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1、语言与文化模拟测试题第一部分选择题I. Each of the following incomplete statements isfollowed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. In its broad sense culture is.()A. whatever distinguishes one natio

2、n from all theother nationsB. the attributes of manC. life way of a populationD. intellectual or academic development and artist creation become secondary2. Language is, which means that speech is theprimary medium of languageA. arbitraryB.vocalC. symbolicD.human specific3. Wordfrequently appears to

3、gether withboy, man, vessel or airliner()A. beautiful B. nice C. prettyD. handsome4. Word get is derived from.()A. Old NorseB.LatinC. FrenchD.Germanyand5. is the name given to a young man or youngwoman whorejects authority, existinginstitutionconventional attitudes towards morality, style ofdress, e

4、tc.()A. DukeB. CowboyC. HippieD. Knight6. In English culture, Whiteconnotes.()A. deathB.D.longevityC. immaturityinnocence7. The metaphorical expression she cast her spell me illustrated that ()A. love is magicB.love is warC. love is a physical forceD.love is patient8. Even reckoning makes long frien

5、ds. is a proverbthat related to ()A. the history of EnglandB.the English writing systemC. individualismD.English literature9. To cause one to feel fear, loathing, aversion,nervous anxiety is synonymous to.()A. to make a faceB. tomake one s flesh creepC. to makea cat laughD.tobricks without straw10.

6、A proud of flesh is derived from Shakespeareovermakes.()A. Romeo and JulietB.Anthony and CleopatraC. The Merchant of VeniceD.King Lear11. The old Adam is an allusionfrom.()A. literatureB.religionC. mythologyD.history12. To kick off ” is derived from()A. boxingB.American footballC. soccerD.baseball13

7、. Friday is named after Freya,.()A. goddess of musicB.goddess of warC. goddess of oceanD.goddess of heaven14. Ais an implied comparison between twoor more unlike things.()A. similesB.metaphorsC. associationsD.tenor15. There are too many facts here for me to digest themall. is a metaphorical expressi

8、on about ideas, whichare()A. FoodB.commoditiesC. productsD.plants16. A blackleg is a person who()A. accepts work in place of strikersB. is a scoundrelC. is a member of a secret organization of Italian criminals and blackmailers which operated in the U.S.D. is a traitor17. The English equivalent for

9、贱内 ” is.B.A. my husband my wifeC. my sonD.my daughter18. One s oral speech is alw ays interpreted inrelation tothat accompanies his speech.()A. oral languageB.written languageC. body languageD.verbal language19. The first successful British colony was foundedin, Virginia, in 1607.()A. PlymouthB.Jame

10、stownC. New HampshireD.New York20. Some nonverbal messages are consistent withaccompanying verbal message, which is thefunction of nonverbal message. ()A. complementingB.D.contradictingC. RegulatingaccentingII. Each of the following incomplete statements isfollowed by four alternatives. Read each st

11、atement and the four alternatives carefully and decide whichalternative can complete the statement .There might be more than one correct answer (10%)21. The relationship between language, culture andthought is that ()A. they are three parts of a wholeB. language is determined by culture while cultur

12、eis determined by thoughtC. each of them can operate independentlyD. the three aspects interact, each influencing and shaping the other two22. The word (words)is (are) connectedB.with history.()A. scalplynchC. reformationD.bible23. The most common English replies to thankare.()A. It is nothingB.It i

13、s my dutyC. Not at allD.It is my pleasure24. When English speaking people part, they usuallysay.()A. Good- byeB.It s mice to meet youC. See you tomorrowD.So long25. are the proverbs, which are related toGreco - Roman civilization.()A. Marry in May, repent alwaysB. Bacchus hath drowned more me than N

14、eptuneC. Homer sometimes nodsD. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven26. A purple passage refers to an extremely ornateportion in.()A.musicB.a literacy workC.paintingD.architecture27. The euphemisms for the expression backwardcountries are.()A. underdeveloped countriesB.developed countriesC. developing countriesD.poor countries28. In each of the following stretches of English, thereis a textual connective which is underlined.Wordsindicate the adversative relationbetween the adjoining sentences.()A. You arent leaving, are you? Because r ve gotsomething to say to youB.



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