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1、仁爱版英语八年级Unit6SectionB 教学设计教材分析本单元以 “ Bicycle Exploring 为话题”,以骑自行车旅行为核心内容,引出骑车的好处,比步行快,比其他交通方式省钱,环保,并能锻炼身体。进一步讲述了交通安全及交通规则、骑自行车应注意的事项,从而又引出了重点教学内容if 引导的条件状语从句,在一年级已见过,但这儿重点归纳及运用,句式有三种情况。这一课内容在初中占有重要地位。教学目标1、知识目标这一课话题是谈论交通规则及安全,要求掌握rush, cross, path, fine几个单词,会理解几个交通标志的词 pedestrian, signal, zebra cros

2、sing, crossroads、及学会用 if 条件状语从句,并能用 if 进行交谈。2、技能目标通过学习交通规则和骑自行车的安全规则,训练学生听、说、读、写等各项技能;并能准确地用所学内容进行交际、表演。3、情感态度目标让学生遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。学会珍视自己的生命,结细作,构建一个和谐的社会。学会爱惜他人的生命,从而团4、学习策略目标在学习中培养学生积极、 主动的学习方法, 克服死记硬背等消极的学习策略, 善于分组活动,在小组中积极与他人协作,取长补短,共同完成学习任务。5、文化意识目标让学生了解中国、美国、英国、澳大利亚等国的交通法规,找出中西方文化的差异;了解世界上自行车比赛的

3、情况,从而扩大视野、增长见识。教学方式采用五步教学法、任务型教学途径,让学生编对话、表演、唱英语歌、调查研究等形式来培养学生自主、探究、合作等学习能力。教学内容八年级英语下(仁爱版)Unit6 Topic3 Section B教学准备CAI 课件( 1、一个骑车人差点儿和一辆卡车相撞。为.) ,a tape recorder ,some cards2、交通标志图。3、人们的错误交通行教学过程一、创设情境,描述交通事故Step1 Revision1.Greetings.2.Warm-up.A gameTell a story about traffic accidents.(use CAI to

4、 present the scene of accidents and give them the key words to revise Section A. e.g. :bright-colored /so fast that/opposite/slow down/knock into/sharp turn/wheels/broken/call/send to.)Ask a group to retell the story .each student says one sentence with one word one by one. If he or she can not say

5、, they should sing a song.3. Look and listenLook at the screen. Teacher: Where are they going ? What are they going to do? Now listen to the tape. Then ask two students to answer the questions.(They are going to the traffic station. They are going to learn more traffic rules. ) look at their books a

6、nd read 1a. 利用游戏进行热身活动,即复习了旧知识,又自然引入新课,极大的调动学生学习兴趣,使他们很快进入状态;且用关键词复述课文,培养学生概括表达能力。Step2 PresentationUse CAI, show them a picture of a traffic station a policeman and some traffic signs. Help them learn the signs .二、亲身感受,学习交通法规Step3 DiscussT: What traffic rules do you know? Discuss in groups. After 3

7、 minutes ask some students to say their answers.S1: You must drive on the left in China.T : Yes, you are right.S2: We must obey the traffic rules. Red means stop. Green means go.T : Excellent. Clap.S3: If you cross the street, dont rush.T : Well done. You are very clever. OK. Lets listen to the poli

8、ce.(teacher plays tape recorder. write new words on the Bb: signal/ pedestrian/ rush /path/fine.) class, you are great. you just say the same as the police. Now read 1b. 让学生结合日常生活,共同探讨,总结他们知道的交通法规,在对照交警所说的加以补充,探究合作得出的答案, 记忆更牢固。 教师的及时评价给了学生很大鼓舞, 调动了他们的参与意识。 Step4 PracticeTask1. Act a policeWe know hu

9、ndreds of millions of Chinese people have bicycles. If you are a police .Please tell them how to ride safely. He or she must go to the front, wear police uniforms/hat, hold a stick. e.g.: Attention, please. Pedestrians must obey traffic rules, dont rush when you cross the street.If everyone obeys th

10、e traffic rules, the road will be safe.(T: congratulations. Riding bikes is a good way to keep healthy, but dont forget to pay attention to the rules. ) 引导和鼓励学生亲自参与教学活动,培养学生参与意识和探究合作学习的良好品质,让学生养成动脑、动手、动口的好习惯。三、争当交警,辨别交通行为Step5 look and say1. Picture1 A man parks in the wrong place. Students say :The

11、 man breaks the traffic rules. Task2 Make a dialogue according to Pictures. Work in pairs.SA: Excuse me, sir. Is this your car?SB: Yes, it is.2. Picture 2 .A man is driving fast. A police car is running after it.3. Picture 3 .A woman is riding motorbike through the red light.T: In our daily life, we

12、 must obey the rules, or it can be dangerous. 利用幻灯展现真实场景,形象逼真;学生的对话幽默逗人,极大调动了学生的兴趣,培养学生的语言交际能力。 四 .安全骑车 ,遵守交通法规Step6 Discuss and learnTask3 .Make a surveyAsk your classmates How do they usually go to school? Work in groups.NameVehiclesNumberShangJiuling s groupBybike12JiangAnlongsgroupBy bike15Zhaol

13、ing sgroupBybike16Zhang Yanhong s groupBy bike13From the result, we know most of us go to school by bike. Can you say some advantages about cycling?Discuss in four. Fill in the blanks.1. It can cost very little.2. It can _.(avoid air pollution .)3. It can _.(need less space than cars.)4. Cycling is_

14、.(good exercise.)5. It is _. (important for our health.) Read Part3 .Check the answer.教学反思本 的 堂 有如下几个亮点:亮点一: 在 一 教学中, 老 采用了任 型教学途径; 充分体 了教 从学生的需要出 来 教学;根据学生已有的知 水平,生活 , 趣 好 活 ,使教学 程呈 出 生互 、 生生互 的和 状 , 使每一个活 都 示出可操作性, 切 英 堂活起来, 学生 起来。 一 分了 几个活 , 交通事故、当交警 交通 、 辨 交通行 、做交通 志牌。 每一个活 相 , 呈 水到渠成, 任 具体可行。 体 了 “ 用 而学,在用中学,学了就用 ”的教学理念。亮点二 :体 了教 主 , 学生主体的地位。打破了 的老 学生听的 堂灌教学方式。老 很好地把握住了自己的角色,当好引 、 、合作,裁判者。如引 学生用关 述故事,帮助学生分辨交通行 ,在学生有困 及 予帮助,在肯定学生的答案 ,及 予 价 (Good/You are


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