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1、冷战后日印关系的演变及其成因 冷战后日印关系的演变及其成因 Japan-India Relations after the Cold War: The Evolution and Its Cause【中文摘要】 日本和印度同为亚洲大国,两国在东亚、南亚各自具有不可取代的作用,日印双边关系与中国乃至亚洲的安全息息相关。冷战时期,美苏两大集团激烈对抗,日本在外交上选择紧随美国,而印度则采取了不结盟政策,并且与苏联保持友好关系。利益的不和,导致这一时期的日印关系比较冷淡。冷战结束后,随着国际局势的巨变,日本和印度都对其外交战略进行了调整。日本加快从经济大国向政治大国的转变步伐,而印度则采取以经济外交



4、素。比较全面深刻地分析了影响冷战后日印关系演变的诸多因素,主要从日印两国的自身因素、美国因素、中国因素、俄罗斯因素这几个方面入手进行综合比较,力求做到分析客观,结论可靠。第四部分:主要从政治、经济和安全方面,讨论了冷战后日印关系的发展演变对中国的影响。作为日本和印度的邻国,随着近年来日印两国在政治、经济、军事方面的互动合作呈明显加强之势,中国理所应当地应予以密切关注并做出必要的反应。【英文摘要】 Japan and India are great nations in Asian,both of them have the irreplaceable function in East and

5、South Asia,the Japan-India bilateral relationship is closely linked with the security of China and even the Asian.During the Cold War,the US and Soviet antagonized with each other intensely,in the diplomacy,Japan followed the US,while India adopted a non-aligned foreign policy and maintained friendl

6、y relationship with the Soviet Union.Because of the different benefit,Japan-India relationship was relatively cool in that period.After the Cold War,the international situation had changed hugely,Japan and India adjusted their foreign policy correspondingly.Japan accelerated the transition from econ

7、omic giant to the political power,while India gave priority to economic diplomacy and gave consideration to the foreign policy between east and west at the same time.The two countries found the same benefits through the diplomatic strategies of each other,and then they improved the relationship of e

8、ach other positively and become the close partner relationship gradually.However,the development of bilateral relationship between Japan and India was not favoring but changeable ceaselessly.In May of 1998,India was strongly blamed and imposed economic sanctions by Japan because of the nuclear test

9、which was carded out by India,the relationship between the two countries was nearly dropped to the historical bottom.Considering of the strategic benefit,both countries made great effort to restore bilateral relationships.In August,2000,the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori to India grea

10、tly promoted the restoration of relationship between the two countries and opened up a new prospect of development.According to this,in this article,we discussed the evolution process of Japan-India relationship from the historical perspective during every period,and also analyzed the cause of Japan

11、-India relationships evolution using the knowledge of many discipline, such as Geography Politics,International Relations science and so on,it aimed to show the relationship development between Japan and India after the Cold War clearly and objectively.At last,according to these characteristics of t

12、he evolution process,I gave my own viewpoint.This thesis includes the following four parts:The first part:Introduction.In this part,we mainly elaborate the reason and significance of this thesis,and on basis of the existing research results to summary the research ideas.The second part:The evolution

13、 of Japan-India relationship after the Cold War.we reviewed the performance and characteristics of the Japan-india relationship during the Cold War.Base on this,we analyzed the internal and external reasons:the different foreign policy in the two countries and the international environment in Cold W

14、ar. Because of this,the relationship between Japan and India was cool in that period.And according to the history events which had a great impact on the two countries,we discussed the evolution of Japan-India.relationship mainly from a historical perspective and highlighted the process of the develo

15、pment and evolution of the two countries bilateral relationship.Then,we investigated the intercourse of politics,economy, military affairs between the two countries during every period.The third part:Lots of factors which impacted on Japan-India relationship after the Cold War.In this chapter we pro

16、foundly analyzed many factors such as the Japan-India own factor,the American factor,Chinese factor,Russian factor which impacted on the evolution of Japan-India relationship after the Cold War,and we tried our best to analysis objectively and reliably.The fourth part:We discussed the influence of the evolution of Japan-India relationship on China after the Cold War from political,economic and security aspects.As the strengthening of the two countries interactive



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