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1、六年级上册1-4单元测试题 姓名_听力部分(20分)一、听音,选择句中所听到的单词。(5分)( )1.A, always B.usually C. never ( ) 2.A.swing B. bench C.beach( )3. A, lonely B .lovely C. friendly ( ) 4. A. medicine B.egg york C. grape( ) 5.A.library B. hospital C. shopping二、听句子,对的写“T” ,错的写“F”。(5分)( )1.Kate always gets up early . ( ) 2.The childre

2、n are playing happily .( )3,Lets go to the Underwater World. ( ) 4.We eat mooncakes on MidAutumn Festival. ( ) 5.She runs to the breakfast table at 6:45 . 三、按听到的顺序给下列句子标号。(5分)( )1、After some time,Change missed her husband and felt lonely.( )2、Pepole get together and eat mooncakes on this day.( )3、Ch

3、ange wanted to fly to the moon.( )4、When there is a full moon,Change and her husband tried to see each other.( )5、She took a magic medicine and flew to the moon with her rabbit.四、 根据所听到的问句找出正确的答语。(5分)( )1.A Yes , she does . B. No, she dont . C.Yes, I do .( )2.A .OK. Lets go . B. Are you OK? C. What

4、about you ?( )3.A. Yes, she was. B. Yes, she did . C. No, she doesnt.( )4.A .A thick one, please. B.A thin one, please. C.A long one, please.( )5.A .It s fifteen yuan. B. Im 11. C. He is a teacher. 笔试部分(80分)一、根据括号内的中文意思重新组合单词。(9分)1.rygan(生气的)_ 2.amifly(家庭)_ 3.dengar(花园)_ 4.rapeg(葡萄)_ 5. enfo(经常)_ 6.

5、brliary(图书馆)_ 7.enots(石头)_8.emht (他们)_ 9.orwld(世界)_ 二、选出不同类的单词选项。(6分)( )1.A. bus B. plane C. stone ( ) 2.A .has B .washes C. play( ) 3. A . often B. usually C .eat ( ) 4. A .happy B .bite C. cry( ) 5.A .grape B. apple C. milk ( )6.A. mooncake B. water C. soup三、单项选择。(20分)( ) 1. Lingling is sitting _

6、the swing. A. in B. on C. at( )2.Dont throw stones _the dog. A. in B. on C. at( )3._ weekdays ,she gets up early. A. In B. On C. By( )4.He leaves _ work at 7:00. A for B. on C .at( )5.He usually waves _ goodbye. A. they B. them C. their( )6.He is never late _ work. A. in B. on C. for ( )7.She always

7、 _her face at 6:05. A. wash B. washes C. washing( )8.I want to _ science stories. A. read B. reading C. reads( )9.We _ there last month. A. go B. goes. C. went( )10.Lets go to the park _ a picnic. A for B. on C .at( )11.Long long ago,Change _ to fly to the moon. A want B. wanted C .wants( )12.Mid-Au

8、tumn Festival falls _the 15th of the 8th lunar month. A for B. on C .in( )13.She flew to the moon _ her rabbit. A for B. and C .with( )14.The children were talking _ where they wanted to go . A. for B. on C. about( )15.Lets _ some mooncakes . A . make B. to make C. making( )16. -_she want to fly to

9、the moon ? -Yes , she did . A, Did B.Does C.Is ( )17. Look, the dog is _ in the swimming pool. A swim B swimming C sleeping( )18.There_ a public holiday last Monday. A were B was C are( )19. What day is it today? Today is _. A Sunday B March C summer ( )20. Mingming is climbing _ the slide . A . on

10、B. at C. up四、根据括号内要求写单词。(10分)1.try(过去式)_2. take(-ing形式)_3.watch(第三人称单数)_ 4.early(反义词)_want(过去式)_6.swim(ing 形式)_ 7.fly(过去式)_ 8.they(宾格)_ 9.never(反义词)_ 10.play(第三人称单数)_ 五、根据问句找答语。(5分)( )1. What are you doing ? A .Yes, she does. ( )2.What did you do last night ? B.Its five oclock .( )3.Lets go to the U

11、nderwater World . C. Im watching TV . ( )4.Does Mary always get up early ? D.I watched TV last night .( )5.What time is it now ? E. OK. Lets go . 六、情景会话。补全对话(共5小题,计10分) (一)Peter:Look, Bill , there is a bag on the ground. Whose bag is this?Bill: Maybe(也许)itsLets go and ask him.Peter: (1) Bill: Hello, Sam. (2) Sam: Oh, yes! Its mine . Thank you very much. (3) A. Is this your bag ? B. Me , too . C. How do you get there ? D. OK !E.Where are you going now ?Pe



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