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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date中国传统文化经典哲理故事(英文)4Harmony of Harmony of Human and Nature 天人合一 Zhuangzhou Dreamed a Butterfly One day at sunset,Zhuangzi dozed off and dreamed that he turned into a butterflyHe flapped hi

2、s wings and made sure enough he was a butterflyHe had such a joyful feeling as he fluttered about that he completely forgot that he was ZhuangziSoon though,he realized that proud butterfly was really Zhuangzi who dreamed he was a butterflyOr was it a butterfly who dreamed he was Zhuangzi? Maybe Zhua

3、ngzi was the butterfly,and maybe the butterfly was Zhungzi? This is what is meant by the“transformation of things” 庄周梦蝶 一天,落日时分,庄子梦见自己变成一只蝴蝶。他扑打扑打翅膀,确信自己已经变成一只蝴蝶。这时他十分惬意,飘飘然竟完全忘记了自己是庄子。一会儿醒来,他明白了,那只骄傲的蝴蝶正是梦见自己变成蝴蝶的庄子。或许是蝴蝶做梦自己变成了庄子也未可知。 庄子是蝴蝶?亦或蝴蝶是庄子?这正是所谓的“事物转换”的道理啊! A Fond Dream of Nanke In the Ta

4、ng Dynasty,there lived a person called Chun YufenOne day,his friends came to celebrate his birthday,and Chun Yufen was drinking under an old pagoda treeWhen he became drunk,he fell asleepSuddenly,Chun Yufen met with two atomies who took him into a giant hole in the tree,having a ride to the great Ki

5、ngdom of PagodaChun Yufen found himself in a fairy world with many red gates,magnificent palaces,luxuriant pavilions and beautiful gardens 南柯一梦 在中国唐朝,有个人叫淳于棼。一天他过生日,在门前大槐树下摆下宴席和朋友饮酒作乐,好不快活。喝醉了之后,他便睡着了。迷迷糊糊之中,他突然感觉有两个使者请他上车,马车朝大槐树下一个树洞驶去,驶向“槐安国”。 他发现树洞里另有一番仙境。有许多朱红色的大门,大门里面是华丽的宫殿,周围是亭台楼阁和美丽的花园。 The k

6、ing appreciated him very much so that he was named the mayor of Nanke,a small town in the KingdomSoon after,he married the kings beautiful daughterChun Yufen was so happy with the life there that he totally forgot his hometownTwenty years passed,and Chun Yufen stayed as the very successful mayor of

7、Nanke and raised a big family of five sons and two daughters 国王非常欣赏淳于棼,封他为“南柯郡太守”。后来,国王还将公主许配给他。淳于棼与公主过得非常幸福以致完全忘了自己的家乡。淳于棼上任南柯郡太守后,前后二十年的时间,把南柯郡治理得井井有条,还和公主生了五个儿子,两个女儿。 However, the kingdom was invaded by another country and Chun Yufen had to lead the troops to hold out the enemiesUnfortunately,his

8、 troops were defeated and his wife diedChun Yufen decided to leave the Kingdom of PagodaHe was sent home by the 2 atomies. As soon as he arrived home,he woke up to realize what had happened was just a dream. It was only a short nap,even though in his dream he had experienced a whole 20 years of life

9、 Chun Yufens friends were interested in his dream. They looked down the tree and found an ant nest connected to a smaller nest in the south direction. Obviously,these nests explained what“Pagoda Kingdom”and“Nanke”really were! 不料,有个国家突然入侵,淳于棼不得不率兵迎击,不过他还是打了败仗。这时公主又不幸去世了。淳于棼决定离开“槐安国”,仍是由两名使者送行。淳于棼回到家中

10、,突然惊醒过来,原来是一场梦。不过是小睡一会儿,而梦中经历却整整二十年。 淳于棼把梦境告诉朋友,大家感到十分有趣,一齐找到大槐树下,挖出一个很大的蚂蚁洞,旁边有孔,通向南边树枝,那里有一个小蚂蚁洞。很显然,这就是所谓的“南柯郡”、“槐安国”! The Penumbras and the Shadow The penumbras asked the shadow,“A moment ago you were looking down and now you are looking up;a moment ago your hair was tied up and now it is hangin

11、g loose;a moment ago you were sitting and now you are standing;a moment ago you were walking and now you are standing stillHow is all this?” 罔两问影 虚影问影子说:“你先前低着头现在仰起头,先前束着发髻现在披着头发,先前坐着现在站起,先前行走现在停下来,这是什么原因呢?” The shadow said,“Gentlemen,why do you bother asking me such trifling questions? I do these t

12、hings but I dont know whyAm I like the shell of a cicada or am I like the slough of a snake? I look like the real thing,but I am not the real thingI appear with the flame or the sun,but fade with the shade or the night 影子同答:“你为什么拿这样微不足道的事情烦我呢?我就是这样地随意运动,我自己也不知道为什么会是这样。我,就如同寒蝉蜕下来的壳、蛇蜕下来的皮,跟那本体事物相似却又不

13、是那事物本身。火光与阳光使我显现,阴暗与黑夜使我隐形。 Do I depend on the real thing? But the real thing itself has to depend on something else! when the real thing comes,I come with it; when the real thing goes, I go with it; when the real thing moves to and fro,I move to and fro with it. What is there to ask about?” 我依赖有形的事

14、物吗?而有形的事物又依赖什么呢?有形的物体到来我便随之而来,有形的物体离去我也随之而去,有形的物体俳徊不定我就随之不停地运动。这有什么可问的呢?” Lips Gone,Teeth Cold The King of Jin was going to attack Guo,a state on the other side of Jins neighbor country YuThe Jin troops had to have Yus permission to go through its territory, which,most likely,the King of Yu would re

15、fuseThe King of Jin could not work out a planOne day,Xun Xi,one of his ministers,put forward a suggestion,“Your Majesty,if you send your most precious gifts to the King of Yu,he will probably be bribed into giving consent” 唇亡齿寒 晋国的国君想要攻打虢国,但隔着一个虞国,讨伐虢国必须经过虞地。对此,虞国的国君可能会拒绝。晋君一直没能想出个好办法。一天,大臣荀息献计说:“大王,如果您能将珍宝献给虞国,他不会不答应借道的。” The King of Jin looked reluctant,so Xun Xi said,“Even if he accepts the gifts,it doesnt mean that he possesses them,as they will soon be taken back by usThen what is there t



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