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1、非谓语知识点谓语、独立主格非谓语I came here at six.简单句I came here at six to meet him.不定式作非谓语I came here at six, carry ing my no tebook.动名词作非谓语I came here at six, worried.分词作非谓语非谓语的三种形式不定式 to doTo be or not to be, that is a questi on.动名词 doingSeeing is believ ing.分词 doing/done (现在分词或过去分词)(We were ) Born to wi n.Dili

2、ge nee is the path lead ing to happ in ess.不定式1)不定式在句中的作用Not to advanee is to go back.主语表语He promised not to tell anyone about it.宾语My dream to become a star never came true.定语En glish is difficult to learn.补语She came at last, only to find there is nothing to eat.状语I don t knowhat to do.宾语To tell yo

3、u the truth, I don t quite like the movie.状语2)不定式的时态与语态四种形式主动被动一般式to doto be done完成式to have doneto have bee n done进行式to be doing/完成进行式to have bee n doing/3)不定式5大易犯错误 .That snormal to make mistakes. wrong 把that改成itIts no rmal to make mistakes.形式主语主语It + to do sth.(形式主语)It s always easy to say but har

4、d to do.I find it _hard to hate him.形式宾语宾语 I don t know if to help him or not. WrongI don tknow whether to help him or not.表示是否时,只能用whether,不用ifv.+ (what/who/which/how/whe n/where/whether) + to do .I appreciate you to help me so much. Wrongappreciate 后不能加不定式应改成:I appreciate your help ing.I appreciat

5、e your help.这些动词后只能加不定式afford, aim, appear, bother, care, happe n, force, permit, en able,long desire, determ ine, expect, hope, promise,fail, hesitate, prepare, pretend, refuse, endeavor,seem, tend, ought, I n eed some paper to write. Wrongto write 作定语修饰 paper,把 paper 带进去 write on the paperI n eed

6、some paper to write on.I have a letter to write.I n eed some paper to write on.I need a pen to write with. To save mon ey, every means has bee n tried. Wrongsave money 的逻辑主语是人,而句子的主语是every means逻辑不一致应改成: To save money, he has tried every means.To lear n En glish well, (字典必不可缺。)he should have a dicti

7、 onary he n eeds a dicti onary 不能写成 a dictionary is necessary4.不定式to省略的2种情况 感官动词之后see, watch, observe, no tice, hear, feel+ do表示动作的完整性,真实性;I saw him work in the garde n yesterday.看他工作劳动的整个过程+ doing表示动作的连续性,进行性I saw him worki ng in the garde n yesterday.看他工作这件事,看到的是片段,不是全过程注:感官动词后面接形容词而不是副词The cake t

8、astes good; It feels comfortable. 使役动词 have/bid/make/let 等词后I d like to have Leon do it.注:感官动词和使役动词变被动,需要还原toA man was seen to enter the shop.被动的时候一定要把省略的to加上真题链接(题号为在真题中的顺序)68. Mrs. Brow n is supposedfor Italy last week.(1990-1)A) to have leftB) to be leav ingC) to leaveD) to have bee n left61. Mr.

9、 Joh nson preferredheavier work to do.(1993-6)A) to be give nB) to be givingC) to have give nD) hav ing give n47. There is more land in Australia tha n the gover nment knows.(1989-1)A) what to do withB) how to doC) to do with itD) to do it87. Charity groups orga ni zed various activities(为地震幸存者筹款)。(

10、2011-12)to raise money for the survivors of the earthquake87.为了确保他参加会议 ),I called him up inadva nee. (2010-12)(In order) To en sure him to atte nd the meeti ngTo en sure his atte ndance at the meet ing动名词1.动名词在句中的作用Collecting stamps is my hobby.主语I dream about being with you forever.宾语My job is prot

11、ecting you.表语2只能加动名词的情况这些动词后admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, ban,con sider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy,en dure, escape, excuse, fini sh, forbid, forgive, imagi ne, keep, men ti on, mind, miss, pard on,permit, practise, prevent, prohibit, risk这些动词短语后 can t help, feel like, put off, give up

12、, keep onobject to, pay attention to, stick to, get down to 开始认真做,be get used to习惯于,lead to 导致,be devoted to 致力于,专用于,take to 开始喜欢做 be opposed to,这里的to都是介词,因此后面加动名词这些表达后its no good; its no/little/hardly any use; it s worthwhile; spend money/time;there s no point inf某事没有意义); theres no thi ng worse tha

13、 n 3.动名词的时态语态一般形式:I like watchi ng TV.doi ng完成形式:I regret not hav ing take n your advice.被动形式: This questio n is far from being settled.hav ing done being done真题链接89. We look forward to (被邀请出席开幕式).(2010-06)being invited to attend the opening ceremony48. The match was can celled because most of the m

14、embers match without a stan dard court.(1991-6)A) objected to hav ingB) were objected to haveC) objected to haveD) were objected to hav ing68. She was so angry that she felt like (1992-6).someth ing at him.A). to throwC) to have throw nD) hav ing throw n51. I appreciate A) to be in vitedto your home. (1991-6)B) to have in vitedC) hav ing in vitedD) being in vited69. Our modern civilization must not be thought of asin ashort period of time. (cet4)A) being createdB) to have bee n createdC) ) hav ing bee n createdD) to be created补充1:动名词与不定式都可以作主语、宾语


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