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1、本科毕业论文海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析学生姓名: 学生学号: 200320207047 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科5班 指导教师: 二七年五月A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes Towards Love Between Hester and CamillaZou LijunUnder the Supervision ofZhang Yihua School of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007ContentsAbstract.IKey

2、 Words.I摘要.II关键词.IIIntroduction.1I. The Different Backgrounds of Hester and Camilla2A. The Influence of Puritanism upon Hesters Poor Fate.2 B. Condemn from Royal Family and the Public towards Camilla4II. Differences in Character between Hester and Camilla.6A. Hesters Guilty Feelings.6 B. Camillas Co

3、nfidence7III. Rebellious Spirits.8 A. Hesters Three Main Rebellions.8 1. Insistence on the Guardianship over Pearl.8 2. Disclosing of the Hypocrisy of Chillingworth.8 3. Encouraging Dimmesdale Fleeing away with her.9 B. Camillas Rebellion.9IV. Views of Love by Comparison.10 A. The Influence of Femin

4、ism upon Hesters Attitude to Love.10 B. Camillas Active Attitude to her Love12V. Different Results.13 A. Hesters Tragic Results.13 B. Camillas Winning of the Respect and Marrying Charles.14Conclusion.16Acknowledgements.17Bibliography18AbstractHawthorne was a 19th century American novelist and short

5、story writer. The Scarlet Letter is his masterpiece, which reflects how the Puritanism devastates the human spirits and peoples longing for happiness. From the feminist point of view, The Scarlet Letter is also a novel about a rebellious woman, Hester. It creatively deduces that the heroine is fight

6、ing against the patriarchal oppression on her. The woman image that advocates feminism and seeks the romantic love is outstanding especially in Puritan society. Even though she is strong, brave, industrious, kindhearted, and with a lofty devoting spirit, her whole life is very tragic in the end. Cam

7、illa is now a “controversial” Princess in the English royal family, since she was Charless mistress for a long time before their marriage. Although Hester and Camilla are women in different eras, they have something in common. They have painful experiences of marriages without love. “Love is built o

8、n ideal soil, while marriage is on the basis of reality” (Xiong Wen, 82). Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes their attitudes towards love by comparison. There are similarities among their views of love. For example, both of them are rebellious women and eager to gain true love, struggling against

9、 the loveless marriages. The paper mostly demonstrates the differences from the aspects of different backgrounds, different characters, rebellious spirits, different views of love and results.Key WordsHester; Camilla; love; comparison; feminist consciousness摘要纳撒尼尔霍桑是19世纪美国的著名小说家和作家。长篇小说红字是霍桑的代表作。它充分


11、角度对她们进行对比分析。海丝特与卡米拉的爱情观,同中有异,异中有同,都具有反叛和抗争,渴望得到真爱,都在无爱的婚姻中苦苦挣扎。论文将就她们的不同点:时代背景的不同,性格特征的不同,反叛方式,爱情观以及其结局的不同等方面对论文主题进行阐述。关键词海丝特;卡米拉;爱情;对比;女权主义意识IntroductionThe Scarlet Letter represents the height of Hawthornes literary genius. The Puritan setting enables Hawthorne to portray the human soul under extr

12、eme pressures. Hester is the heroine of Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter. She makes the way to rebellion not only in her thought but also in her action. As a woman, she always wants to find consolation and enjoyment from her husband or lover. She admires and seeks for the ideal marriage. Hester is eage

13、r to gain brightness and freedom. But her heart is always full of contradiction and grief. The punishment of Puritanism and humiliation of the people make her merely crazy. It is a pity that Dimmesdales cowardice and Puritanisms restraint lead her life to a tragic ending. In a sense, as a woman suffering from spirit sorrow, she is still loyal to Dimmesdale. She is a good model for the women of new generation. From her, people can know about the intrinsic meaning of true love.Camilla, as a controversial Princess, lives in Modern English royal family. By comparison with Hester, she



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