Translate English andChinese Names and Their Cultural Connotation英语专业毕业论文

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《Translate English andChinese Names and Their Cultural Connotation英语专业毕业论文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Translate English andChinese Names and Their Cultural Connotation英语专业毕业论文(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Translate English and Chinese Names and Their Cultural Connotation目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-6正文6-32答辩委员会表决意见33答辩过程记录表34一、 课题(论文)提纲1.引言2.姓名与文化的关联。3.比较研究中英两个姓名系统。3.1.1这种现象表明了姓名的文化内涵与原始的图腾崇拜有关。3.1.2姓名是一种意识寻根的表现3.1.3姓名的潜在意义3.2中英文姓名制度的差别3.2.1姓氏反映了不同国家的文化3.2.2姓氏反映的文化内涵3.2.3姓名中映射出父权制,儒家崇拜,宗教等社会文化。3.2.4姓名

2、体现出的社会阶级3.2.5姓名的其他表现4姓名姓名姓名的翻译4.1中英姓名翻译的基本规则4.1.1中文名译英文名4.2.2英文名译中文名5.结论 二、内容摘要姓名,作为一种文化载体,蕴涵着极其丰富的文化内涵,英汉姓名因而存在着巨大的文化差异。姓名不仅仅是一种简单的区别于他人的符号,它同时也代表一种社会文化现象,被喻为“文化的镜像”。通过对英汉姓名的历史渊源,宗教信仰,价值观念等的对比研究,揭示出英汉姓名的深层文化内涵及社会文化因素的影响,进而对这种富载文化内涵的姓名的翻译提出翻译原则和翻译翻译方法。英汉文化的共性,如图腾崇拜,寻根意识,特指性,心理暗示等使英汉不同姓名的系统中出现一些类同的现象

3、 。英汉文化内涵的差异,如中国的宗教观念,崇儒思想,等级制度等文化因素都可以从中国人的姓名中反映出来。而英语民族的宗教信仰,个人取向,强调个性也在英语姓名中有所反映。由于英汉姓名的文化差异,在翻译英汉姓名时应遵循“名从主人原则”和“约定俗成原则”,采取音译法和释义法,或者两者相结合,使人名的真实内涵得到体现。二、 参考文献1 吴芳. 姓名的跨文化研究. 广西大学, 2002. P1; 2 邓卫峰. 姓名, 透视文化的窗口汉英姓名对比研究. 河北师范大学,2002, P2;3 孙守玉,岳红丽. 英语姓名文化渊源浅探J. 淄博学院学报, 2001, 9, 第17卷第3期: P51; 4 同3, P

4、51;5 龚爱华. 英汉姓名文化内涵比较及其互译要领J. 南京审计学院学报, 2005, 5, 第2卷第2期: P82; 6 黄碧蓉. 英汉姓名的文化底蕴及其翻译J. 安徽工业大学学报, 2004, 7, 第27卷第4期: P81; 7 同1, P31;8 同1, P6;9 任瑞. 跨文化交际下的中英姓氏比较研究J. 苏州大学, 2004. P9;10 同9, P10;11 李世荣. 英语姓名的文化阐释J. 延安教育学院学报, 2002, 第3期: P34;12 同6, P80;13 饶小飞. 汉英人名姓氏的文化心态来源与命名习俗探微J. 培陵师范学院学报, 2003, 7 第17卷第3期:

5、P58; 14 同2, P11;15 同2, P16;16 同11, P35; 17 汪旭琴. 从文化渊源看汉英姓名习俗J. 安徽电子信息职业技术学院, 2004, 第1期: P75;18 同2, P44;19 同2, P44;20 章辉. 汉语姓名与汉民族文化心理特征J. 毕节师范高等专科学院学报, 2005, 6, 第23卷第2期: P14; 21 任朝迎. 中国人姓名的音译之探讨J. 有色金属设计, 2003, 第30卷第2期:P70; 22 同1, P39;23 同4, P82;24 李庆云. 英语姓名的来源及其翻译J. 大同职业技术学院学报, 2002, 9, 第16卷第3期: P4

6、9; 25 朱红梅. 英语人名翻译初探J. 郑州轻工业学院学报,2002,3, 第3卷第1期: P79; 26 同13, P49;27 隋荣谊. 英汉翻译新教程M. 中国电力出版社,2004,5. P237.Translate English and Chinese Names and Their Cultural Connotation Abstract As carriers of cultures, Chinese and English names are full of cultural connotations, and result in cultural gap between

7、 English and Chinese. Personal names are not only symbols that distinguish one person from others, but also social symbols. It is “a mirror of culture”. Through comparative study on a nations history, religion, concepts of moral and value, we can see different cultural connotations between English a

8、nd Chinese names. And then suggest some translation principles and methods. There are some similarities between English and Chinese names, such as totemism, consciousness of root-seeking, specializing points. In Chinese names, we can find the culture of religious concepts, Confucian-worship, hierarc

9、hy. And the religion, personal-orientation, individualism can also be found in English names. In the translation of Chinese and English names, translators should follow the pronunciation of the owners language and adopt the established popular translated names, use transliteration and paraphrase so

10、as to reflect the real meaning of English and Chinese names.Key Words English names and Chinese names; cultural connotation; translation principle; translation method1IntroductionNames are used by human beings and they are the signs for people to distinguish one person from the others. They have som

11、e particular functions that no other signs can perform. They are not only linguistic symbols, but also social symbols, representing relationship in societies and cultures. “Each person has his name which distinguishes himself from other members in the community, and each country has its own name sys

12、tem owing to their different historical and cultural background”. 1 P1 In a word, personal names are windows for people to see through different cultures in different societies. For these reasons, the translation of Chinese and English names should follow the pronunciation of the owners country and

13、adopt the established popular translated names, use transliteration and paraphrase so as to reflect the real meaning of Chinese and English names.2Relation between personal name and culturePersonal names are the products of the historical development of human society. They reflect the ancient civili

14、zation and splendid cultures from different respects. The choice of name tells something about human society and reflects the social culture. Therefore, the development of personal names cannot be isolated from the social culture background. Names are the inseparable part of culture and the inevitab

15、le outcome of cultural evolution. Like other linguistic phenomena they play the role of carrier and propagator of cultures.Culture influences every aspect of human social life and influences peoples behavior. Personal names are the outcome of peoples behavior, so the influence of culture can be seen from the changing of personal names. For example, “in ancient China, “龟” (gui, tortoise)was



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