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1、100:00:00,000 - 00:00:03,800几个世纪以来 圣殿骑士团都在寻找着神秘的伊甸苹果For centuries, the order of the Knights Templar have searched for the mythical Apple of Eden.200:00:03,870 - 00:00:05,790他们相信它不光包含着They believe it contains not only300:00:05,830 - 00:00:08,050人类第一次反抗的种子the seeds of mans first disobedience,400:00:08

2、,050 - 00:00:11,470还有自由意志的关键but the key to the free will itself.500:00:11,590 - 00:00:14,970如果他们找到遗物并解开其中的秘密If they find the relic and decode its secrets,600:00:14,970 - 00:00:17,850他们将获得掌控一切自由思想的力量they will have the power to control all freedom of thought.700:00:17,890 - 00:00:21,060只有刺客兄弟会在阻止他们Onl

3、y the brotherhood called the Assassins stands in their way.800:00:30,820 - 00:00:34,400安达卢西亚 西班牙 1492年ANDALUCIA, SPAIN 1492900:01:06,770 - 00:01:10,360宗教法庭最终还是把西班牙交给了圣殿骑士The Inquisition has finally delivered Spain to the Templars.1000:01:11,230 - 00:01:15,570苏丹穆罕穆德和他的人仍然坚守在格拉纳达Sultan Muhammad and hi

4、s people still hold out in Granada.1100:01:15,900 - 00:01:18,030但如果他的儿子 王子 被抓住了But if his son, the prince, is captured,1200:01:19,030 - 00:01:21,120他将投降并交出伊甸苹果he will surrender the city and the Apple of Eden.1300:01:22,580 - 00:01:24,290你阿吉拉尔德内尔哈是否Do you, Aguilar de Nerha,1400:01:25,410 - 00:01:28,2

5、10发誓在捍卫自由的战斗中 让我们的信条荣耀?swear to honor our order in the fight for freedom?1500:01:29,130 - 00:01:31,710守护人类抵抗圣殿骑士的暴政To defend mankind against Templars tyranny,1600:01:32,670 - 00:01:34,510并且保护自由意志?and preserve free will?1700:01:34,920 - 00:01:36,680我发誓I swear.1800:01:36,760 - 00:01:39,010如果伊甸苹果落入他们之手

6、If the Apple falls into their hands,1900:01:39,430 - 00:01:41,970圣殿骑士将摧毁 挡在他们面前的一切the Templars will destroy everything that stands in their way.2000:01:42,010 - 00:01:45,230抗议异议和我们 为自己着想的权利Protest, dissent, our right to think for ourselves.2100:01:45,600 - 00:01:47,690向我发誓 你将牺牲自己的性命Swear to me that

7、you will sacrifice your life2200:01:48,100 - 00:01:51,110和在场所有人的性命 来防止神器落入他们手中and lives of everyone here to keep it from them.2300:01:51,730 - 00:01:53,440是的导师Yes, Mentor.2400:02:01,990 - 00:02:03,700我们的生命无关紧要Our lives are nothing.2500:02:05,040 - 00:02:06,710伊甸苹果才是一切The Apple is everything.2600:02:

8、07,790 - 00:02:10,380雄鹰的英灵 将看守未来The spirit of the Eagle, will watch over the future.2700:02:30,980 - 00:02:34,690其他人盲目 追寻真理的时候Where other men blindly follow the truth,2800:02:35,360 - 00:02:38,110记住万事皆虚remember, nothing is true.2900:02:38,650 - 00:02:43,330当其他人被 道德法律束缚时Where other men are limited by

9、 morality or law,3000:02:43,700 - 00:02:47,120记住事事皆允remember, everything is permitted.3100:02:50,460 - 00:02:55,210我们在黑暗中为光明服务We work in the darkness to serve the light.3200:02:56,800 - 00:02:59,220我们是刺客We are Assassins.3300:03:55,310 - 00:03:58,610下加利福尼亚 墨西哥 1986年Baja California, Mexico 19863400:04

10、:37,230 - 00:04:38,900该死Shit.3500:05:34,410 - 00:05:36,080妈妈?Mom?3600:06:21,840 - 00:06:23,550爸爸?Dad?3700:06:23,800 - 00:06:26,050你的血不只属于你自己卡尔Your blood is not your own, Cal.3800:06:29,300 - 00:06:31,010他们找到我们了Theyve found us.3900:06:47,990 - 00:06:49,700活在阴影里Live in the shadows.4000:06:55,410 - 00:

11、06:57,200逃!快逃!Go! Go now!4100:07:45,590 - 00:07:47,30030年后30 YEARS LATER4200:07:48,880 - 00:07:53,300亨茨维尔监狱 德克萨斯州美国HUNTSVILLE PENITENTIARY, TEXAS, USA4300:08:45,690 - 00:08:47,360你是来这拯救我的灵魂的吧Youre here to save my soul.4400:08:49,780 - 00:08:51,440差不多把Something like that.4500:08:53,820 - 00:08:55,610

12、我I.4600:08:56,660 - 00:08:58,370我知道今天是你生日I understand it is your birthday.4700:08:59,450 - 00:09:01,120对的Yeah.4800:09:01,410 - 00:09:03,120派对刚刚开始The party is just getting started.4900:09:07,580 - 00:09:10,250坐下你让我紧张Sit down. Youre making me nervous.5000:09:26,350 - 00:09:28,060主啊Lord,5100:09:28,360

13、- 00:09:30,070清洗我的罪恶wash away my sin,5200:09:30,980 - 00:09:32,690我将再次and Ill be clean.5300:09:34,320 - 00:09:36,030变干净Once again.5400:09:42,370 - 00:09:44,200你不是个信徒对吧?Youre not much for the Bible, are you?5500:10:15,690 - 00:10:17,650特告知 卡勒姆林奇Be it known that Callum Lynch5600:10:18,410 - 00:10:20,7

14、80被认定犯一级谋杀罪has been found guilty of capital murder5700:10:21,660 - 00:10:26,750被判于今日执行死刑 2016年10月21日and sentenced to die on this day, October 21st 2016.5800:10:27,540 - 00:10:29,710犯人想做最后陈述么?Does the prisoner wish to make a final statement?5900:10:30,420 - 00:10:32,420告诉我父亲咱们地狱见Tell my father that Ill see him in hell.6000:12:13,480 - 00:12:15,810我的名字是索菲亚莱金博士My nam


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