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1、辽宁省葫芦岛市建昌县2024届九年级上学期期末检测英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解A Star Woman Wang Zhenyi(王贞仪)Wang Zhenyi, born in 1768, was a great woman scientist in Qing Dynasty(朝代). At that time, girls couldnt get good education, but her father encouraged her to read books and educate herself. She became interested in astron

2、omy (天文学) , math, geography, medicine and poems. In 1786, she decided to give much attention to astronomy, math and poems. After years of hard work, she achieved a lot. Her achievements Found out when the eclipses(日蚀; 月蚀) of the sun and the moon would happenLearned a lot about how the sun, the moon

3、and the earth move in spaceMade some new rules in math. Wrote many books and poemsSadly, Wang Zhenyi died when she was only 29 years old. Even though her life was short, her thoughts and discoveries live on. In 2000, a planet was named after her. Her spirit and hard work continue to inspire (激励) peo

4、ple today. 1When was Wang Zhenyi born? A. In 1768.B. In 1786.C. In 1797.D. In 2000. 2According to the passage, what did Wang Zhenyi decide to give much attention to? A. Math, geography and medicine.B. Astronomy, math and poems. C. Astronomy, medicine and poems.D. Astronomy, medicine and geography. 3

5、What can we learn from Wang Zhenyi? A. It is easy to become successful.B. Nothing is impossible if we work hard. C. Women are always wiser than men.D. Its impossible for a woman to be a scientist. 4In which part of a magazine can you probably read the passage? A. Health.B. Business.C. Sports.D. Peop

6、le. Nancys boss has just let her know that her customers products are about to leave the company. And then he tells her theres a problem. “The products were damaged (损坏) by someone in our company,” the boss says. “But this shouldnt affect the use of the products. If the customers find it, well say i

7、t was caused by the trucking(货运) company that delivered(运载) the products.”Hearing this, Nancy feels uncomfortable.” But didnt our workers damage the products? “Her boss looks at her, “Yeah, but the customers dont know that. Ill just say they were damaged while they were delivered. Dont worry, the cu

8、stomers wont even notice the damage.”Nancys boss walks out. Nancy sits at her desk and shes not sure what to do. She knows its dishonest to blame (将归咎于) the damage on the trucking company. Its also dishonest to cheat her customers and give them less perfect products. Many of us have to make decision

9、s that make who we are and what we believe in. Most often, we face a choice that may seem insignificant(微不足道的). But this doesnt mean that theyre not important to us because even the smallest action may make a difference to us. 5Who makes the products less perfect? A. The trucking company.B. Workers

10、in Nancys company. C. Nancys boss.D. Nancys customers. 6What does the boss plan to do if the damage is found by the customers? A. He will say sorry to the customers.B. He doesnt know what to do about that. C. He will cheat the customers.D. He will tell the truth. 7The underlined word “affect” in the

11、 second paragraph means _.A. keepB. divideC. influenceD. provide8From the passage we can infer(推断) that _. A. Nancy may be an honest personB. the products have already left the company C. the damage of the products is easily noticedD. Nancy thinks her boss is cleverWhat does it mean to be green? Gre

12、en is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environment. Buying a green product is a small step everyone can take. Deciding whether a product is green, however, isnt always easy. Here is what we may keep in mind. The materials of a product are usually our first fo

13、cus(关注). What is it made of? Are there any harmful chemicals in it? Green products are made of more natural materials. Packaging(外包装) is important. How is a product packaged? Is it over packaged? Wed better choose glass, metal and paper packaging. Location(地点) matters. Where was a product produced?

14、Where are we buying it? Try to choose local products. It is a good idea to order directly from local farmer, shop at markets. Look into what the company tells us about their product. Its easy to say that a product is “green” or “all natural”, but the words may be too good to be true. After all, comp

15、anies try to make us believe that their products are environmentally responsible. The greenest thing is certainly the one we dont buy. Things like food and clothing are necessary for life. But many others are not. Better than buying is keeping money in our pockets, reduces(减少)waste and keeps the planet healthy. 9The writer would suggest choosing a product that is _.A. over packagedB. delivered from abroad C. locally producedD. made of unnatural materials10In Paragraph 5 probably tells us _.A. we can easily understand the information. B. we shouldnt compl


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