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1、人称代词主格I我we 我们you你he 他she她it 它they他们宾格物主代词形代my名代mine反身代词oneself语法专题二 代词代词的类别相互代词 each other, one another 指示代词 this, that, these, those复合不定代词everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody, everyone, someone, anyone, no one, every-thing, something, anything, nothing疑问代词 what, who, whom, which, whose关系代词 who, who

2、m, whose, that, which用引导定语从句。I. 单项选择( )1. Please tell _ about it if _ doesnt know. A. her; herself B. she; she C. her; she D. hers; her( )2. _ office is much larger than _. A. Ours; yours B. Our; yours C. Their; our D. Your; theirs( )3. The sweater isnt _. Its _. A. yours; his B. your; hers C. mine;

3、 hes D. his; her( )4. Do you know _ dictionary it is? A. which B. who C. whose D. whom( )5. Help _ to some chicken, boys and girls. A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves( )6. Who taught _ history last year?-Nobody! He learned it by_. A. him; himself B. his; himself C. himself; himself D. his; hi

4、m( )7. There isnt _ paper here. Will you go and get _ for me? A. any; any B. any; some C. much; many D. many; much( )8. The farmer is very busy because hes so _ sheep to keep and so _ work to do every day. A. much; many B. many; much C. many; a lot D. a lot; much( )9. -_ does your father do ?-He is

5、a worker . A. Which B. Who C. What D. How( )10. She always thinks of _ more than herself . A. other B. others C. the other D. the others( )11. - My watch keeps good time . What about _ ? - Mine ? Oh , two minutes slow . A. youB. herC. hersD. yours( )12. - I dont think it very expensive to buy a fami

6、ly computer here . - Really ? Ill buy _ next week. A. it B. this C. one D. mine( )13. _ is my son . Do you like to play with _ ? A. You , you B. She , her C. I , me D. He , him( ) 14. We went to travel with some friends of _ . A. usB. oursC. ourD. ourselves( ) 15. _ will spend the summer holiday in

7、Hawaii. A. She, you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she D. Her, me and youII. 用括号中的适当形式填空1. This bike is my sisters. It belongs to _ (她的).2. This isnt my book. _(我的) is in the bag.3. Could_(你)ask_(他) to call_(我)back?4. Dont forget_(我们)?5. _(我们)would like to buy_ (它们).6. -Who is it in this pict

8、ure? -Its _(我).7. Theres one dollar on the floor. Pick_(它)up.8. _(他们)are friendly to_(你们).9. Does_(他)give_(它)to_(她)?10. _(他)does_(他的)homework on Sunday.11. Hello, may _ (我) speak to Jack?12. My bag is small. Can I use _ (你的)?13. That is_(他们的) new house.14. My ruler is long. _ ( 她的 ) is short.15. _(他

9、的) teacher is good. _(她的)is good, too.16. Mr. Green often tells _(我们) some stories.17. -Are these _(you)pencils? -Yes, they are _(our).18. -Whose is this pencil? -Its _(I).19.I love _(they)very much.20. She is_(I)classmate.21. Miss Li often looks after_(she)brother.22.-Are these _(they)bags? -No, th

10、ey arent _(their). They are _(we)III. 填入正确的人称代词和物主代词1. This isnt her knife. _ is green.2. These are your books, Kate. Put _ in the desk,please.3. They want a football. Give _ the green one,please.4. _ is a boy. _ name is Mike. Mikes friends like _ very much.5. My father and mother are teachers. _ ar

11、e busy.6.You are a pupil. Is _ brother a pupil, too?7. Mary works in a book store._likes_work very much.8.John and I are in the same school._go to school together.9.She is a friend of_ . We knew each other two years ago.10.I have many friends. Some of_are good at English.11.-May I use_bike? -Sorry,_is broken.12. Dont put your school things here. Put _away.13. We cant find our shoes. Can you help _?14. Sheisafriendof_.Wegottoknoweachothertwoyearsago.15. Ihavemanyfriends.Someof_aregoodatEnglish.1



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