中考英语语法测试 状语从句和宾语从句

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《中考英语语法测试 状语从句和宾语从句》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语语法测试 状语从句和宾语从句(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013中考英语语法测试:状语从句和宾语从句(1)1She will find him a kind man when she _ more about himAknowsBknowCwill knowDis going to know2Well stay at home if it _ this afternoonArainBrainsCto rainDraining3Bob didnt go to bed _ he finished his workAuntilBafterCwhileDwhen4This TV set is too dear, _ it gives you a bette

2、r pictureAorBifCthoughDand5We will go to the Great Wall if it _ tomorrowAwont rainBisnt rainingCrainedDdoesnt rain6Betty didnt go to see the film yesterday _ she was illAbecauseBbutCuntilDif7We wont visit the Great Wall until the rain _Awill stopBstopsCstoppedDhas stopped8I didnt buy the dictionary

3、yesterday _ my aunt would give me one.AuntilBbecauseCifDbefore9I dont know if he _. -He will come if it _.Acomes; wont rainBwill come; doesnt rainCcomes; doesnt rainDwill come; wont rain10Do you know what time _ ?Athe train leaveBdoes the train leaveCwill the train leaveDthe train leaves.11I cant un

4、derstand _.Awhat does Christmas meanBwhat Christmas does meanCwhat mean Christmas doesDwhat Christmas means.12The small children dont know _.Awhat is their stockings inBwhat is in their stockingsCwhere is their stockings inDwhat in their stockings13Could you tell me _ the radio without any help?Ahow

5、 did he mendBwhat did he mendChow he mendedDwhat he mended14Can you tell us?Awhen did he comeBWhen he cameCwhen did he cameDhe came when15I dont know _ I can do for you.AwhoBthatCwhat16Could you tell us _ Mr Brown lives in Room 202?AthatBwhereCuntilDif17Do you know _ he did not turn off the light?Ah

6、owBwhyCwhatDwhether18I dont know _ or not it will rain tomorrow.AthatBwhenCifDwhether19Why is their classroom so clean and tidy? - _ it is cleaned every day.ASinceBAsCBecauseDFor20Can you tell me _ is going to give us a talk next Monday?AwhoBwhomCwhoseDwhat答案1A在时间、条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。2B同上。3Anotuntil直

7、到才。4Cthough引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”。5D参见1题解释。6A7B同1小题。8B9B第一个句子中的if引导的是宾语从句,第二个句子引导的是条件状语从句。10Dleaves是用一般现在时表示将来。11D此句考查宾语从句结构。一般的从句结构应为陈述语序,即“连词+ 主语+ 谓语。”12B此句中的what是宾语从句中的主语。13C同上。14B同上。15C此题考查连词用法。what在宾语从句中做do 的宾语。16Dif引导宾语从句,作“是否”讲。17B此句不能用whether,因为if和whether引导的宾语从句的谓语一般不用否定句,但可用 ifwhetheror not结构。18Di

8、f和whether都可引导在句尾有or not的句子,whether还可接“whether or not”结构,而 if不能。19C虽然这四个词都可表示“原因”,但只有because可回答why引导的疑问句。20Awho在从句中作主语。2013中考英语语法测试:状语从句和宾语从句(2)21I dont think he is having a meeting, _ ?Ado IBdont ICis heDisnt he22Who do you think _ the ticket?Ahas gotBto getCto gettingDgetting23_ was sunny when I we

9、nt out for a walk yesterdayAItBThatCThisDThere24How many kilometres is _ from your home to school?AthereBthisCthatDit25Do you find _ intersting to learn English?AanBitCveryDmore26Well stay at home if it _ tomorrow.ArainBrainsCis rainingDwill rain27I _ the message to him as soon as he _ back tomorrow

10、Agive; cameBwill give; will comeCwill give; comesDgive; will come28She _ when I went to see her.Ais readingBhave readCwas readingDreads29My sister _ in that school since she left schoolAtaughtBhad taughtCteachesDhas taught30He told me that he _ the film three times.Ahave seenBhad seenCseesDwill see3

11、1Mr White hoped he _ China the next year.Awould visitBwill visitCvisitedDhas visited32I told him that the sun _ in the eastArisesBroseChas risenDwas rising33I dont know if she _. If she _ , please let me knowAcomes; comesBwill come; will comeCcomes; will comeDwill come; comes34Ive no idea at all _.A

12、where he has goneBwhere did he goCwhich place has he goneDwhere has he gone35I didnt know what _.Awas the matterBis the matterCmatter wasDthe matter is36I couldnt agree with _ at the meetingAthat you saidBwhich you saidCwhat did you sayDwhat you said37My friend asked me _.Athat who is girlBwho that girl wasCwho was that girlDthat girl was who38Everyone except Jim and Jack _.Aknow who is heBknow who he isCknows who is heDknows who he is39My teacher a


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