土木工程毕业论文 1(造价管理的分析)

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《土木工程毕业论文 1(造价管理的分析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《土木工程毕业论文 1(造价管理的分析)(64页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、本科生毕业设计(论文)题 目:工程量清单计价模式下施工阶段造价管理的分析 英文题目:The analysis of the cost management in the stage of construction under the engineering bill pricing model.系 :土木工程专 业:班 级:学 生:学 号:指导教师:职称:指导教师:职称:-1-摘要本文主要写的是清单计价模式下施工阶段造价的管理。由于建设单位的周期长,生产要素价格变化频繁,产品固定性,单件性等特征,使得建设产品的价格复杂可变。在我国,工程实施阶段的造价管理一直是工程造价管理的重要内容。承包商通过



4、单计价;施工;工程造价;管理The analysis of the cost management in the stage of construction under the engineering bill pricing model.AbstractThis report is focus on the cost management in the stage of construction under the engineering bill pricing model. According to the construction cycle is long, the producti

5、on factors changes frequently, the fixity of the construction and its unique work process and so on, and that the price of the construction is variable and complex. In China, the management of the cost in the construction stage is always regarded as an important part of project cost management. The

6、building contractors complete the physical form of the construction by the processes of construction work, and the majority of the construction investment is spent during this stage. Because of construction is a dynamic working process, that it involves many links, difficult and diversity; and the c

7、hanges of the design, conditions of the construction and the market price etc will directly affect the projects actual price. In addition the phase of the working process is the key link in the business between the owner and contractor, it is also the central work of the cost management, also the ma

8、in cost is made on this stage. Therefore, the cost management during the construction stage is the most complex and difficult part, and it is the key point to determine the construction cost and find the control theory and method.The purpose of this report is helping to enhance the skills of using s

9、ome useful software such as the CAD and Guanlianda etc, thus to improve the understanding of the project cost management, that to enhance the quality of the management skills. Firstly, to solve the practical problems in the construction stage, some principles of science and technology, economic and

10、legal issues need to be considered and applied, there is several useful software tools can help, such as CAD, Guanglianda and so on which are useful to solve the technical and economic and business management problem etc. Secondly, to increase the efficiency of investment, according to the scientifi

11、c methods and actual valuation in each phase of the construction, to set reasonable investment estimation, preliminary design estimates and the budget based on the building drawings. The report also did some research of the current situation and the future development of construction cost in China,

12、to help to choose the direction for future study and goals. In addition, the report is hoping to change the outdated concept of the construction cost, so that let people be aware of the whole process of managing project cost. In conclusion, the report is aiming to promote the standardization of Chin

13、as construction price management, being market-oriented and scientific for the project, and develop the innovation of the construction cost management in our country, according to speed up innovate of the construction cost management, to shorten the gap between China and the developed countries in t

14、his area, to analyze the existing problems in detail and research the scientific management mode. However, the conditions in China need to be fully considered during the process of the research, and the study need to do step by step, not too anxious or rote.Key words:engineering bill pricing model,

15、construction, construction cost and management目录摘要1Abstract2引 言11工程造价的计价概述21.1工程计价的概念21.2工程计价的特征21.3工程计价的模式21.3.1定额计价31.3.2清单计价32建设项目施工阶段造价的管理42.1建设项目施工阶段造价管理的对象和内容42.2建设项目施工阶段造价的计价依据42.3建设项目施工阶段造价相关因素的分析42.3.1合理确定标底和工程报价42.3.2科学确定承包合同价及有效进行合同管理52.3.3变更与索赔的管理62.3.4工程竣工决算的审计72.4建设项目施工阶段造价确定与管理的原理和方法82.4.1建设项目施工阶段造价确定与管理的基本原理82.4.2我国建设项目投资与造价管理的方法92.5建设项目施工阶段造价失控的原因112.6建设项目施工阶段造价管理采取的措施123.建设项目工程造价管理的改革143.1工程造价管理存在的问题143.2我国工程造价管理的发展趋势153.2.1工程造价管理的国际化趋势153.2.2工程造价管理的信息化趋势153.3我国工程造价管理的改革164.工程造价管理全过程控制的必要性19结论20参 考



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