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1、http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ of subway shielding door top box louver air valve mode 跟着我国经济社会的开展,对节能减排的需求越来越高,选用传统屏蔽门体系的地铁,其通风季的通风能耗约占全年运转能耗的40%。地铁设计规范第12.1.5条规则,地铁通风与空调体系宜优先选用通风方法(含活塞通风)。因而,在通风季较长,且地层土壤温度较低的区域,有条件也有必要研讨屏蔽门体系下,在通风季使用活塞风为公共区通风的计划。 As Chinas economic and social development, the demand o

2、f energy saving and emission reduction is more and more high, the traditional screen door system of metro, ventilation ventilation season throughout the year about the operation energy consumption 40%. Specification subway design the 12.1.5 rule, the subway ventilation and air conditioning system sh

3、ould be preferred method (including piston ventilation) ventilation. Therefore, in the ventilation season is longer, and the formation of low soil temperatures region, the necessary conditions are on the screen door system, the use of the piston wind in the ventilation season into a public zone vent

4、ilation plan. 地铁屏蔽门顶箱设置百叶风阀是指在屏蔽门顶箱以上,装饰天花以下的空间内设置百叶,并设置电动风阀。在空调季,风阀封闭,在通风季电动风阀翻开,使用活塞风为公共区通风;站台火灾时百叶电动风阀翻开,使用地道风机帮忙排烟。 Metro shielding door top box set louver air valve is above the shielding door top box, shutter set decorative ceiling following space, and set the electric air valve. In the air-co

5、nditioning season, air valve closed, open in the ventilation season electric air valve, the use of the piston wind into a public zone ventilation; platform fire shutter electric air valve is opened, the use of the exhaust fan. 屏蔽门顶箱设置百叶风阀与传统的屏蔽门体系比照,具有以下几个优势:屏蔽门顶箱百叶在通风季可充分使用室外天然冷源和列车的活塞通风效应,在确保公共区环境

6、舒适度的前提下,可下降车站轨排风机和车站大体系的在通风时节的运转能耗。在火灾工况下,屏蔽门顶箱百叶体系无需敞开屏蔽门,提高了事端工况下人员逃生的安全性,避免了二次损伤。 Shielding door top box set the screen door system louver air valve and the traditional contrast, has the following advantages: piston ventilation effect of shielding door top box can make full use of the louver outd

7、oor natural cold source and train in the ventilation season, to ensure that public environment premise of comfort, operation time can be reduced in the ventilation fan and station. The station system energy consumption. In case of fire, shielding door top box louver system without open the screen do

8、or, improves the safety of personnel dispute cases escape, avoid two damage. 在通风季,对典型车站屏蔽门顶箱设置百叶和风阀,敞开百叶后,车站公共区室内温度、换气次数满意设计标准的需求的状况下,该体系计划建立的前提条件是使用活塞风为公共区通风时,站台内的气流组织满意设计标准的需求,火灾工况下,满意站台排烟的需求。本文将要点研讨,火灾时,敞开站台火灾一侧的屏蔽门顶箱上的百叶来替代该侧屏蔽门,站点内烟气温度、有毒气体浓度、可见度、速度场等特征参数的散布状况,进而剖析该形式在地铁车站火灾事端时的安全、有用的气流组织形式、排烟送

9、风形式,阻碍烟气向站台公共区或经过楼梯和自动扶梯向站厅层延伸,阻碍烟气进入疏散楼梯,削减严重人员伤亡事端的可能性。模仿核算选用大涡场模仿软件FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator 火灾动力学模仿)进行数值模仿。 In the ventilation season, set the shutter and air valve on the typical shielding door top box, open the shutter, station public area indoor temperature, ventilation frequency satisfied

10、design standard demand situation, condition of this system plans to build is the use of piston wind into a public zone ventilation airflow inside the station, station design standards. The demand, in case of fire, smoke demand satisfaction platform. This paper will study the fire points, when the sh

11、ielding door top box, open platform fire on one side of the shutter to replace the side door, the distribution characteristics of flue gas temperature, the concentration of toxic gases, visibility, velocity field within the site parameters, and then analyzes the form in a station of the Metro fire i

12、ncidents when the safety, useful airflow organization form, smoke exhaust flue gas to form, hinder station public area or by stairs and escalators to the concourse level extension, hinder the flue gas enters the evacuation staircase, possibility of cutting the serious casualties incidents. Using lar

13、ge eddy field imitation imitation calculation software FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator imitate fire dynamics) numerical imitation. 核算模仿的空间及排烟体系构建,车站站台宽度按10m,长度120m,高度为4.8m;站台与站厅之间经过两组扶梯和一组楼梯衔接,其开口连通部位的净空尺度为(长宽)30003000、25002000mm;屏蔽门高度为3m,玻璃部分为2.1m,总长度为130m,在屏蔽门顶箱以上,装饰天花以下的空间设置300mm高的百叶,总长度为130m;地道截面尺度

14、为(宽高)40005000、轨顶排风口、站台下排风口的安置在列车正常泊车范围内,排风口安置长度约与列车长度一样。 Construction of accounting imitative space and exhaust system, the station platform width 10m, length 120m, height 4.8m; between the platform and the station hall after two sets of escalators and a set of stairs cohesion, the opening is commun

15、icated site clearance for (length * width) of 3000 3000, 2500 2000mm; shielding door height is 3M, the glass part is 2.1m, the total length is 130m, the shielding door top box, 300mm high shutter set decorative ceiling following space, for a total length of 130m; tunnel section scale (width * height) of 4000 5000, the rail top outlet, bottom tuyere platform housed in normal parking area inside the train, outlet placement and the length of the length of train.



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