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1、河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit6 Topic1 section D教案 仁爱版时间参加人员地点办公室主备人课题Unit6 Topic 1Section D教学目标1.知识与技能: Learn a new word and a phrase:soap, point out2.过程与方法:talking and writing 3.情感态度与价值观:Talk about how TV influences our lives.重、难点即考点分析 Learn how to make a debate.课时安排1教具使用 录音机、幻灯片/小黑板 教 学 环 节 安 排备 注 Ste

2、p 1 Review 第一步 复习1.(教师帮助学生总结所学电视节目并板书。)TV programs: TV plays, sports shows, talk shows, quiz shows, news reports, entertainment shows, childrens programs, educational programs 2. (教师呈现一幅电视剧家有儿女的图片,并以此为例解释一下肥皂剧。)T: Now, lets discuss another kind of TV program. Its called soap opera. Its a kind of TV

3、or radio play about family lives. A Family with Kids(家有儿女) is a popular soap opera.(板书,要求学生掌握生词soap,理解soap opera。) soapsoap opera 3. (教师呈现写有复习任务的小黑板,为下一活动作铺垫。) T: Fill in the blanks with the phrases that I give you.选用下列短语的适当形式填空。have an influence, a lucky dog, spend some time on sth./(in) doing sth.

4、, keep away from, agree with(1) Anna is really . She has been invited to act as the leader of the company.(2) Television on our life.(3) Though I dont believe you, I your idea on this point.(4) He three hours the work.(5) Staying at home all the time him healthy activities.T: Complete the task alone

5、. S11 and S12, come to the blackboard and write down your answers. Other students may write your answers on a piece of paper.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现由1a的课文图片谈起电视。先完成1b,再学习1a。(1)(以课文图片作为突破口,呈现课文内容,进入1a。)T:Here is a picture of a family. They are watching TV together. The viewers are the father, the

6、mother and the child. I think the program must be very funny because all of them are smiling.(板书并要求学生理解生词viewer。)viewerT: Perhaps, there is another person in the family, but we cant see her in the picture. She is a babysitter. The word“babysitter”in Chinese means“保姆”.(板书并要求学生了解babysitter。)babysitter

7、T: What are they doing? (老师指着图片问。)Ss: They are watching TV.T: Yes. Watching TV is an important part of our life. Think carefully! What influences does television have on us? There are some statements in 1b, Section D. Think about which ones you agree to, and which ones you dont agree to. Write“A”for

8、 agreement and“D”for disagreement. Finish it in 2 minutes.(学生独立完成1b作业。培养学生的辨别能力和独立思考问题的能力。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 7分钟)巩固1a,呈现阅读任务,锻炼学生把握文章主题的能力,并了解文章结构。1. (听1a录音,并跟读,进一步加深对课文的理解。)T: Please listen to the tape, repeat and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (读1a,回答问题,巩固1a。)T:

9、 Now, lets have a further discussion of those questions about the passage one another. Then Ill ask some students to report your answers.(教师呈现写有下列任务的小黑板,让学生讨论。)Fill in the blanks after reading the passage: (1)The topic sentence of the passage is .(2)The main idea of Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 is .(

10、3)The main idea of Paragraph 3 is .(4)The last paragraph tells us .(此活动的目的是使学生进一步加深对文章内容的理解,培养学生从整体把握文章主题或大意的能力,了解文章的结构,把握文章的内在联系。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 8分钟)用英汉互译法巩固3。展开师生对话,激发学生的积极性与创造性,完成活动2。1. (先学后练,完成3。)练习题根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1.She is used to playing the piano _ (gentle).2.I _ (sudden) realized what I had to do.3.Youll choose the more beautiful one by _ (compare) the differences between the two pictures.4.Antonio is liked by everyone because he is always ready _ (help) others.5.Its important for us _ _ _ (honest).作业写作题,基础训练P108


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