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1、健身房管理系统可行性研究报告The Management System of Gym-Feasibility Report健身房管理系统 The Management System of Gym可行性研究报告Feasibility ReportV2.0拟 制 人 “旋木”项目组全体成员 审 核 人 喻 国 柱 批 准 人 二零一二年三月二十日1 引言 INSTRUCTION- 3 -1.1 编写目的 Writing Purpose- 3 -1.2 背景 Background- 4 -1.3 定义 Definition- 5 -1.4 参考资料 Reference Material- 5 -2

2、可行性研究的前提- 6 -2.1 要求 Request- 6 -2.2 目标 Target- 9 -2.3 条件、假定和限制 Conditions, Assumptions and Limitations- 10 -2.4 进行可行性研究的方法 Conduct a feasibility study- 10 -2.5 评价尺度 Rating Scale- 11 -3 对现有系统的分析- 12 -3.1 处理流程和数据流程 Processes and Data Flow- 12 -3.1.1 人工系统流程图 The Manual System Flowchart- 12 -3.1.2 个体健身房

3、会员管理系统流程图Individual Gym Membership Management System Flowchart- 12 -3.1.3 连锁健身房会员管理系统流程图 Gym Membership Chain Management System Flowchart- 13 -3.1.5 连锁健身房查询系统流程图 Chain Gym Query System Flow Chart- 13 -3.2 工作负荷Workloads- 14 -3.3 费用开支 Expenses- 15 -3.4 人员 Staff- 16 -3.5 设备 Equipment- 16 -3.6 局限性 Limit

4、ations- 17 -4 所建议的系统 THE SUGGESTED SYSTEM- 17 -4.1 对所建议系统的说明 The Specification of Suggested System- 17 -4.2 处理流程和数据流程 The Manage and Data Process- 18 -4.3 改进之处 Improvement- 18 -4.4 影响 Influence- 19 -4.4.1 对设备的影响 Influence to Equipment- 19 -4.4.2 对软件的影响 Influence to Software- 19 -4.4.3 对用户单位机构的影响 Inf

5、luence to Department of User- 19 -4.4.4 对系统运行过程的影响 Influence to System Process- 20 -4.4.5 对开发的影响 Influence to Development- 20 -4.4.6 对地点和设施的影响 Influence to Place and Equipment- 20 -4.4.7 对经费开支的影响 Influence to Funds- 21 -4.5 技术条件方面的可能性 The Possible of Technology- 21 -5 可选择的其他系统方案 OPTIONAL SYSTEM PROG

6、RAM- 22 -5.1 可选择的系统方案 Alternative system programs- 22 -6 投资及效益分析 INVESTMENT AND BENEFIT ANALYSIS- 24 -6.1 支出 Expenditure- 24 -6.1.1 基本建设投资 Investment in Capital Construction- 24 -6.1.2 非一次性支出 Non-one-time expenditures- 24 -6.1.3 其他一次性支出 Other one-time expenditures- 25 -6.2 收益 Income- 26 -6.2.1 一次性收益

7、 One-off gain- 26 -6.2.2 非一次性收益 Non-one-off gain- 26 -6.3 收益/投资比 Income / investment ratio- 27 -6.4 敏感性分析 Sensitivity analysis- 27 -7. 社会因素方面的可能性THE POSSIBILITY OF SOCIAL FACTORS- 27 -7.1 法律方面的可行性 The Legal Aspects of the Feasibility- 27 -7.2 使用方面的可行性 The Feasibility of the Use- 28 -7.3 操作方面的可能性 The

8、 Possibility of Operational- 29 -7.4 技术上的可行性 The Feasibility of Technical- 30 -7.5 经济上的可行性 The Feasibility of the Economic- 30 -8. 结论 CONCLUSION- 31 -1 引言 Instruction 可行性研究报告是对健身房管理系统的全盘考虑,是小组成员成功开发项目的前提与基础。通过可行性研究可以使小组成员尽早的估计课题的可行性,在定义阶段较早的认识到系统方案的缺陷,能够节省人力、物力和财力,对软件开发中将要面临的问题及其解决方案进行初步设计及合理安排。The

9、feasibility report is the overall consideration of gym management system; it is the premise and foundation for the successful development of the team members. Through the feasibility report, the team members can estimate the feasibility of the project as soon as possible, know the defects of the sys

10、tem in the early stage of the definition, also can save human, material and financial resources, preliminary design and reasonable arrangement for the facing problems and the solutions in the development of software.1.1 编写目的 Writing Purpose 通过我们进行的市场调查以及网上调查,发现随着社会的进步,生活水平的提高,人们的健身意识越来越强,健身房作为专业的健身服


12、健身房经营过程中的各种管理需求。Through the market research and online surveys we carried on, found that with the progress of the society, the improvement of living standard, peoples fitness awareness is more and more strong, gym as a professional fitness service industry become more and more welcome. There has dem

13、and and then will have the market, as the demand of people, the gym has become indispensable place exercise fitness. At present, a lot of fitness enterprises are extending chain operation, and the characteristics of the management chain operation is scattered business, unified management, sharing in

14、formation. But the present management model of the gym business system shows many limitations, such as artificial operation arbitrary, information circulation links, slow response and so on, all that causes the waste of human and material. In the information modern society, it urgently need a more c

15、omplete gym management system, convenient operation, convenient information exchange.Aiming the present situation of the gym, providing them a fully automatic computer management of software, in order to improve the staff work efficiency, to do better for the management of customer, reduce the management cost, the management system of gym developed by the Carousel team according to its daily work process design, using the advanced technology and



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