8 Reading signs3

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《8 Reading signs3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《8 Reading signs3(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教学内容Listen and say教学目标知识与技能:1、学生学习掌握Look and learn中的标识语: Look out for children. Look out for animals. No smoking. No swimming. Keep quiet. Dont walk on the grass.2、通过Read and tick的活动,帮助学生巩固can, should的用法。3、通过Think and write的写作活动,完成一张海报。过程与方法:能认识不同的标识,并说出标识表示的含义。情感、态度与价值观:在公共场所遵守规则,做文明公民。教学重点1、掌握标识语:

2、Look out for children. Look out for animals. No smoking. No swimming. Keep quiet. Dont walk on the grass.教学难点2、巩固情态动词can和should的用法。教学准备PPT课时安排一课时第一课时课时目标Listen and say教学过程Pre-task preparations1、Show some signs we have already learnt on PPT and encourage students to say the meaning of them in differe

3、nt ways. T: What does Sign1 mean? S1: It means “Dont smoke!” S2: It means “We mustnt smoke!” . T: These signs tell us we mustnt do or cant do something.2、Students discuss “Where can we find these signs?”T: Where can we find these signs?S1: We can find “Dont smoke” in the library and cinema.S2: We ca

4、n find “Dont play with matches” in the forest. While-task procedures1、Show the signs in “Look and learn”, learn the phrase “Look out” with the help of the action.2、Divide these six signs into two groups.DosDontsLook out for children.No smoking.Look out for animals.No swimming.Keep quiet. Dont walk o

5、n the grass.3、Say the meaning of the signs and describe these signs in simple sentences.(1) T: Where can you see this sign? What does it say?S1: I can see this sign near a school. It says look out for children. It means there are children nearby and we must drive slowly. We shouldnt drive fast. (2)

6、T: Where can you see this sign? What does it say?S2: I can see this sign in the zoo/on the farm/.It says look out for animals. It means there may be some animals on the road. We must look out for them.(3) T: Where can you see this sign? What does it say?S3: I can see this sign in the hospital/restau

7、rant/school/library/ cinema/park. It says we shouldnt smoke here. 4Discuss the other three signs in small groups, then the group leaders do the report.5、Play a game: Lucky number.6、Learn some more signs we can see in public places.7、Match the signs with the meanings, and add the description “This si

8、gns says . I can see it in.” Post-task activities1、Do the exercise “Read and tick” to consolidate the meaning of the signs.2、Think and write. Students choose one place to list five signs we can see there and make a poster.板书设计Unit8 Reading signs Look out for children. No smoking. Keep quiet. Look out for animals. No swimming. Dont walk on the grass.


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