A Brief Probe into Thomas Hardy’s Poems

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1、托马斯.哈代的诗歌简析A Brief Probe into Thomas Hardys PoemsContentsAbstract.1Keywords.1I. Introduction.2II. Hardy and poetic creation.2III. Finding Poetry in Reality-the Presence of the Novels in Hardys Poetry.51. The narrative function of Hardys poetry is very prominent.62. Hardys poems widely use the dialog

2、ue creative form.73. Hardys realism style of poetry is against the naturalism with emphasis on realistic imagination.9IV. Hardy in the transition from romanticism to modernism.10V. Conclusion.11References11A Brief Probe into Thomas Hardys PoemsA Brief Probe into Thomas Hardys PoemsAbstract: In the l

3、ate 19th Century, England came into the period of Queen Victoria. After a long-term social stability and development, the national contradictions had emerged. The social reforms made a notable impact on the Britain literature: novel creation showed prosperous sight. By contrast, poetry has entered a

4、 more difficult phase in development after creative romanticism peak. England critical realism novelist and poet-Thomas Hardy made an outstanding contribution to the development of English novels, and also created a lot of poetry and later he won the deserved reputation in the history of literature.

5、 This article will discuss the realism style of Hardys poetry and the influence in the history of literature development by Hardys poetry and novels.Keywords: Hardy; romanticism; realism; short poetry; modernism摘要: 19世纪后期,英国进入维多利亚女王统治时期。社会持续了长期稳定的发展后,国家各种矛盾相继出现。英国文学受社会改革等影响,小说的创作呈现出繁荣的景象。相比之下,诗歌在经历了

6、浪漫主义的创作颠峰之后,进入了一个发展较为困难的阶段。英国伟大的批判现实主义小说家和诗人托马斯哈代在为英国小说的发展做出卓越贡献的同时,也创作了大量的诗歌,并在后来赢得了文学史上应得的声誉。本文将通过哈代的诗歌和小说来讨论哈代诗歌的现实主义风格及其文学发展史上的作用。关键词:哈代,浪漫主义;现时主义;短篇诗歌;现代主义I. IntroductionIn the Victorian period, the poetry was still the important genre of literature. Hardy was, so remarkably, a nineteen-century

7、 novelist as well as a twentieth-century poet, the date of his birth is now nearly one hundred and sixty years distant, the date of his death already seventy. His immense fame in his own lifetime aroused a inquisitiveness as to his personal life that he seek strenuously to resist, and since his deat

8、h, his continuing increasing reputation and popularity naturally attracted the attention of biographers. As a great novelist, Thomas Hardy fiction has had a remarkably strong appeal for general readers for decades, and drew increasingly provocative attention from academic readers. And his poetry mor

9、e recently has come to acclaim as among the most influential of the twentieth century. As a poet, Thomas Hardy created many poems with modern style and made great contribution to the literature of Britain, especially in the transition from romanticism to modernism. So he was considered one of the pi

10、oneers of modernism. Hardy presented the extraordinary master in two genres and his career spanned major parts of two literary eras.II. Hardy and Poetic CreationIn the history of English literature, Thomas Hardy is outstanding in the areas of both novels and poetry, which is not very common. Hardys

11、novels are recognized the immortal feats, such as Tess of the DUrbervilles and Jude the Obscure. And his poetry is also assessed after nearly a century years of testing. For a long time, because of the tremendous impact of Hardy on behalf of the novelist, the brightness of his poetry is covered. How

12、ever, after generations reread and study his works, people widely recognize the value of his poetry finally. Hardys achievements of poetry are not the second if it compares with the novel. As a poet, Hardy is as great as a novelist.As a writer,no matter how objective and fair the assessment that the

13、 critics gave him was, the close relationship between Hardy and poem was not doubted. In the late Victoria era, perhaps it was not difficult to imagine that people adored and worshiped the novelist Thomas Hardy not only because he began writing as his own creative career, but also followed the path

14、of poetry all the time. Speaking of his early twenties, Hardy said: “A sense of the truth of poetry, of its supreme place in literature, had awakened itself in me”(The life and Work of Thomas Hardy,1985:415) His lifes greatest desire was to become a distinguished poet, to write and to be selected by Palgrave “The Golden Treasury of the Best Song and Lyrical Poems in the English”, a kind of outstanding poetry anthology. In fact, Hardy wrote poetry for nearly sixty years, his earliest known poem was finished in 1860 and his last poem da


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