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1、Chap1 Comparing Apples and Oranges The concept of “apples and oranges” relates to the consistency of anything that is compared with something else.Whenever you make a comparison in sentence, you have to make sure the things you compare are , in fact, comparable.Than主语比较1. Because the Earths crust is

2、 more solid there and thus better able to transmit shock waves, an earthquake in the eastern United States will typically devastate an area 100 times greater than will a quake of comparable magnitude occurring in the West.(D-P35-9)2.Local residents claim that San Antonio, Texas, has more good Mexica

3、n American restaurants than does any other city in the United States. (D-p78-14)3.The guiding principles of the tax plan released by the Treasury Department could have even greater significance for the economy than do the particulars of the plan. (C-p8-6)4. Because natural gas is composed mostly of

4、methane, a simple hydrocarbon, vehicles powered by natural gas emit less of certain pollutants than those burning gasoline or diesel fuel. (C-p8-16)5. The United States government employs a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than does any other government. (C-p22-8)6. The pay of s

5、enior executives increased in 1990 by a larger percentage than did the wages of other salaried workers. (C-p67-5)7. A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit

6、than the space shuttle can, and at a lower cost. (C-p67-10)8. Los Angeles has a higher number of family dwellings per capita than does any other large city. (B-p76-16)9. Inflation has made many Americans reevaluate their assumptions about the future, they still expect to live better than their paren

7、ts did, but not so well as they once thought they could. (B-p80-22)10. .In an assessment of the problem faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant. (B-p80-25)11. In the United States, trade unions encountered far m

8、ore intense opposition in their struggle for social legitimacy than did the organized labor movements of most other democratic nations. (B-p84-9)12. Even though Bela Bartoks music has proved less popular than Igor Stravinskys and less influential than Arnold Schonbergs, it is no less important. (B-p

9、84-22)13. In his eagerness to find a city worthy of Priam, the German archaeologist Schliemann cut through Troy and uncovered a civilization a thousand years more ancient than the city known to Homers heroes. (B-p84-24)14. Several studies have found that the coronary patients who exercise most activ

10、ely are at least fifty percent less likely than those who are sedentary to die of a heart attack. (B-p88-11)15. Carbon-14 dating reveals that the megalithic monuments in Brittany are nearly 2,000 years older than any of their supposed Mediterranean predecessors. (B-p106-5)16. A study commissioned by

11、 the Department of Agriculture showed that if calves exercise and associate with other calves, they have require less medication and gain weight more quickly than those raised in confinement. (B-p162-2)17. Tiny quantities of more than thirty rare gases, most of them industrial by-products, threaten

12、to warm the Earths atmosphere even more rapidly over the next fifty years than carbon dioxide will. (B-p162-23)18. .Domestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present on the road. (B-p218-19)19. The quest

13、ion of whether to divest themselves of stock in companies that do business in South Africa is particularly troublesome for the nations 116 private Black colleges because their economic bases are often more fragile than those of most predominantly White colleges. (B-p218-25)20. Inuits of the Bering S

14、ea were isolated from contact with Europeans longer than were Aleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska. (B-p236-14)21. Aging is a property of all animals that reach a fixed size at maturity, and the variations in life spans among different species are far greater than those among in

15、dividuals of the same species: a fruit fly is ancient at 40 days, a mouse at 3 years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some tortoises at 150. (A-P1-18)22. The mistakes children make in learning to speak tell linguists more about how children learn language than do the correct forms they use. (A-P1-2

16、8)23. Freedmans survey showed that people living in small towns and rural areas consider themselves no happier than do people living in big cities. (A-P1-30)24. Increases in the cost of energy, turmoil in the international money markets, and the steady erosion of the dollar have altered the investment strategies of United States corporations more radically than those of foreign corporations. (A-P1-83)25. Holland spends a larger p


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