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1、英译汉第篇1If a full-thickness graft to the face is necessary, there are several potential donor sites: the postauricular or supraclavicular areas and the upper eyelid.如果面部需要全厚皮移植,有一些潜在供区:耳后或锁骨区、上眼睑。These donor sites can a satisfactorily closed, and the skin color matches well.这些供区能较满意的封闭,且皮肤颜色相匹配。If the

2、 defect is out of the head and neck, the groin, buttocks, and arms are good sources for full-thickness grafts.如果头颈区有缺陷,那么腹股沟、臀部及四肢是全厚皮移植的良好来源。2Theoretically, split-thickness grafts can be harvested anywhere.理论上,中厚皮移植可以用于任何地方移植。However, if the amount of tissue is small, one should strive to take the

3、graft from a less visible area (i.e., the buttocks or upper thigh), since the donor site, which heals by secondary intention, is often visible years later.然而,如果需要移植量小,可以取自于隐蔽区域(如臀部或大腿),因为通过一次修复愈合的供区在多年 后才可显现出来。Full-thickness grafts are harvested freehandusing a Bard Parker No. 10 or 15 blade.全厚皮可以通过

4、徒手以10号或15号刀片切取。Split-thickness graftscan be harvested in a variety of ways.中厚皮可以多种方法获得.A small graft can be harvested using a handdriven Weck blade, which is calibrated to harvest grafts that are 0.008,0.010, and 0.012 inch thick.少量皮移植可用调整为0.008,0.010或0.012英寸厚的取皮刀来取。More commonly, a power-driven der

5、matome is used.更多时候使用电动取皮刀。3Once the graft is harvested, it is placed in asalinesoaked sponge.移植皮片一取好,就放置在一块盐水浸泡过的海绵。If one wants to limit the size of the graft harvest, the graft can bemeshed.如果要限制所取皮片的大小,皮片可被制成网状皮。A Telfa pad soaked with an epinephrine solution of1:100 000 is placed on the donor s

6、ite, unless there is a contraindication把一块经1:100000的肾上腺素溶液浸泡过的的Telfa衬垫放置在供皮区上,除非供区有禁忌症。After 10 minutes, the impression of blood on the Telfa pad can be used to help locate areas that should be cauterized.10分钟后,衬垫上的血印迹能有助于定位需烧灼的区域。第篇1All patients with a cleft lip deformity should be evaluated for a

7、cleft lip repair, whether the deformity is unilateral or bilateral and whether it is complete or incomplete.所有有唇裂畸形的患者都应该进行唇裂修复术的评估,无论畸形是单侧或是双侧,是完全裂或是不完 全裂The goal of a cleft lip repair include:唇裂修复的目标有:(1) to restore the functional and anatomic defects of the orbicularis or is muscle,恢复口轮匝肌的功能和解剖学结

8、构(2) to enhance symmetric growth and development of the maxilla and hence the midface,增进上颌骨和面中部的均衡性生长发育,and (3)to reconstruct a facial defect and optimize the patients psychological self-image.(3)重建患者面部形态并使患者心理上自我形象达到最优。2The basic tenets of the Millard cleft cleft lip repair are:Millard唇裂修复的基本原则(1)

9、to return displaced normal tissue to its normal anatomic position as dictated by the contralateral softtissue landmarks(1)通过比较对侧软组织标线恢复患侧异位组织到正常解剖位置,and (2) to discard minimal tissue to best use “what we have to create what we want.(2)丢弃小的组织达到最佳利用我们要创造我们想要的东西The reconstruction includes重建包括lengthenin

10、g of the abnormally shortened, vertically orientedcleft lip segment,异常短的、垂直方向的唇裂段的延长reestablishment of the disrupted orbicularis oris muscle,重建中断的口轮匝肌and recreation of the full height of the labial sulcus.恢复上唇的唇沟全高Symmetry of the nasal base and tip is a goal, if it is anatomically possible given the

11、 patients specific defects.如果患者的具体缺陷在解剖学上是可能的,那么鼻基底和鼻尖的对称就是是修复目标。第篇1The studies didnt just point to the ill effects of smoking on those who smoke-non-smokers, too, are apparently affected by the smoke from their friends, family members and strangers who light up in their presence.研究不光指出了吸烟给烟民自己造成的危害

12、,还指出了非吸烟者显然也会受到他们吸烟的朋友、家 人或在他们面前吸烟的陌生人的伤害。2A steady stream of reports documented the statistical risks of contracting cancer or suffering from heart disease,even if youve never put a cigarette to your lips.即使你从来就没有吸过烟,源源不断的报告通过统计数字证明患癌症或心脏病的危险。3The American Heart Association last fall released a sev

13、en-year study showing that never- smoking spouses of smokers have more than a 20 percent greater chance of death from coronary heart disease than those who have never smoked who live with non-smokers.去年秋季,美国心脏协会发表了一份历时7年的研究报告,该报告指出,烟民的配偶虽然从不吸烟, 但是和那些与非吸烟者生活的配偶相比,他们死于冠心病的危险要高出20%。That study gave more

14、 impetus to the drive to make workplaces and other public areas smoke-free.www.hope. net. cn/graduate/index.html这项调查进一步推动了在工作场所和公共场所禁烟活动的开展.www.hope. effects of smoking are hard on the children of smokers as well, the studies say.调查还表明,烟民的孩子也深受吸烟之害。Dr. Claude Hanet of the St. Luc University Hospita

15、lin Brussels, Belgium, said earlier this yearthat a baby born to a smoking mother should be considered an ex-smoker今年年初,比利时布鲁塞尔圣卢卡大学医院的克劳徳哈内特博士说,吸烟的母亲生下的孩子应被看作是有吸烟史的人。5Hanets stxxhutioned that cigarette smoke wasmore detrimental with decreasing age.哈内特的研究提请人们注意:年龄越小,吸烟的危害越大。6And a University of Birmingham, England, study, published in the British Journal of Cancer showed a possible link between fathers who smoked andan increased incidence of cancers in their children,央国癌症杂志发表的一份央格二伯明翰大学的报告显示,吸烟的父亲与其孩子患癌症比率的增加 可能有联系;while studies in the U.S. showed


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