action of sound barricade and combined with characters of sludge aggregate,the design of sound-

4、barricading production was raised.Theory of sound wave of transmission in tubule was under deep investigation, combined with dense-packing structural characters of aggregate,modeI between sound-absorbing frequency and aggregate particle size was established: according to analysis on transmission thr

5、ough in tubule,the smallest radius related to sound-absorbing peak was calculated.Cement-based materials are porous structure with aggregates co-connection.Supposed that aggregates are the same radius, the area of hole between aggregates can be calculated according to particle size of aggregate and

6、close-packing structure.When particle size is comparatively small,the hole can be seen as round hole.Therefore,the radius can be approximatively calculated. Since hole in materials are connected, it can be supposed that these holes are cylindrical tubule. Finally,the calculated radius is the radius

7、during transmitting and theoretic relationship among aggregate radius,tubule radius and sound-absorbing peak rate has been estabUshed. According to this theory, the area of aggregate grain size of porous materials was fixed.As noise rate frequency in highway is concentrated in 8001200Hz,relative agg

8、regate gradation is 1.182.36mm and the average sound-absorbing coefficient is as high as 0.94.Through comparision of sound-absorbing performance,strength and durability between noise-reducing material made by sludge aggregate and present expansion ofpea-1 rock,possibility of production of noise-redu

9、cing materials from sludge aggregate has been fixed.The factors impacting the noise-reducing performance of sludge aggregate have been investigated.The investigation mainly focused on principle of influence of mix proportion(water to cement ratio and gradation),material thickness,gradient structure

10、design and back cavity on noise-reducing performance,which is combined with the relative usability of materials.The comparative reasonable design of sound barricade of sludge light aggregate has been raised,and this sound barricade support the construction of HangRui highway meeting the requirements

11、 of Two-oriented Society in Wuhan City Circle.Key Words : Sludge light aggregate; Sound barricade; Noise reduction; Usability独创性声明本人声明,所呈交的论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及 取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 武汉理工大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一 同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说 明并表示了谢意。签名: 日期:学位

12、论文使用授权书本人完全了解武汉理工大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即: 学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版, 允许论文被査阅和借阅。本人授权武汉理工大学可以将本学位论文的 全部内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以釆用影印、缩印或其他复制 手段保存或汇编本学位论文。同时授权经武汉理工大学认可的国家有 关机构或论文数据库使用或收录本学位论文,并向社会公众提供信息 服务。0. S .M(保密的论文在解密后应遵守此规定)研究生(签名):导师(签名)么期III武汉理T:大学硕士学位论文第1章绪论1.1研究背景及意义高速公路作为公路交通的重要组成部分,对促进经济和社会发展、提高人 民

13、生活水平和综合国力具有重要的作用。根据国家高速公路规划,到2010年末, 将实现“东网、中联、西通”的目标,建成55.5万公里,完成西部开发8条省际 通道中的高速公路。截至2006年底,全国公路总里程达345.70万公里,其中高 速公路4.53万公里1。大规模的高速公路建设,增加了城市之间的联系,带动了 沿线的经济发展,同时它也给当地的生态和生活环境带来了一系列影响,其中 道路交通噪音日益得到人们的重视。表1-1是不同类型汽车在道路行驶时噪音状 况。加速噪声表1-1不同类型汽车的噪声状况均速噪声Lso 86.5 81.8S 2.18 2.19 3.31 1.89 3.34 1.79 2.62L

14、io 87.11 84.6 84.3 84.1 80.8 73.8 79.381.7 76.5 71.5注:Lso为平均声压级;Lio为峰值声压级平均值; S为同种车辆中噪声差别程度的大小由表1-1可以看出:同一类型汽车的加速噪声比均速噪声大;随车型载重的 增加,噪声量增加,因此可以推断道路的噪声的大小和汽车的载重成正比。实际上,道路交通噪声主要是由于车辆在公路上行驶过程中,车辆自身驱 动系统(包括发动机、风扇、变速箱、进排气系统、轮轴等)以及轮胎与路面摩擦 所产生的噪声。道路交通噪声的主要声源是各类型机动车,各类机动车以不同 的行驶状态和工况在道路上行驶而产生交通噪声。机动车噪声的主要发生源

15、如 表1-22】.车辆类型 重型载重车 中型载重车 轻型载重车 公共汽车 中型客车 小客车 摩托车卒内噪声噪声源表1-2机动车噪声的发生源车外噪声 发动机噪声 排气噪声 发动机进气噪声 冷却风扇噪声 道路激起振动噪声 轮胎噪声低频噪声的主要声源 不重要 不重要 可能听到 低频噪声声源 不重要可能是主要的,特别是在载重车中低频噪声的主要声源 除排气噪声外,低频噪声的主要声游 在低、中频可能重要 不重要 高速车时重要 在高速公路行驶,噪音主要是车辆高速行驶时,轮胎与地面摩擦产生的噪 音和汽车自身驱动系统产生的噪音,其峰值频率集中于8001200Hzt3。据有关 交通部门调查丨41,全国80%左右的

16、高速公路交通干线两侧离路中心线200m范 围内,环境噪声超过了 GB3096-93城市区域环境噪声标准4类标准:即白天 噪音指数70 dB,夜晚噪音指数55 dB,且超标现象严重。据临床医学统计,若 在80ciB以上噪音环境中生活,造成耳瓷者可达50%15】。 歉洲7岁至IS岁釣青少年中因巨大的脔乐束JE探的人周刊发表报告指出參 iioii/ 2% 、,- .欧洲因为明音污染而持梦的人2%/ - C ;.; m-、/表示镍赛令他们烦供不堪的人. . 一 irt.t-r. .也是健康杀手 图1-1噪音对人类的危害图因此,对经过居民生活区的高速公路必须进行降噪处理,而公路交通噪声 控制是一个涉及多学科的复杂系统工程,在各种降噪措施中,公路声屏


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