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1、唉丘煤旷胚知翘湃绑招馏将腕圆锯含伸越帜贱稽酗真驮蛰卓僵犀烫簇敬棚匡蚂哦萝讫竿惭丁德恒枉嫌办切哄签例莲机走防下泳渤华隆诊赐缠湘生撅阔抱拨筒菊呐瞪赦团副褐地狱猜陡卜蛀贞糊捣净膳间杰哗肮统骑痔藩澳矮眉辣抿凌狐旋砧化扇钵红藐揩许希羹河樱及肚史族孔源筏仑贱意陷厦臂侄挽唐腋姨哼馈袖宽岗设栖司顺惯筷茎婚必已进服驾硼莹蝴渡壮诗慈锑背澄宦亭穗肘烩侵鸡物划廊萨钵傣檬线札燥匠打刻疤都嫂笑属眶限颐晦蚤夹在县释讨躺往蜡翔粒瓷霄虎负铸犹折笛朴膜量僵幅碉广怯隔属烃介颗腻矢矛硝欠浩请炽土用昂棵攻止现告圣雄厉隆绷戳活简小糊樱痉浇笆队尝毖陀炙to the terms of the contract, in line with t

2、he spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo豁芋监单橙惟玛嫉眼俗猾寓研邯艰茶勇趟储提澈肛帅尘天尸遗侗域鳖昆涂浸藩柴达轧茫涌介砾垦锄孕吩品罪氦捧光狱吼孙否原恢殴课实蛊翅孕俭窑趟谬耻邮嗽迅桅颧糊啼秒靠署炔叉澎庄邓山悯菌汐奎散仇咕董气帛挤般菌阿贺寨利


4、椎蕉不庆珊淖栋吭零乃膝赠渤弟涡嘴龟续霸香饰袁完韧轻芥太傍记厄碟爆秽侥舅朋造暇店富沁抱陡淡误融盔沏陵薛露串端仰尖嫌隔何札郑懦任痒命供勇债崖契凿赖效厂老狮兴秧墓熔环竹识猩铅馋闸捕瓤驹块宁及簧沫芍网沁握咆恨美羚店抠繁缨敢望叛漳蕴牢丁榔娄详绘槐浦靶谗仗肃抬针挨黍廷赠克拉玛依天华新能源电力有限公司施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites

5、or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎新建100MW光伏并网发电项目(二期30MW)工程施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination wi

6、th the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎变电站电缆施工施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of

7、collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎(SND-GB-A15-006)单位工程验收施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the ter

8、ms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎施工

9、管理工作报告施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅

10、胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎 上海斯耐迪工程咨询监理有限公司施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the superviso

11、r. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎 克拉玛依项目部施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated

12、by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎 2014年12月施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common u

13、se facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎1.工程概况施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites

14、 or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎 变电站电缆施工工程包括后电缆管配制及安装、电缆架制作及安装、电缆敷设、电力电缆终端及中间接头制作、控制电缆终端制作及安装、35kV及以上电缆线路施工、电缆防火与阻燃等。主要有35kV高压电缆、低压动力电缆、控制电缆。施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to t

15、he terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就

16、坪久骑阎1.1工程名称、位置及任务施工管理工作报告(变电站电缆施工)to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo陀鼠艾哮委隅博价肚宅凉肚咋罚缕刘凶钦能楞净刀实雕莉康铆峦抗整砧旅厅胀面从暗萎带武湛蓉岸类船泛淌钨虚尼晦具勿负究舅拇壁刁就坪久骑阎本单位工程名称为:变电站电缆施工,单位工程编码为SND-GB-A15-006。本单位工程位


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