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1、班级: 姓名: 四年级上册英语4 课前研究听P4对话录音两遍,试着朗读和理解对话,完成下列练习。一、朗读并理解下列句子的意思。(可参考英语书P74)We have a new classroom. Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see. Where is it? Its near the window. 二、照例子写一写,你行的!classroom We have a new classroom . ( 我们有间新教室 。 ) We have a new . ( ) window Its near the window . ( 它在窗户旁边。 ) It

2、s near the . ( ) 三、读一读,选择正确的答语,加油哦!( )1. Whats in the classroom? A. Ok.( )2. Where is it? B. A blackboard and 4 lights. ( )3. Lets go and see. C. Its near the door.班级: 姓名: 四年级上册英语5 课前研究听P5录音两遍,试着跟读单词和句子,完成下列练习。一、读一读,给下列图片选择正确的单词。 ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )A. window B. door C. pictureD. light E. classsro

3、om F. blackboard 二、根据中文意思提示,选择正确的单词。( )1. 图片 A. window B. picture ( )2. 电灯 A. light B. door ( )3. 黑板 A. classroom B. blackboard ( )4. 开门 A. Open the window. B. Open the door. 三、请看P5 Lets do部分,读一读选一选。A. Open the door. B. Turn on the light. C. Clean the blackboard. D. Close the window. E. Put up the p

4、icture. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )班级: 姓名: 四年级上册英语6 课前研究朗读P6单词,说说你的发现并完成下列练习。一、朗读下列单词,你发现了什么?请写一写!cake face name make 我的发现: 二、你能和我一样列举出结构相同发音相同的单词吗?请在书中找一找!你还发现了什么?a : cat dad a-e : cake face 我的发现: 三、读一读,判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,是否。( ) map hat ( ) face bag ( ) apple make ( ) hand cap( ) name cake ( ) fan dad你是怎样做这些

5、题的?和大家分享分享! 班级: 姓名: 四年级上册英语7 课前研究听P7对话录音两遍,试着朗读和理解对话,完成下列练习。一、朗读并理解下列句子的意思。(可参考英语书P74)Lets clean the classroom. Let me clean the windows. Let me help you. 二、照例子写一写,你行的!classroom Lets clean the classroom . ( 我们打扫教室 吧。 ) Let me clean the classroom . ( 我来打扫教室 。 ) Lets clean the . ( ) Let me clean the .

6、 ( )三、火眼金睛,选择正确的词填空。( )1. clean the door.A. Let B. Lets C. Lets ( )2. Let help you.A .me B. I C. you班级: 姓名: 四年级上册英语8 课前研究听P8录音两遍,试着跟读单词,完成下列练习。一、读一读,结合图片把单词补充完整。 f l r a n w a c mput r t chers de 二、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello! Im Amy. I have a new classroom. It has two blackboards, four fans and six windows.

7、 The wall is white and the door is blue. Look! A computer! Its on the teachers desk. ( ) 1. It has fans.A. two B. six C. four( ) 2. The is blue.A. wall B. window C. door( ) 3. The computer is the teachers desk.A. in B. on C. near班级: 姓名: 四年级上册英语9 课前研究朗读Unit 1单词和句子两遍,完成下列练习。一、看图,选择正确的词填空。(in在里面 on在上面

8、under 在下面 near在旁边)1. - Where is the dog? - Its the box.2. Where is the picture? - Its the wall.3. - Where is the car? - Its the box.4. -Where is the ball? -Its the chair.二、读一读,选一选。( )1.Whats the classroom?A. in B. on C. at( )2. One TV, four and ten lights.A. window B. picture C. fans( )3. Where the teachers desk?A. am B. is C. are三、在Unit 1中你最喜欢哪些单词哪些句子?写下来吧!



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