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1、Developed by the Quality Advisoty Councils Performance Measures Task Force, Chicago-69W:Deborah S. CostanzaQueen DePillarsRobin C. FaradayCeleste E. JohnsonLinda M. LabnoWanda R. SchwererBonni G. VisorTABLE OF CONTENTSChapterPageForwardIAcknowledgementsiiIntroduction to Performance Measures!1Know Yo

2、ur Mission32Know Your Vision113Know Where You Are Today174Know How To Get To Your Vision215Know Your Goals296Know Your Critical Processes377How To Know If Youve Done It41Go Forth And Measure55Performance measures can be the single most important driver for improvement in business. If designed and us

3、ed properly, they can transform entire organizations and/or individual projects, large and small, in a very positive way. Although there seems to be endless mention and praise of performance measures in business literature, there is almost no source of instruction on how to design and implement perf

4、ormance measures.This workbook does just that. You are about to learn a sound, thorough, and practical methodology for developing performance measures that will provide you with highly valuable feedback about your operations-feedback that may not be obtained any other way.Remember that performance m

5、easures can be applied at a macro or micro level. You can design them for an entire company or department, or for a small project or process.More importantly, this methodology for designing performance measures is easier than you think.To illustrate the key concepts in this methodology, we have incl

6、uded many diverse examples, both business-related and non-business-related, as well as a comprehensive personal finance case study which flows through every chapter. We hope that these creative but realistic examples further demonstrate and clarify how to develop and implement performance measures.Y

7、ou will be pleasantly surprised by the information you will gather about your business while completing this workbook. This additional information will enable you to make better business decisions.Prepare yourselves, then, for a journey which will lead you to improved customer service. Never forget

8、that performance measures are only a means to the end of better serving your customers. The business you are in.Star Trek ExampleMISSION:To seek out new life and new civilizations.NOT :To be a space traveler.Your MISSION is your reason for existence-it is the business that you are in. Your MISSION i

9、s based upon your customers and your products and services.Your MISSION is based upon your customers and your products and services.Do you know who your customers are?Customers are the recipients of your products and services. Customers can be internal and external, end-users and management.Do you k

10、now what your products and services are?Products and Services are the things you provide to your customers.Note:What you think they are and what your customers think they are may not be the same. ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS.LAWYER EXAMPLECustomerProduct/Service Provided To That CustomerClientLegal advice/exp

11、ertiseLegal documentsSettlementsLaw Firm PartnersProfitsNew clients/retention of existing clientsQuality ServiceYour Law ClerkSpecial assignmentsLegal documents (to file in court)Professional development opportunitiesOpposing LawyersLegal documentsNegotiationsJudgeLegal documentsConvincing arguments

12、Notice that you provide many products/services to each customer and some products/services may be provided to multiple customers.Brainstorm! Who are your customers? What products and services do you provide them?Note:If you think of a product or service first, write it down and then brainstorm the c

13、ustomers for it. Use the case study at the end of this exercise as an example. Who do you think they are?Who does your boss think they are?Who does upper management think they are?Who do your customers think they are?Are there any customers that you dont have now that you would like to have?List them!CUSTOMERSPRODUCTS & SERVICES_TOP 5 CUSTOMERSNow that you have identified your customers, vote for the 5 most important



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