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1、Lesson9: Arriving in Beijing教案设计一 教案背景 1、面向学生:五年级 2、学科:英语3、课时:1 课时二、教学目标: 1. 知识目标 :(1)使学生掌握(包括正确地说、写 、用)单词:men, women, children, people, many,会认读单词:everyone(2). 使学生通过练习句子: This is a _. These are _. 及名词的复数。 复习所学过的一些单词 that, those 及名词的复数。2.能力目标 (1) 能熟练掌握和识记本课单词 : men, women, children, people, many. (2

2、)能灵活运用本课所学内容,对身边的人物进行描述.3.情感目标(1)培养良好的文化意识和英语语感 (2)培养小组合作意识与互帮互助精神(3) 教育学生尊老爱幼,遵守社会公共秩序让学生体会旅游的乐趣。三、教材分析 教学内容: 本课是冀教版(三年级起始版)五年级下册第九课。内容分析:本课涉及到了一些复杂的可数名词单数变复数的词 在教学中应该注意帮助学生进行归类总结, 形成比较清晰的概念。学情分析:学生对可数名词与不可数名字的概念不是非常明确,区分起来比较困难, 可以让学生通过合作的形式进行归纳整理掌握一些词语变化的规律。教学重点:掌握单词 men, women, children, people,

3、many教学难点: 能利用本课所学知识结合实际活动情况进行情感交际练习 。四、教学准备: 1)录音机、磁带2) 网上下载的图片 3)设施完备的电脑。五、教学方法情景交际法 观察法、多采取任务型教学等。 六、教学过程Step 1: Class opening and review 1. Greeting: T: Hello! Boys and girls! How are you? Im very happy to see you. Are you happy? Hows the weather? Are you ready for English class?(设计意图:上课伊始,教师与学生自

4、然的问候可以使学生快速 融入英语学习氛围,同时为下一步教学做铺垫。 )2、Do you want to have a chant? ( The this that chant) (设计意图:教师与学生一起 chant,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,激活学生原有的知识 this, that, these, those ,为学习新知识做必要的准备)3、T:I know you are very clever .In this class, we will go on a trip to Beijing. Show the picture of “Tiananmen Square” to the stu

5、dents. Whats this? Where is it? Who can say something about Beijing? T: How can we go to Beijing? S1: By airplane. S2: T: Yes! We go to Beijing by train. ( 出 示 火 车 图 片 ) Can we jump on the train? ( 师 ) 以手势使学生理解教室为模拟火 车。This is a train .We will go on a trip to Beijing. 4. Can we look out the window o

6、n the train? Ok. What can you see? (设计意图:创设在火车内的情境,使学生不知不觉引入新知,街接自然,让学生在玩中学,学中玩)Sept 2: New concept Part1 Men, women and children T : Now, we are on the train 在火车上会遇到形形色色的人,不同年龄、不同身份的人都可能和我们乘坐一辆车,让我们这些同行的朋友们相互认识一下吧! (1)(教师变装,进行表演)Hello! My name is Du ming. Nice to meet you! I am thirty-nine years ol

7、d. (2)Please introduce yourself to class. (学生分小组,准备自己假想的人的年龄,进行变装大改变)(3)请个别同学到讲台进行介绍(4)T: How many men are there? One, two together. (以这种方法逐个引出单词 men women children) T: Pointing to a act man student and say: “This is a man. One man” Pointing to play three men of students say: “men” T:This is a man.

8、One man. These are men. Many men. Do you know whats the meaning of “many”? Can you tell me(许多的). (5). 用同样的方法教 (woman, women, many women). (6).This is a boy. This is a girl. Boys and girls are children. T: children 单词是个复数形式, 它的单数形式是什么呢?Can we say “This is a children”. S: No! This is a child. child-ch

9、ildren T: Great! child-children (7).The teacher point to men, women and children are people. Write and say people. Point to the pictures of men, women, children and people as you say the words with the class. Then read the words a few times. (8). Listen to the tape of part 1 and read after it. Part

10、2 People in the train station (1) T: Listen!火车鸣笛声 What happened?(听录音)The train is arriving in Beijing. I am tired and hungry 并做 tired and hungry.问全班 Are you tired and hungry?同学回答完毕,进行总结 Youre tired and hungry. She is tired and hungry. He is tired and hungry ,too.使用 everyone. Everyone is tired and hu

11、ngry. 板 书 everyone. Ask students to say a sentence with “everyone”. Lets go to the train station. Look! There are many people in the Beijing Train Station. Who are they? What are they doing in the train station? (学生分组活动、会话、表演。教师进行各组指导会话) Teacher ask students try to describe them in pairs. Then show

12、the dialogue to the class. (2) Are Li Ming, Danny, Jenny and Mrs.Li tired and hungry? (3) Do you want to know what they see in the train station? (4) Listen to the dialogue of part 2. (5) Read follow the dialogue of part 2. (设计意图:为学生更好地掌握课文,并养成良好的语音、语调) Step 3: Practice (1) Ask the students to talk

13、about something in the classroom. What can they see in the classroom? What are the people doing? (2)The students can make up some other dialogues, use the words they have learned today.(教师把学生分成几个小组,让学生们变装后来讲台上表演,教师给体现形式新颖, 同时又能简要全面呈现重点知识的小组, 颁发奖品。)Step 4: Homework (1). Write the plural form of the n

14、ouns man( )baby( ) woman( )girl( ) child( )、 (2) Do the Activity Book Step5:板书:Lesson9: Arriving in Beijingpeople man men This is a _. These are _.woman women What are the menwomenchildren child -children doing?everyone They are talking.七、教学反思 在设计这堂课的时候,充分理解了教材的重点和难点,能够充分调动学生的积极性,能够注意到对学生的语言表达能力的培养,

15、在教学中能够充分利用教学资源。开始利用歌曲, 不仅活跃了课堂气氛, 而且使学生很快进入英语氛围。提高了学习的积极性。学生亲自对猜单词过河动画进行操作, 氛围。提高了学习的积极性。在能力的提高环节中, 我为学生创设了一种想说、想做的情景空间,让好动的小学生们主动、积极参与进行,共同完成教学任务。此外,对重难点的突破也做到步步为营,节节渗透,逐个击破,努力实现“快乐学习,扎实学习” 逐个击破,努力实现“快乐学习,扎实学习”的“生命课堂”教学设想。同时教育学生在社会中做到尊老爱幼、遵守社会公共秩序;培养学生小组合作意识与互帮互助的精神。在整堂课中还是存在一些不足,学生操练还是有点少,语速稍快,应该把重点放在反复操练上,使学生更准确的掌握更多的英语知识。在以后的教学工作中,我还要一如既往,朝着更高、更远的目标努力!


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