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1、Unit 1 Public signs (Revision)【学习目标】1 熟练掌握本单元中的单词和词组。2 熟练掌握及运用本课的重点句型。【活动方案】Activity 1 : Review the words1. Read the words according to the sounds.2. Use the words to make phrases3. Use the phrases to make sentences.Activity 2: Review the sentences.1. Read and think: Whats the importance of this uni

2、t?2. Discuss in groups and report.3. Work in pairs. (Part CD)Activity 3: Review the text.1. Read A in groups.2. Try to retell.Today is . Ben and his , Jack, are in the park. Jack has some about public signs. Now he a lot about them. They different things. We walk on the grass. We should near the bir

3、ds cage. The sign on the building in the park means Danger. We must from it.【课堂反馈】一、根据所给音标补全单词,使其意思完整,并写出中文意思。(8分)1 / e/ alw s ( ) 2. / kw / estion ( )3 /:/ sk ( ) 4. / i: / m n ( )5 / m st ( ) 6. / sh d ( )7 / pi ( ) 8. /:/ w k ( )二、短语互译。(6分)1散步 2.no smoking 3问一些问题 4.keep off the grass 5. 捡起来 6.sta

4、y away from the building 三、单项选择。(8分)( ) 1.We shouldnt _ here and there.A. litter B. littering C. litters( ) 2.Can I _ a film? No! You must _ books.A. look, look B. watch, read C. watch, reading( ) 3.There is no one nearby means .A. there are a lot of people nearby B. there are many people hereC. you

5、 cant see any people here D. you can see any people here ( ) 4.Form this dialogue, we know a lot public signs.A. of B. with C. for D. about( ) 5. The boys books in the classroom now.A. are looking B. are reading C. are seeing D. are watching( ) 6. The park keeper a sign on the grass.A. points B. poi

6、nt to C. points to D. point( ) 7. Look, the public signs .A. mean different things B. means different things C. mean the same things D. means the same things( ) 8. _that sign interesting? Yes, I think so.A. Does B. Whats C. Is四、根据所描述的内容,选择合适的英语单词。(简单的谜语形式)(6分)Acousin B. smoke C. cage D. keeper ( )1I

7、ts bad for your healthy. Men usually like it very much. ( )2. Your uncles daughter or son.( )3. Its a kind of job. He can look after(照看、照顾)the park or the zoo.( )4. Its like a house. Animals usually live in it.五、选择合适的词完成句子,每词只用一次,每空一词。(8分)Always read question speak must building interesting mean1. W

8、e shouldnt loudly in the library.2. Its the first day of the new term and there are two new_ in our school.3. You _do your homework first and then play football.4. This sign _ we shouldnt take photos here.5. This storybook is very_ and I want _.6. She _ has a lot of_ 六、完成下列对话,每空一词。(6分)1. A: Look, th

9、eres a _ over there. B: Yes. _ _ it _? A: It _ we shouldnt _ or _.2. A: Excuse _,Sir. _ I walk _ the grass?B: No, you _. A: Why ? B: Look, it _ _ the grass.A: Oh, I_.Thank you.七、判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用“”表示,不相符的用“”表示。(一)Tom: There are so many people in the library.May: Sh. We shouldnt speak loudly here.

10、 Cant you see the sign over there?Tom: Sorry. I know the sign over there.May: And there are lots of different signs on the wall. Tom: Oh, I can see the sign No smoking. But there is a man smoking near the first bookcase. May: Really? Lets stop him.( )1. Tom and May are in the park now.( )2. There ar

11、e only two signs on the wall.( )3. A man is smoking near the second bookcase.( )4. We shouldnt make noise in the library.( )5. We should smoke in the library.(二)Nancy has got a fever. Ben and Yang Ling are going to the hospital to see her. They get some fruit for Nancy. In the hospital, Ben sees a l

12、ot of signs on the wall, “No parking”, “Be quiet”. Yang Ling sees a special(特殊的) sign on the door. She doesnt know the sign. She asks a nurse near the door about it. The nurse tells her that it means “No entry”. The sign means other people shouldnt go inside(里面) the room except(除了) the doctors and nurses. At last(最后), Ben and Yang Ling find Nancy. They hope she will get better soon.( )6. Nancy is ill in hospital.( )7. Ben and Yang Ling get some flowers for Nancy.( )8. The sign “No entry” on the door means


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