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1、外文文献:THE LIFE CYCLE OF BUILDINGABSTRACTSustainable Building is a global issue. The life cycle of building influences the life cycles of the whole planet dramatically. Some of the methods concerning Environmentally-Sound and Healthy Building, developed and used in The Netherlands will be presented an

2、d discussed in the perspective of world wide effects. Awareness about and development of those methods and approaches are actually yet not at their end. The scientific and technical complexity of the theme and the fact that the objectives are items of commercial and political interests make Sustaina

3、ble Building a delicate problem. However, after having seen how complicated it is to contribute to a Sustainable Development substantially, we will conclude with some Rules of Thumb and Innovative proposals, in order to stimulate more significant contributions in the future. INTRODUCTIONKnowledge on

4、 Sustainable Building was an item of highest importance already in the begin of human culture and civilisation. Looking back, in history, we find that Sustainable Building was a question of survival. Protection against weather circumstances, dangerous animals and hostile fellow men belong(ed) to the

5、 main functions of a building. In order to fulfil these demands it was necessary to find an equilibrium between the environmentally or ecologically based possibilities of resources and their limits and the needs and wishes for a durable home. Beside this it was determining for a built result, which

6、and how much capacities for the realisation were available. Energy for building purposes was mainly given by human power, and for a part by the use of animals and more indirectly sometimes by fire or wind. But fire was dependent from fuel. Similarly there was only building material at hand, which co

7、uld be found near to the site, because it was generally too costly, nearly impossible, to transport main materials from a source far away. When humankind started to exploit or produce (hard) energy on a large scale - at least a part, in the so called West - by steam, electricity from fuels like coal

8、, mineral oil, gas, hydropower and finally nuclear power, the scene of building changed dramatically, certainly in the rich countries, which used and still use to exploit others. In spite of pollution, deterioration and exploitation - these phenomena even mostly fully ignored - the socalled industri

9、al revolution started. Independent from a vital need, mass production firstly of all kinds of goods and later of more and more building products started. With the economical interest and power it was possible to create markets and to sell the mass products, even to far away located consumers, while

10、the relative easy new transportation lines of train and ship and later of truck and airplane, helped and help still to bring or catch raw materials from far away. Regional building disappeared in big parts of the world and with an International Architecture it was even postulated, that everything co

11、uld be the same everywhere. In the last decades we slowly recognized the terrible effects of this way to build in our environment as well as on ourselves. The mondial disaster might be, for approximately a third, the effect of the building activities, while the Sick Building Syndrome is fully create

12、d by the recent and nowadays way to build and to dwell. At the same time we should be aware that the rich appearing, technological advanced countries, which are approximately 20% of the whole humankind, can effort this style only by exploiting the + 80% of humankind, which are called the Poor, under

13、 whom a population of about 20% hardly can survive. It seems extraordinary difficult to increase the awareness of the first World concerning these relations within our mondial society. But even more difficult it is to transform our behaviour towards more balanced circumstances in the world. This con

14、tribution aims to help, modestly, to support a strategy together with the necessary know how towards Sustainable Building as an essential part of Sustainable Development. The entire building process from cradle to grave or even from cradle to cradle in its relation to the environment in terms of ene

15、rgy use and emission between digging (in put) out of the environment and bringing back (out put) into the environment. On the way of this life cycle we face exploitation, pollution and deterioration of the environment. Partial reuse is always good, but it is only a very low compensation for the dama

16、ges, which the whole process causes.LIFE CYCLE Looking more carefully (than usual) to the Life Cycle of materials and products (and similarly also to the flow of energy), applied for all kinds of purposes, including building, it is useful to distinguish in the relationship of the changes a material (or an energy) undergoes with space and time. Doing so, we systematically can focus on the various impacts which the chain of causes and eff


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