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1、 Module 1 Unit 1 Its the ABC song.Teaching aims: Describing the alphabetsTeaching importance and difficulty: alphabetsVocabulary :favourite, songLetters: A-ZTeaching steps:一Warming up: sing a song 二Revisions: Free talk1. T: Hello How are you?S1: T: Hi, good morning! Whats this.? What colour is it? O

2、h, yes, its Do you like.? I like , too. We can also say, my favourite colour is ,Whats your favorite colour?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?启发学生用Its 回答问题。教授新单词favourite。再问Whats your favourite song?你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?教授新单词song三New lessons:1.T:My favourite song is the ABC song. OK, today well learn the new lesson Module 1 Unit 1

3、Its the ABC song.(板书课题)Now turn to page 2,listen to the tape carefully. OK , Can you find the new words. Ask the kids one by one.2.教授字母,教师先按字母表的顺序教授,然后导入字母的歌曲。四Games: 读字母游戏, 看谁迅速反应, 然后把字母卡片送给他。 另外让学生猜字母。五作业:1.跟录音读课文,手指着。2.把单词复习一遍.教后记: Unite 2 My favoutite color is yellow.Teaching aims: talking about

4、 faviourte things and colorsTeaching importance and difficulty: My favoutite toy is a car. My favoutite color is yellow.Vocabulary : toy car ship dollTeaching steps:一、Warming up:sing ABC song 二、Revisions:复习上节课的字母。可以借助卡片,学生一个一个读(开火车)三.New lessons:1. T: Do you know toy? (出示卡片) 教授新单词There are lots of t

5、oys .doll, ship , car, computer game .Teach the new words. 老师问:Whats your favourite toy? 启发学生用Its a .What color is it? 回答,并导入新的课题,并板书新课题。2.打开书,听录音并让学生手指着。3.听录音,并跟读。4. Ask the kids to talk about their favourite things and colors, 并引导学生会用新句型回答四.作业:听录音,并且复习字母。 Module 2 Unit 1 Theyre monkeys.Teaching ai

6、ms:1.能听,说,读,写本节课的词语。 2能,听,说,读本节课的课文3.进一步巩固:Whats this? Its a. What are they? Theyre .句型Teaching steps:一、Warming up: sing the ABC song .二、呈现新课:1. 导入:熊猫来跟大家打招呼了,欢迎小朋友去zoo参观:Good morning, Im Panpan .让学生也打招呼。复习前面的知识,让我们跟着熊猫一起去公园走一走,看一看。2. 齐读标题。3. 出示一张有着很多动物的动物园照片,问学生分别是谁,然后展示动物是如何介绍自己的,让学生注意听,并学会动物的名称。4

7、. 开始放录音,手指着,学生自己听5. 老师示范读,教读,然后学生自己读,最后跟着磁带读6. 老师出示几张卡片让学生猜,Look at this animal. Whats this?(出示老虎的卡片)Yes ,Its a tiger. Its very big.(出示单词并板书:tiger ,Its a tiger.)并教读OK. there is another animal coming. Whats this?(狮子,大象,举一反三)出示猴子图片时,look at the animals, What are they? Theyre monkeys.学生会说:Its small.同样教

8、师做出小的手势,让学生明白动物的特征。7. 看课文,听录音。手指着,一幅图片一幅图片跟着读,让学生明白课文大意。8. 老师领读,自己读,随后同桌自己读,最后全班分角色朗读。三、作业:抄写本节课单词,并能熟练朗读课文。Unit 2 That man is short.Teaching aims:能用英语描述人的特征,并能掌握本节课的单词,熟读本节的课文。Teaching steps一、Warming up 二、复习上节课的内容三、课文导入1. 老师在黑板上分别画几个大物品和几个小物品,会说Its big or small.2. 教师叫几名学生到讲台,谈论学生的外貌,教学单词。3. 教授新单词:t

9、hin4. 听录音,读课文(学生自己读,然后再让学生跟着读)5. 听完后完成活动二和活动三三、作业:熟读课文,书写二十六个字母。Module 3 Unit 1 I like football.Teaching aims:让学生理解运用I like .和I dont like 两个句型,并能熟练读单词 football, basketball, exercisesTeaching steps:一、Warming up二、课文导入:1.老师是先准备好体育运动的小图,并将图片一小部分的遮盖起来,只露出其中一部分,然后向学生提问,并教授新单词。2.插入游戏:选出小老师,让学生领读。(football

10、,basketball, table tennis, exercises)3.老师把单词卡片贴在黑板上,迅速抢答三.学习句型:I like .和I dont like 1老师在黑板上画一张快乐的和悲伤地脸,教授新句型2.挂画图,教授课文。3.播放录音,手指着,学生模仿。4.体会句子的整体运用,并学习课文。5.自主练习两个句型。6.看动作练习句子。四。作业:掌握本节课的新单词及课文。Unit 2 I dont like riding my bike.一、教学目标:1.掌握有关运动的词汇:swimming, skipping , riding bikes,2.知道字母D d E e F f 的写法

11、3.巩固学过的运动词汇: football, basketball 二、教学准备:一些运动的简笔画图片和磁带。三、教学过程:1. Warming up 2. Revision教师出示运动图片,进行回答T:Which sport? Ss: football,basketball T:Which sport do you like and dont you like? . 3. 出示新教授的过程:a. 出示一幅swimming 的图片,引出I like swimming.b. 让学生做动作说新单词,并说出自己是否喜欢。(同样引出 skipping , riding bikes的教授方法。)c. 练

12、习:加游戏炸弹游戏,或者小组讨论自己喜欢的运动d. 听录音,跟读课文四、 作业:书写今天学过的字母及熟读课文。Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat ?Teaching aims: 1.get the students to master the following words and sentences : meat, rice, noodles, fish , milk. Do you like? Yes, I do. No ,I dont.2. get the students to use the sentences patterns to ask about

13、 likes and dislikes.3. through activities , the teacher should cultivate the students spirit of competition and cooperation Important points:The mastery of the new words and sentencesDifficult points:The students can use the sentences patterns to ask about likes and dislikes教学过程:一. Greetings二. Sing

14、a song 三.导入:1. T: Im a . Look, Im very fat. So, I like basketball. Do you like basketball? S: Yes, T: You can say Yes, I do.(同样引出 No,I dont.)2. chantFollow me, do, do , do. Yes , I do.Dont, dont ,dont, No, I dont.3. 同样方法引出本节课的新单词:meat, rice, fish ,noodles. milk.(插入句型Do you like ? Yes, I do. No , I dont .)4. 游戏:找小老师教读,小弹簧5. 教授本节课的句型:Do you like ? Yes, I do. No , I dont .6 .同桌互读单词,检查单词读的情况以及句子7. 跟读录音,手指着四. 作业:书写今天学



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