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1、本科学生毕业设计汽车超速报警系统设计 院系名称: 汽车与交通工程学院 专业班级: 车辆工程 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 实验师 The Graduation Design for Bachelors DegreeDesign Of Automotive OverspeedAlarm SystemCandidate:Wei ZhaoSpecialty:Vehicle Engineering Class:B07-3 Supervisor:Experimentalist Division. Qi YiqiangHeilongjiang Institute of Technology 黑龙江工程

2、学院本科生毕业设计摘 要近年来,随着汽车产业的迅速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,我国的汽车数量正逐年增加。同时汽车驾驶人员中非职业汽车驾驶人员的比例也逐年增加。并且随着人民生活水平的不断提高,私家车已经走入千家万户,成为主要的交通工具。然而,私家车主由于不是专业的司机,熟练程度、速度的感觉不是特别好,车速往往根据偏好,随意提速、超速行驶,当汽车处于超速行驶状态下,其稳定性与安全性大大降低,一旦出现紧急情况,往往会导致车毁人亡的重大交通事故发生。综上所述,有必要开发一套超速报警系统,辅助提醒驾驶员以达到控制车速的目的。全套图纸,加153893706本系统从汽车行驶的安全角度出发,在不改变汽车原有

3、结构的基础上,对汽车行驶的速度及其它车况参数进行采样、测量、计算,利用AT89S51型单片机对数据进行有效的分析,提高了系统对复杂路况处理能力。并且采用实时报警、延时控制等方法实现督促驾驶员在道路允许车速范围内安全行驶,从而实现超速报警、提高人车安全的重要功能。在实际设计过程中,利用一个6V直流电动机串联电位器来模拟车轮的转速和线性加速,直观的展示了整个系统的运行过程。关键词:报警;AT89S51;调试;设计;光电开关 ABSTRACTIn recent years, with the rapid development of auto industry and people living s

4、tandard rise ceaselessly, the number of cars in China is increases year by year. While driving a car driving china-africa professional personnel has been increasing proportion of personnel. And as people living standard rise ceaselessly, cars had walked into the thousands, and become the main mode o

5、f transport. However, private owners because the driver is not a professional proficiency, speed, the feeling is not particularly good, speed often preferences, optional speed, according to a speeding, when car is in speeding state, its stability and security reduced greatly, once in an emergency, o

6、ften leads to serious traffic accident the elderly. To sum up, it is necessary to develop a set of speeding alarm system, auxiliary remind drivers in order to achieve the purpose of controlling the speed. The system of the car safety from Angle, not changing the car, on the basis of original structu

7、re to the speed of the automobile and other sampling, the measurement condition parameters, calculation of, use of the data type AT89S51 single-chip effective analysis of complex system was improved roads processing ability. And using real-time alarm, delay control method to urge the roads safe driv

8、ing speed range allowed, thus speeding car alarm, improve the important function people safe. In actual design process, use a tandem potentiometer for dc 6V to simulate the wheel speed and linear acceleration, intuitive demonstrates the whole system operation process. Key words: Alarm; AT89S51;Debug

9、; Design;photoelectric switch目 录摘要IAbstractII第1章 绪论1 1.1 课题背景1 1.2车速报警系统的发展历程、现状与发展趋势1 1.3 课题主要研究内容2第2章 超速报警系统的理论知识与方案的确定32.1 总体设计思路32.2 方案的提出32.2.1 测频原理32.2.2 侧周原理42.2.3 计数原理42.3 方案的比较及确定52.4测量方案设计52.5 本章小结5第3章 超速报警系统硬件设计63.1 主控模块选择6 3.1.1 单片机系统6 3.1.2 时钟电路8 3.1.3 复位电路93.2 测速系统设计9 3.2.1 传感器选择及方案设计9

10、 3.2.2 信号整形113.3 按键设计设计123.4 报警系统设计12 3.4.1 蜂鸣器12 3.4.2 LED发光二极管报警灯133.5 显示部分方案与选择设计133.6 本章小结15第4章 超速报警系统软件设计164.1软件设计概述164.2软件设计方案164.3 各系统程序164.3.1 数据处理程序16 4.3.2 按键处理程序18 4.3.3 LED动态显示程序204.4 本章小结22第5章 系统制作与调试23 5.1 硬件焊接注意事项23 5.2 LED动态数码管调试245.3对传感器输入信号的调试255.4 声光报警调试275.5 总体调试28 5.5.1 供电系统检测与调试29 5.5.2 总系统短路检测29 5.5.3 各模块独立检测方法305.6 本章小结31结论32致谢33参考文献34附录35附录A 英文文献与中文参考译文35附录B 总系统电路原理图40附录C实物效果图41附录D材料清单42附录E 总程序流程图43附录F 源程序4443第1章 绪 论1.1 课题背景



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