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1、中考英语专题复习情态动词l 考点揭密l 考点解析l 课时训练Part 1 :考点揭秘1.什么是情态动词? 表示可能、怀疑、允诺、愿望、义务、必要、猜测等的动词是情态动词,它们用来表达说话人对某事的看法和态度。2.情态动词有什么特征?3.初中阶段必须掌握的情态动词: can / could may / might will / would must / have to should need had better Part 2 考点解析考点一:情态动词基本含义can ( could ): may (might): will (would) : must: have to: should: nee

2、d : had better:需要(情态动词&实义动词,sb need to do sth ;sth need doing)最好 had better (not) do sth1. In Britain, you _ be 18 if you want to drive a car . 【 2012辽宁大连】 A.can B.must C.may D.might真题探究2. Many students come from poor families and they _ afford school lunches, so the government is trying to help the

3、m. 【2012 山东临沂】 A.neednt B. shouldnt C. cant D. mustntneednt :不需要,不必要 mustnt:不允许,禁止真题探究l 3.People _ always be careful with fire, or it can be dangerous. 【2012吉林】l A.can B. neednt C. must D. shouldntl 4. You_ play with the knife. Its very dangerous. 【2012宁夏】l A.neednt B. mustnt C. may not D. might not

4、l 5.You_ worry about me. I feel much better now. 【2012 贵州六盘水】l must n t B. can t C. neednt D. won t考点二:表推测语气的情态动词表推测性的情态动词有:must may cantmust :表有把握的肯定推测( 100%)may :表没把握的推测。( 50%)cant :表有把握的否定推测。( 0%)真题探究l 1. Whose is the pencil box? l It_ be Toms. Look at his name on the cover! 【2012河北】 l can B. may

5、 C. must D. needl 2. How nice the building is! What is it for?l It _ a hotel. But Im not sure. 【2012 山东德州】l A. must be B. have to be C. may be D. can bel 3. Who is that girl? 【2012湖南岳阳】l It _ be Shirly. Only she is in red today .l could B. may C. must D. canl 4. Look! The man at the gate _ be our te

6、acher. He is always standing there every morning. 【2012四川广安】l No, it _ be him. He is having a meeting in the office now.l A. must; cant B. must; mustnt C. cant; cant 考点三:情态动词开头的疑问句的问答 句型肯定回答否定回答Can ICould IYes, you can .No, you cant .May I Yes, you may.No, you cant.Must IYes, you must.No, you neednt

7、.No, you dont have to .Need IYes, you must.No, you neednt.真题探究l 1. _I swim here? 【2012广东】l Im sorry. Children _swim alone here. l A. Must; cant B. May; mustl C. Can; mustnt D. Cant; canl 2. I hear youve got a new iPhone 4S. _ I have a look? 【2012江苏苏州】 l Yes, certainly.l May B. Do C. Shall D. Shouldl

8、 3. Must we wear our school uniform this afternoon? 【2012江苏淮安】l No, you_. All of us will go on an outing.l A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. couldnt4. _ I do the laundry first? 【2012湖北黄冈】 No, you _. You can do your homework first. A. Must; mustnt B Can; mustnt C. Must; neednt D. May; neednt5. _ I try o

9、n those shoes in the window? _. They are just on show. 【2012 呼和浩特】A. Could; Yes, you can B. Can; Sorry, you couldntC. Could; Sorry, you cant D. Can; Yes, you could考点四:易混词的辨析(一)must 与 have to We _ study hard .We _ stay at home because its raining.提示:must 表主观看法,意为“必须”。 have to表客观需要,意为“不得不”,有人称和时态的变化。(

10、二)maybe与may be _ he is right . It _ rainy tomorrow.提示:may be 为情态动词后接动词原形,作谓语。Maybe为副词,意思为“大概,也许”。musthave toMaybemay be考点四:易混词的辨析(三)can与be able to I _ speak English now.My sister _ speak English two years ago. My brother _ speak English in the future.提示;can 只有现在和过去时(could) be able to可用于任何时态中。can/am

11、able tocould/was able to will be able to考点总结 l 1.情态动词的意思l 2.表猜测的情态动词 may, cant ,must .l 3.情态动词开头的疑问句的问语l 4.易混淆的情态动词l can与 be able to ; have to与 must ; maybe与 may be ;lPart 3 课时训练 1.(2009.德州)-How is your friends coming? -Im not sure. He _drive here. A may B. can C. must D. will 2.(2008. 江西)If the tra

12、ffic is red ,you _cross the road .Its very dangerous . A dont B. mustnt C. neednt D. wouldnt3.(2009.江西)-Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool. -It _be very expensive, I never even dream about it . A must B. might C .cant D. shouldnt4.(2009.襄樊)-Must I get up before six oclock tomorrow morni


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