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1、创业与职业化管理 Paul Contomichalos 简介百时美施贵宝公司前任董事长兼总裁、百润公司联合创始人及董事长9月24日通过MBA课程的学习,我们懂得了如何高效地运作一个组织,但却并一定能够充分了解如何创业和实施组织创新。而这正是百时美施贵宝公司前任董事长兼总裁、百润公司联合创始人及董事长Paul Contomichalos先生在2003年9月24日中欧管理论坛上的演讲主旨。 Contomichalos先生与大家共享了他在BMS公司以及新近创建的百润公司中获得的经验,并就职业经理人与创业企业家之间的差异阐释了自己的观点。此外,他还结合创造自身商业模式的过程,提供了一些相关性的建议,主

2、要包括如何创建新企业,如何形成清晰的思路、建立强有力的团队、树立重视分析的意识等重要问题。 Entrepreneur vs. Professional Manager(Excerpts from a speech given at CEIBS by Paul Contomichalos. Content rights reserved by the speaker and CEIBS. Use of the content must be with the prior approval from CEIBS.) Paul Contomichalos (Biography)Former Chai

3、rman & President of Bristol-Myers Squibb(BMS) China, Co-Founder and Chairman of Profex Inc. Sept. 24, 2003As we all know, when were in business, its not only successes but therere lots of experiences including some failure that we can learn from. But I would talk about and elaborate about my experie

4、nce on the subject of Entrepreneur vs. Professional Manager. Ive thought a lot about this topic. Let me start by saying, first of all, Im very thrilled to be here, because Ive known CEIBS started in the year when I came to China in 1994, right? So it was an early mover as a university. Thats why you

5、 have a kind of good faculty experience, professionals, great reputation which leads to great careers and great jobs. So youre a special audience because first of all youre smart, because you chose CEIBS. And those of you who didnt go to CEIBS and are here, you are also smart, because you chose to c

6、ome this afternoon or this evening. I want to warn you something that I like to ask questions. Even though I have these slides, I still want to ask some questions. Some of you I know, so I may pick on you if no one wants to answer my question. Let me start with this question - who from the audience

7、knows me? And by knows let me define - I mean, Have we worked together? Or had a coffee together, or had a drink together? Let me see. Put your hands up. No one knows me? How many are you? Let me count. Ok, so quite a few of you. So, as Pro. Zhang kindly mentioned, my name is Paul Contomichalos; Im

8、originally from Greece; Born and grew up in Athens and then went to the United States for an MBA degree. And then came to China - Ill talk a little bit about my experience and career. The topic Im going to be addressing is one Ive spent a lot of time thinking about. And its a big decision to make -

9、to make the transition from a corporate kind environment to a more entrepreneurial environment. So what I would like to do is share some of my experiences over time, what I have learned in and also hopefully we can both- yourselves and me - learn from the process because I like to constantly learn a

10、nd gain new experience. So lets start by a kind of definition so well have a little bit of a common language, because people can use different definitions. What is a professional manager and what is an entrepreneur? The way Id like to look at it is that the professional manager is someone within an

11、existing, in many cases, it could be a public company. It doesnt matter what your position is. It could be a manager, a director, general manager, a president, CEO It doesnt matter. But its someone working within this environment. For the balance of my presentation, I would call this company manager

12、, this person. So when I talk about company manager I will talk about people within an existing company and in most cases public. Now, entrepreneur is not only someone who starts a business in my opinion, or a member of a start-up team. For example, if in a new company, you are the first holding a p

13、osition, youre very entrepreneurial. So it could be a member of a start-up team, either within a big company or possibly within a smaller organisation. So thats how I will refer to this and obviously that would be an entrepreneur. Lets look now at the role and responsibility of a company manager. A

14、company manager can be the plant manager for IBM, or can be the marketing head for LOral or Bristol Meyer. Entrepreneur is anyone who works in an environment of their own. So the role I see as a company manager is to do everything within your control to maximise value to shareholders, right? That is

15、 within the area of your responsibility. So you work in a team with other members. And you have a defined area that you are responsible for. Now when you are an entrepreneur, its quite different. Because entrepreneurs build business to fulfill personal goals. That is the reason they create businesse

16、s. Thats quite different. Its not good or bad, only different. Lets look at the scope of a company manager vs. an entrepreneur. For example, lets take, which company, lets take Dell, Dell Computers, today. The way they define their business if you are working for them youll see what business is Dell in - computers. So they are in the computer business. And what is the core competence of Dell? Supply chain? Anythi


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