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1、blind Board operational security requirements 1. blocking blind Board operations required to handle blocking blind Board operating license, no blocking blind Board operating license are not allowed to smoke blocking blind Board operations. 2. it is strictly prohibited to alter, lent the blocking bli

2、nd Board operating license. Content conversion and expansion of operations or transfer jobs site, again for blocking blind Board operating license. 3. incomplete job approval procedures, safety measures are not implemented, work environment does not meet security requirements, workers have the right

3、 to refuse to work. 4. toxic gas piping, equipment blocking blind Board, non-irritant gas pressure should be less than 200 mm Hg; irritant gas pressure should be less than 50 mm Hg; gas temperature should be less than 60 degrees. 5. Technical Department responsible for drawing blind location map, nu

4、mbers the blind, construction personnel work, blind location map by technology archive for future reference. 6. the blind plug operating personnel must wear appropriate personal protective equipment, must designate a person responsible for blocking blind Board work, and to designate a person respons

5、ible for monitoring. Guardians are advised by experienced officers. , Guardian jobs people must wear appropriate protective equipment as required, and guardians must check, implementing relevant safety measures on the job. Guardians must adhere to the scene, and emergency treatment. Job guardian sha

6、ll not leave the job site before the end. 7. the job complicated, dangerous places, apart from the guardian, also company leadership, safety and Environment Department, is responsible for personnel. Involving the entire production system, head of the technical department must be present. 8. in place

7、s where inflammable and explosive work, place within 30 metres without hot work operations; task lighting should use explosion-proof lamps and explosion-proof tools should be used, prohibition of beating with an iron pipe, flange, etc. 9. high blocking blind Board operation shall follow the provisio

8、ns of license for working at height. 10. construction unit to blind a lot according to the requirements of the permit to work, the implementation of safety measures, work can be carried out. 11. is strictly prohibited on the same pipe simultaneously in two places and two or more blocking blind Board

9、 operations. When plugging multiple blind, blind to blind location map and plates number by construction General Manager, unity of command assignments. 12. signs in each blocking blind Board shows that blind location. (C) the blocking blind Board permits the management of 1. . Blind location map, im

10、plement security measures, after the approval of the technical department, assignment units (staff) to confirm. Job complex, dangerous places required security audits of the Department of environmental protection, the company in charge of safety Vice President for approval. 4. approve a good blockin

11、g blind Board operating license in triplicate, main contractors, operating units, each hold a copy of the bio section. 5. after the end of the job, jobs, technical土方开挖施工方案编制人:审核人:审批人:泰华建筑工程有限公司目 录1编制依据12工程概况23施工部署24施工准备35土方工程施工46质量保证措施57环境保证措施58安全文明措施59管理人员安排6一、编制依据1、建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB502022002 2、建筑

12、基坑支护技术规程JGJ120-99 3、衡水丽景华苑住宅小区岩土工程勘察报告(HF2011-139)4、丽景华苑1#13#、14#、15#楼及地下车库施工图纸二、工程概况2.1现场概况拟建“丽景华苑地下车库”工程位于衡水市中华北大街和永安路交叉口。地下车库为框架结构,筏板混凝土基础。2.2 工程地质根据岩土工程勘察报告,场区地层主要为粉质土、粘土2.3水文条件浅层地下水埋藏浅,地下水类型为孔隙潜水微承压水,其主要补给来源为大气降水和工业、民用弃水入渗回归。由于区内地形平坦,坡降小,侧向径流微弱。地下水位主要受大气降水因素影响,地下水位埋深约4.105.20米年,高于基地埋深6.5米。高水位多出

13、现在汛期的89月份或稍滞后些时间,低水位多出现在56月份。年水位变幅约23米。丽景华苑工程共计14栋住宅楼,我施工单位派驻四个项目部进行施工。3施工部署3.1 施工总体部署根据工程特点,本工程为地下工程,采用大开挖施工,基础在潜水层以下,因此需进行降水施工,降水方式为管井降水,具体布置详见丽景华苑项目部井点布置图。3.1施工总体流程施工准备(人员、材料、机具等,临水、临电及临设等)测量、放线、定位基坑土方挖运(分步进行)清槽底施工后续工程施工。3.1.1基本原则:将开挖现场分成四个区域从里往外,分两层进行开挖。开挖深度从自然地坪(绝对标高+20.000米)计算总计5.6米,挖土方量总计21.4

14、万立方米,回填9.67万立方米。首先用220型挖掘机将现场的建筑垃圾及红砂(深度1米)进行清除,再进行第二层开挖。待地下水位降至基坑底50cm以下后进行第二层开挖深度3.82米(绝对标高14.880米),最后用55型挖掘机进行桩间土的开挖,开挖深度0.5米,预留0.3米厚的浮土进行人工开挖与清理。3.1.2施工单位土方开挖进行分段,按照分区顺序进行开挖。详见附图:(根据现场主楼打桩顺序及土方运输方向进行土方开挖;土方运输第二、十四项目部由南向北进行运输,第八项目部由北向南运输,第十八项目部由东向西运输。4施工准备4.1技术工作准备4.1.1 组织施工管理人员认真学习施工图纸和设计方案,掌握施工

15、特点。4.1.2 认真学习监理规程,积极配合监理单位工作,保证各项工作顺利进行。4.1.3 基础开挖灰线内所有地上原有建筑物拆除清理完毕。4.1.4 施工方案得以确认,并对所有参加施工的人员进行工程情况交底,施工方法交底,安全技术交底及安全教育。4.2 劳务人员计划及管理 如表1表1 土方劳务人员计划表序号施工工种人数(人)职 责备 注1施工班组长4负责土方挖运指挥、协调专业人员2挖土机操作手8负责土方开挖、装车及地下障碍物破碎持证上岗3运土车司机16负责土方外运持证上岗4技术人员清槽人员840负责标高控制及主控线控制清理槽低熟练工人劳务人员管理安排综合素质好的施工队伍,本工程选用的施工人员均具有丰富的施工经验和较强的业务能力,并具有令行禁止、信守承诺、敢打硬仗、突击能力强的优良品质。本工程从管理层到施工层,全部实行标准化管理,以确保各项施工目标的顺利实现。根据本工程施工质量要求高、工期紧的特点,选用参加过同类工程施工的劳务队伍,其中主要技术工种及特殊工种坚持先培训考核后持证上岗。根据施工进度计划要求和工期安排,随时增加劳务人员,在人力资源上给与充分保证。合理安排施工人员生活,按队组编制,组织上岗培训,主要有:操作技术、安全施工、规章制度和


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