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1、课题:教学设计科目:英语教学对象:四年级课时:1课时提供者:黄秋云单位:赣州市信丰县小江镇一、教学内容分析本课以复习第一单位介绍My Home和Do some housework为主线,通过创设真实情境,让学生学会介绍自己家的三个Rooms,并结合唱歌展示各房间的功能;再通过模拟家庭成员自由生成对话,在活动中可以安排计时家务活动(正确)奖励活动,最后学生班长倡议“学雷锋做好事,我能帮孤寡老人做什么”主题任务,让学生分组讨论,并向全班汇报你的活动计划。让孩子在学习、劳动中体现语言学习带来的成功的快乐感受。二、教学目标知识目标.本单元四会单词:bed computer desk chair bal

2、l balloon table cake hamburger clock.本单元相关短语:Look at my on the walltable in your bedroomCome into the Come and seeDo some housework : make the bed wash the cups clean the table windows mop the floor Cover the computer first .Hang the picture on the wall .本单元句式:存在句式 There is a an单数名词 There are twosom

3、e复数名词命令 Look at my bedroom .Come into the kitchen .Come and see .Come here , Kate and Nancy . .能介绍自己家的各个房间,并描述室内陈设.能就家务活动展开自由回答交流四、情感目标.鼓励学生积极参加语言实践活动,大胆开口,培养学生实际运用语言能力;.学会与他人交流、交往,学会生活,热爱生活,孝敬父母、尊敬师长,乐于助人的好品质表示欢迎 Welcome to my home.请求 Will you come to my birthday party ?Can you do some housework wi

4、th me ? 将要做 Ill make the bed .Ill mop the floor .提供帮助 What can I do for you ?What else can I do for you ?三、能力目标:.能介绍自己家的各个房间,并描述室内陈设.能就家务活动展开自由回答交流四、情感目标.鼓励学生积极参加语言实践活动,大胆开口,培养学生实际运用语言能力;.学会与他人交流、交往,学会生活,热爱生活,孝敬父母、尊敬师长,乐于助人的好品质。五、重点:学会用本单元句型、词汇进行交流难点:学生在活动中正确、恰当地操作好语言六、教法:情景教学法、任务型小组合作教学活动、愉快教学法学法:积

5、极思维,主动参与,学以致用四、教学策略选择与设计能力目标:.能介绍自己家的各个房间,并描述室内陈设.能就家务活动展开自由回答交流情感目标.鼓励学生积极参加语言实践活动,大胆开口,培养学生实际运用语言能力;.学会与他人交流、交往,学会生活,热爱生活,孝敬父母、尊敬师长,乐于助人的好品质。五、教学重点及难点重点:学会用本单元句型、词汇进行交流难点:学生在活动中正确、恰当地操作好语言六、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1、Show a picture and say the chant in Lesson 2 .Check the homework. 学生分小组展示自编的chant ,边说

6、边出示自己画的图片。设计本步的目的是为了通过chant 复习名词bed computer desk chair ball balloon table cake hamburger clock。Step 2 Revise the nouns and the pattern “There be” .、 Ss talk about photos and flat models using There be 设计本步的目的是为了通过创设真实情境,让学生学会介绍自己家的三个Rooms,并复习存在句式There is a an单数名词There are twosome复数名词欢迎Welcome to my

7、 home.命令 Look at my bedroom .Come into the kitchen .Come and see .Come here , Kate and Nancy .请求 Will you come to my birthday party ?、Play an error correcting game . 将图片和缺少字母的单词卡片放在黑板上,让学生先找出错误的标签,并给以更正,然后大家一起补充单词所缺字母。设计本步的目的是为了复习巩固单词的拼写。Step 3 Revise the verbal phrases、Sing the song “ My home” . 设计

8、本步的目的是为了通过歌曲演唱使学生熟悉三个Rooms的功能, 并引出家务活动。歌声过后,问学生Do you like your home ? Can you do housework at home ? What can do you ? 学生们列举自己能干的家务后,做Listen and do游戏。设计本步的目的是为了复习动词短语。、让学生分组模拟家庭成员自由生成对话,在活动中可以安排计时家务活动(正确)奖励活动,设计本步的目的是为了通过创设真实情境,复习Can you do some housework with me ? 将要做 Ill make the bed .Ill mop the

9、 floor .提供帮助 What can I do for you ?What else can I do for you ?短语: Do some housework : make the bed wash the cups clean the table windows mop the floor Cover the computer first .Hang the picture on the wall .Step 4 Additional activities、教师拿出a pair of dirty socks, 边做动作边说Ill wash the socks . 端出a bowl

10、说Ill wash the bowl . 出示带有污点的门的图画,告诉学生Ill clean the door . 拿起a kite 举高,递给一个学生,问What will you do ? Group Discussion .、小组讨论后问What else will you do ? Discuss in groups . 讨论后学生汇报。然后问Monitor(课前布置好)What shall we do this weekend ?最后通过学生班长倡议“We are going to learn from Lei Feng this weekend . Well help Granny

11、 Zhang in our neighbourhood to do some housework .主题任务,教师表扬Good idea .并提出Lets make a plan in groups .小组讨论后个别组展示讨论结果。、最后以Say the chant in Lesson 4结束本节课。Step 3 Revise the verbal phrases、Sing the song “ My home” . 设计本步的目的是为了通过歌曲演唱使学生熟悉三个Rooms的功能, 并引出家务活动。歌声过后,问学生Do you like your home ? Can you do house

12、work at home ? What can do you ? 学生们列举自己能干的家务后,做Listen and do游戏。设计本步的目的是为了复习动词短语。、让学生分组模拟家庭成员自由生成对话,在活动中可以安排计时家务活动(正确)奖励活动,设计本步的目的是为了通过创设真实情境,复习Can you do some housework with me ? 将要做 Ill make the bed .Ill mop the floor .提供帮助 What can I do for you ?What else can I do for you ?短语: Do some housework :

13、 make the bed wash the cups clean the table windows mop the floor Cover the computer first .Hang the picture on the wall .Step 4 Additional activities、教师拿出a pair of dirty socks, 边做动作边说Ill wash the socks . 端出a bowl说Ill wash the bowl . 出示带有污点的门的图画,告诉学生Ill clean the door . 拿起a kite 举高,递给一个学生,问What will

14、 you do ? Group Discussion .、小组讨论后问What else will you do ? Discuss in groups . 讨论后学生汇报。然后问Monitor(课前布置好)What shall we do this weekend ?最后通过学生班长倡议“We are going to learn from Lei Feng this weekend . Well help Granny Zhang in our neighbourhood to do some housework .主题任务,教师表扬Good idea .并提出Lets make a plan in groups .小组讨论后个别组展示讨论结果。、最后以Say the chant in Lesson 4结束本节课。设计本步的目的是为了拓展动词短语并达到语言的综合运用七、教学评价设计)评价内容学生姓名评价日期评价项目学生自评生生互评教师评价优良中差优良中差优良中差课堂表现优良优回答问题良良优作业态度优优优知识掌握优优优综合评价优 寄语八、板书设计My home Study living room chair sofa Table bedroom bathroom九教学反思


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