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1、Unit 5 MusicPeriod 3 Reading and comprehending教学设计 李 君I. Teaching contents:Reading and comprehendingII. Teaching aims:1). Understand the text and talk about music and the band “The Monkees”2). Functional item, how to tell the story about The monkees.3). Finish the comprehending exercises after the r

2、eading passage.4). Use scanning; skimming and careful reading to learn the story of the Monkees.III. Key points & DifficultiesKey pointsTo know about the form of the band.Difficulties Understand the text clearly.IV. Teaching procedure:.Step I : Greetings The teacher greet the whole class.Step II: Wo

3、rds preview: Review some key words in this period.Step III: Lead-in by reviewing. Last time we talked about some famous bands at home and abroad , do you still remember them?( students can say some of the band they talked in the sencond period.)OK, at the last we refered to the Monkees and listened

4、one of their song “I am a beliver”. Do you want to know more about The Monkees?(students may say YES)Yeah, today we will continue to learn the story about The Monkees.Step IV: Fast reading: Read the passage and try to find out:1. How many bands are mentioned in the passage? What are their names?2. W

5、hich band is “The Band That Wasnt”? Ask the students to read the text quickly and find out answers .(Answers 1. Two. “The Beatles” and ” The Monkees”. 2. “The Monkees”.)Step V: Skimming: Skim the text and join the correct parts of the sentence together. (page 35)Step VI : Scanning Ask students to sc

6、an the passage and Match main ideas with paragraphs. (PPT 8) Para 1: Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians. Para 2:This is how most bands start. Para 3: The Monkees started in a different way. Para 4: How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band.Step VII: Care

7、ful reading Let the students read the text carefully and try to fill the form on PPT 1011 .Step VIII: Summary Today weve learnt the passage about the band “The Monkees” and learnt something about music. Besides, we know their success lies in their hard work and their unique style of performance.V. H

8、omework1. Read THT BAND THAT WASNT again after class.2. Finish exercise 3 and 4 on page 35.3. Prepare for next period by underline the difficult points in the text. VI. Blackboard Design Unit5NelsonMandela Period1Reading Teaching proceduresStep 1. Lead-inPrepare students for the reading material by:

9、-enjoying the song that Beyond wrote for Mandela-letting the students share ideas about great peoples qualitiesStep 2. SkimmingGet the students to skim the passage for main idea.Step 3. ScanningGet the students to scan the passage and do Ex. 3 on Page 35, then divide the passage into two parts accor

10、ding to the timeline.Step 4. Careful readingGet the students to read passage part by part and deal with the following questions:1. What do you know about Mandela when Elias first met him?Mandela was a black _ in 1952. He offered _ to poor black people on their _ problems. He was _ with his time.2. W

11、hat was Elias trouble?I needed his help because I had _. After trying hard, I got a job in a _. I worried about whether I would become _, because I didnt have a _.3. How did Mandela help Elias?4. How was black peoples life at that time?5. How did Elias support Mandela, and why?Step 5. Post readingConsolidate the students understanding by doing an interview.Step 6. AssignmentWrite a passage about the topic-How can we become great people.Blackboard design:


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