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1、邳州市2006-2007学年度第一学期第一次月考七年级英语试卷(口语加试10分,由学校自行组织,暂不计入总分)题号一二三四五六口语加试总分得分得分评卷人一、听力(20分)题号12345678910答案A)选出你所听到的字母或单词(1-5小题),并将答案序号填写在上面框内。1. A. FfB. HhC. Mm2. A. QqB. UuC. Ww3. A. RrB. YyC. Ii4. A. CDB. kgC. ID5. A. OKB. TVC. UNB)选出与你所听到的信息相同或相关的图(6-10小题),并将答案序号填写在上面框内。医院A. B. C. Class 2D. E.得分评卷人二、单项

2、选择(20分)题号11121314151617181920答案A) 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案填空,并将答案序号填写在上面框内。11. -Good morning, Miss Fang. -_.A. GoodbyeB. Good morningC. Good Wang12. -How are you today?-_, thank you.A. Im Peter B. Im fine C. Youre Nick13. _ is my English teacher. A. miss Liu B. Liu miss C. Miss Liu14. -You are Millie, ri

3、ght? -_.A. Yes, I am B. No, Im C. Yes, Im not15. Is there a football field in your school? -No, _.A. there is B. there notC. there isnt16. My fathers brother is my _. A. aunt B. brother C. uncle17. You _ my friend and I _ your friend.A. am; is B. are; am C. is; are18. 朗读下列三个句子时,哪个句子的句尾用升调朗读。正确的答案是_。

4、A. Is there a football field? B. I am Jim Green. C. How are you?19. 在所给的单词中,划线部分读音是 /aI/ 的一项是_.A. fineB. thisC. thin20. 在所给的单词中,划线部分读音是 /A/ 的一项是_.A. lateB. bagC. name得分评卷人三、交际应答(20分)题号21222324252627282930答案A)从右栏中选出能应答左栏各句的句子,并将答案序号填写在上面框内。左 栏右 栏21. Is this your school?22. Are they happy?23. How old

5、are you?24. Whats your father?25. Whats your name?A. Yes, they are.B. Hes a driver.C. Im twelve.D. Im Millie.E. Yes, it is.B)用方框内所给的句子完成对话,并将答案序号填写在上面框内。M: Hi, Im Millie. (26)_?W: Yes, Im Lily.M: Im in Class 1. (27)_?W: No, Im in Class 6.M: Yeah, we are on the same (同一) floor. (28)_?W: There are twe

6、nty-six girls in my class. M: (29)_?W: Mrs Wang is our English teacher. Shes American.M: Yeah! (30)_.W: Good! We have the same English teacher. A. Who is your English teacher?B. Are you in Class 1?C. You are Lily, right?D. She is our English teacher too.E. How many boys in your class?得分评卷人四、阅读理解(20分

7、)题号31323334353637383940答案(A)下面图表介绍了Andy, Sandy, Li Yan的基本情况。请根据图表所给的信息,选择正确答案,并将答案序号填写在上面框内。NameFromTallShortSlimPoliteHelpfulAndySandyLi Yan31. Andy and Sandy are _. A. tall B. slim C. polite 32. Sandy is _.A. a Chinese girl B. an English girl C. an American girl33. Li Yan is from PRC. Shes _.A. po

8、lite and helpful B. slim and tall C. short and polite34. _ are tall.A. Andy and Sandy B. Sandy and Li Yan C. Li Yan and Andy35. A. All the three girls are _. A. tall B. slim C. polite(B)根据Judy所介绍的内容,选择正确答案填空,并将答案序号填写在上面框内。Hi, friends. Welcome to our school! My name is Judy. Our school is very beauti

9、ful. There is a building in our school. There are three floors in it. On the ground floor, there is a big dining hall. We have lunch in it. Our teachers offices are on this floor too. And there are two toilets on this floor too. There are eight classrooms, a reading room, and an art room on the firs

10、t floor. You can find many books in the reading room. In the art room, we can draw pictures. There are ten classrooms and two computer rooms on the second floor. We have a big playground behind the building. There isnt a football field, but there are two basketball courts on it.Is there a garden in

11、our school? Yes, of course. Its small, but I like it very much.36. There are _ the building in our school.A. two B. three C. four37. Judy has lunch in the _ room.A. dining B. class C. reading38. The reading room is on the _ floor.A. ground B. first C. second39. How many classrooms are there in the s

12、chool? There are _.A. 8 B. 10 C. 1840. There are two _ on the second floor.A. toilets B. computer rooms C. basketball courts得分评卷人五、填空(30分)A)补写出下面字母表中所缺的字母(41-50小题)(要求书写规范)。(大写) A (41)CDE (42)G (43)IJk(44)MNOPQRS(45)UVWXYZ(小写) abc (46)efghi (47)klmnop(48)rstuv (49)xy(50)zB)你认识Cousin Kate吗?在Cousin Kat

13、e中有5个元音字母。这些元音字母类似汉语拼音的单韵母。请你将Cousin Kate中的元音字母找出来,并写在下面51-55的四线格上。51. 52. 53. 54. 55. C)用方框内所给单词填空。(每个单词限用一次)chairs, numbers, Chinese, under , name 56. -Hi! Im Peter. Whats your _, please? -Hi! Im Mary.57. There are twelve _ on the blackboard. They are one, two, three, 58. -Are they desks?-No, they are _. 59. -Where is the ball? -Its _ the table (桌子). 60. -Is your friend an English girl? -No, shes _.D) 用


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