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1、求学加拿大重要一课:工学结合作者:Julie Walchli 时间:2014年09月04日 位置:专栏学在加拿大窗体顶端窗体底端大中小Julie Walchli是加拿大温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学文学院合作教育项目创始人和负责人、该校合作教育协会前任主席及加拿大合作教育协会候任主席。从事合作教育工作前,她在英属哥伦比亚大学英语系担任了7年的教职。为何许多加拿大高校都鼓励学生走出课堂去学习?对于此间大学中盛行的“工学结合”大家需要了解些什么?说到大学教育,你脑海中会浮现出什么样的画面呢?是坐在大阶梯教室前排听专家讲课?在实验室里努力做实验?参加小组讨论?还是在大学图书馆泡上几小时“啃书”?在加拿大,虽

2、然这些都可能是多数大学生在校生涯的一部分,但学校也越来越鼓励学生走出校园,到社区去参加各种活动。浏览加拿大主要大学的网站就会发现,其中大多数都有“动手”学习内容,也就是让学生把理论和实践结合起来,而且这种学习正越来越被看作是大学生涯的核心。这些把正规教育和工作实践联系在一起的活动称为“工学结合”(Work Integrated Learning)。它引发关注的原因有几个:首先,安大略省高等教育质量委员会(Higher Education and Quality Council of Ontario)的一系列研究显示,完成课堂学习和社区学习的学生通常会觉得自己的学习更深入,对自身和选择的学术方向



5、What do you imagine when you think about a university education? Sitting in large lecture halls, listening to experts at the front of the room? Working hard on lab experiments or participating in discussion groups? Spending hours in front of books at the universitys library?While all of these activi

6、ties are likely to be part of most students experience at Canadian universities, increasingly students are also being encouraged to participate in activities that take them outside the classroom and into the community. Look at the web sites of most major Canadian universities and youll see that “han

7、ds-on” learning that allows students to integrate theories with practice is increasingly viewed as central to the university experience.This focus on Work Integrated Learning (WIL)programs that combine work with formal educationis the result of several factors. First, studies, including a series fro

8、m the Higher Education and Quality Council of Ontario, show that students who complement classroom learning with learning in the community usually feel they learn more deeply and are more confident about themselves and their academic choices directionAs the changing global labour market makes gettin

9、g a job or getting into graduate school a lot more difficult, having work experience on your resume prior to graduation helps students differentiate themselves from their fellow students. WIL gives graduates a competitive advantage in the labour market, for graduate school, and for professional scho

10、ols.So what is WIL and what do students need to know about the different types of programs available to them at most Canadian universities? Most forms of WIL are optional, not required elements of a university degree, and some forms will be better suited to some students than others. Some of the mos

11、t common types of WIL in Canada include:Internships:Probably the most commonly used term to describe work experience in industry, Internships can mean paid or unpaid work of varying durations. Unpaid internships have come under scrutiny in North America in the past 2-3 years as stories of large, pro

12、fitable organizations exploiting unpaid interns have captured headlines. As a result, practices around unpaid internships are changing, and more organizations are looking at bringing on interns either in paid roles, or from university programs that give students credit for their internships towards

13、their degree program. Sometimes internship programs are part of a formal university program integrated with the degree, but more often they are opportunities that an employer posts and students apply for, completing them on their own time.In assessing an internship opportunity, consider: Is it paid?

14、 If not, are the volunteer hours reasonable given my other commitments? Will the experience count for credit towards my degree? Has the employer hired interns before? If so, what do past interns say about their experience? Will I be asked to do substantial work related to my degree and career goals,

15、 or will I be doing more menial work around the office? If Im an international student, do I need a work visa for an internship?合作教育:合作教育是正规大学课程项目。通过这样的项目,学生在读书之外还要多次从事全职工作,校方则会把这些工作经历记入学生的在校成绩。在加拿大,大多数合作教育课程都要求学生每次工作的时间相当于该专业学时的30%;对多数本科学位来说,这就意味着学生至少需要参加3次这样的工作。合作教育课程由有资质的专业教育人士和/或院系负责。参加这些课程的国际学生

16、可以向加拿大公民及移民部(Citizenship and Immigration Canada)申请特别工作签证,以便在校外参加这样的工作。评估合作教育项目时要考虑的因素包括:毕业前多次到校外参加工作并探索各种各样的职业选择对自己是否有益?是否需要为攻读学位的花费去挣钱?该合作教育项目办公室在自己找工作或工作条件方面能提供哪些支持?该课程项目能带来哪些靠自己争取不到的经验?收费情况如何?对国际学生会额外收费吗?社区服务实践学习:这也是正规大学课程项目,它把志愿工作纳入提供学分的课程之中。这些志愿工作以满足社区组织的需要为抓手,并包括学生对这一经历的结构性思索,从而把实践经历和课程内容联系起来。此类活动的负责人通常是讲授该门课程的教授,同时可能由高校


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