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1、牛津初中英语教学设计案一、教学课题 9A Unit1 Star Signs Reading(A)二、设计思路1教学理念:根据英语课程标准中阅读教学的方法,是让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,逐步达到教学目标规定的要求。在设计教学过程中教师应注意自己的教学设计理应充分考虑到学生的特点,根据教学大纲的要求灵活使用教材,为学生创设生动的、与其生活紧密联系的活动,以此激发学生的学习热情。学生在学习过程中带着明确的学习目标,明确自己应该做的事情,充分发展自己语言使用水平,提升综合语言使用的目的。2教学思路:本课讲述的是星座,如果仅仅照本宣科,让学生直接阅读课本、理解课本,容易

2、使学习产生厌烦心理。所以,根据新课标的要求,我在备课时,精心设计学生比较感兴趣的话题,并且借助于多媒体,把12个星座图片表现给学生,通过多媒体课件为学生创设更多的语言环境,激发学生主动参与的欲望。学生会在轻松、愉快的环境下进入角色掌握知识。同时适当安排小组讨论,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中操练,让学生在做中学,在做中练,在做中巩固,从而有效地提升课堂教学效益,达到事半功倍的效果。大体思路:设问(Ask questions)快读(Fast Reading)精读(Intensive Reading)操练(Practising)巩固(Consolidation)3教材分析:(1)背景分析:在西方的占星术



5、和重点词汇。五、教学难点 说出自己的星座并把自己的特征介绍给他人。六、教学准备本课是讲星座,我们能够利用多媒体教学手段展示了一幅幅色彩逼真、形象生动,栩栩如生的画面。叫学生通过不同的图片把不同的星座特征尽可能的找出来。多媒体展示的图画更有特色,充分地调动学生的积极性,参与性,吸引全体学生的注意力,达到了教育教学目的,培养学生英语语言综合素质有很好的指导作用。通过多媒体辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过程。增加了直观性和趣味性,增大了课堂密度,提升了教学效果。七、教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1.Teacher says: We have learnt about the twelve star s

6、igns. Can you name some of them? Revise the star signs in Period 1. The students listen to their teacher and try to spell out the star signs as much as possible.(和同学们一起复习相关星座的知识为新课做铺垫。)2. Ask the students to make dialogues like this. Then act it out in pairs.(让学生说出自己的出生时间,来判断自己的星座。) S1: How old are

7、you? S2: Im sixteen. S1: Whats your animal sign? S2: The pig. S1: When is your birthday? S2: Its on 10th February. S1: Oh, youre an Aquarius.Step 2 Presentation1.Brainstorm the vocabulary that is used to describe peoples characteristics. Encourage students to explain each word to their classmates. (

8、提问有关人的形容词,检查学生的预习情况。)energetic active impatient selfish stubborn outgoing easy-going confident modest generous etc.2. Play the tape and ask the students to listen carefully with closing the books. Then ask them to read after the tape .Follow the text on page 8 . (听录音并跟录音朗读,提高学生的模仿能力,培养学生精读的能力。)3.Ask

9、 one student at a time to read a paragraph. After each paragraph, ask students to say which part of the text they do not understand. Less able students may find some of the names of the star signs difficult. If so, do not force them to learn them by heart because they are only used here to arouse st

10、udents interest. It is more important for them to learn the adjectives that describe peoples characteristics. This will enable them to complete the Main Task at the end of the unit. (遵循学生的思维规律,层层深入,同时注意阅读课的要旨是强调阅读,真正地达到提高学生的阅读能力。)4. Ask some questions to check understanding. (检查他们掌握程度。)(1) How is a

11、year divided?(2) What decides your star signs?(3) What character do the people born on21st April have?(4) What characters do the people born in other time periods have?Based on these questions to be more familiar with the adjs that are used to describe ones characteristics5. After the students have

12、known sth. about the text, play the tape for the students to listen, let them try to understand it. (提高听力训练,强化掌握程度。)Step 3 Important points1. Important Phrases:be familiar with 对熟悉 be similar to 相似be divided into 被划分为 be patient with patients对病人有耐心energetic and active / take an active part in积极参加lea

13、rn more about western culture学更多西方文化at times =sometimes=from time to time 有时like to be the leader想成为领导者cant wait to do something / be impatient to do something 迫不及待做某事cant help doing something情不自禁做某事give up doing=stop doing something放弃做某事be curious about 对好奇take care of others=look after others照顾别人s

14、ave money / save ones life攒钱/挽救某人的生命do some cooking 烹饪be confident of=have confidence in对有信心 buy sb sth=buy sth for sb为某人买某物a modest person / never show off 谦虚的人show sb around sp带领某人参观某地pay(paid)attention to details注意细节2. Language Points:1). A year is divided into 12 different star signs. 一年分为12个不同的

15、星座。be divided into 是一个被动语态,表示“被分成”e.g. Our class is divided into six groups. All things can be divided into two.2). Some people think that you are selfish at times. 有些人认为你有时自私。at times 相当于 sometimes, from time to time3). You are patient and do not give up easily. 你有耐心,不轻易放弃。give up “放弃”,表示“放弃做某事”要用 “give up doing sth.”e.g. Jacky never gives up studying. His dream is to be the leader of his country. 4).You love your home and family, and like to take care of others.你爱家和家人,乐于助人,爱好储蓄和烹饪。take care of作“照顾、照料”解,相当于



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