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1、三年级上学期复习资料一.词汇复习(主要以课本93页到95页词汇表中的黑色字体的四会单词为重点,熟练掌握这部分单词后再复习蓝色的三会单词及绿色的二会单词。)(以下词汇要求会听,说,读,写,请家长督促学生认真记忆好,多读,多默写,谢谢!)1.身体词汇hand手 hair头发 face脸 ear耳朵 head头 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 arm手臂 leg腿 foot脚2.文具词汇(含部分家具)pencil铅笔 desk书桌 table桌子 pen钢笔 chair椅子 box盒子 rubber橡皮 ruler尺子 bag书包 bed床 book书 官方网站:http:/ 颜色词汇colour颜色

2、 red红色 blue蓝色 green绿色 orange橙色 yellow黄色 pink粉红色 purple紫色 white白色 black黑色 brown褐色 grey灰色 4.交通工具词汇plane飞机 bus公共汽车 bike自行车 ship轮船 truck卡车 boat小船 taxi出租汽车 car汽车5.数字词汇one一 two二 three三 four四 five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 6.动词词汇open打开 please请 thank谢谢

3、look看 let让 like喜欢7. 特殊疑问词 how怎样 where哪里 what什么 how many多少 8.人称词汇I我 you你,你们 it它 they他(她,它)们 me我(宾格) us我们(宾格)9.食物词汇apple苹果 orange橙子 cake蛋糕10.其他词汇a一个(支,条) an一个(支,条) the这,那,这些,那些 am是 is是 are是 this这 that那 these这些 OK好,行 good好的 fine好,身体好 yes是的,对 no不,不是,不对 not不 here这里 sun太阳 English英语 now现在 ball球 many许多 11.

4、部分缩写its=it is它是 Im=I am我是 theyre=they are他(她,它)们是 isnt=is not(不是) arent=are not(不是) theres=there is有 heres=here is(在这里) whats=what is是什么 wheres=where is是在哪里lets=let us让我们二.重点短语,句型复习1.问好Hello.你好 Hi.你好 Good morning.早上好 Good afternoon.下午好 Good evening.晚上好 Good night.晚安 Good-bye.再见 Bye-bye.再见 How are yo

5、u?你好。 Im fine. Thank you.(或者:Fine, thanks.)我很好,谢谢。And you?你呢? Im fine, too. Thank you. 我也很好,谢谢。2.介绍Im .我是. This is .这是.Whats your name?你的名字是? My name is .我的名字是Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。 Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。 官方网站:http:/ this(in English)? =What is this? 这是什么? Its a/an . =It is a/an .这是.Whats

6、 that(in English)? =What is that? 那是什么? Its a/an . =It is a/an .那是.Whats it(in English)? =What is this? 它是什么? Its a/an . =It is a/an .它是.What are these(in English)? 这些是什么? Theyre s. =They are s.这些是.What are they(in English)? 他(她,它)们是什么? Theyre s. =They are s.他(她,它)们是.What shape is this? 这是什么形状? Its

7、a . =It is a .这是.What shape is that? 那是什么形状? Its a . =It is a .那是.What shape is it? 它是什么形状? Its a . =It is a .它是.What shapes are these? 这些是什么形状? Theyre s. =They are s.这些是.What shapes are they? 他(她,它)们是什么形状? Theyre s. =They are s.他(她,它)们是.How many are there?有多少个? There is one.有一个。 There are .有个。Where

8、s my ? =Where is my ?我的在哪里? Its in .它在的里面。 Its on .它在的上面。Where are my s?我的在哪里? Theyre in . =They are in . 它们在的里面。 Theyre in . =They are in . 它们在的里面。4.一般疑问句及回答Is this a/an ? 这是一个吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is that a/an ? 那是一个吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not

9、. =No, it is not.不是的Is it a/an ? 它是一个吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is this your ? 这是你的吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is that your ? 那是你的吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is it your ? 它是你的吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, i

10、t isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Are these s? 这些是吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的Are they s? 他(她,它)们是吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的Are these yours? 这些是你的吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的Are they yours? 他(她,它)们是你的吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的Is the in the ?.是在里面吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No



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